Results for: gay marriage
Also.Also.Also: “Honey, We’re Praying for You” and Other Stories We Missed This Week
To L-Fest and back, but definitely not to Albania.
Also.Also.Also: Exploring Women(‘s Lives) and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Everything’s coming out gay!
VIDEO: Texas Baptist Pastor Defends Obama’s Gay Marriage Position, Suggests Anti-Gays “Take A Chill Pill”
“He swore to protect and uphold the constitution, not the Bible, but the Constitution of the United States. He is not the pastor of the United States, he’s the President of the United States.”
It’s Sunday Funday and Exodus International Simply No Longer Exists!
This week: an out Latina takes the bench, Exodus International throws in the towel, and actual female athletes make up for my overuse of typically sports-oriented phrases in this excerpt.
GLAAD’s Studio Responsibility Index On Gay Representation Recalls Last Year’s Awful Movies
“Of the 101 films released last year by the six major studios, only five films contained any semblance of queer lady representation.”
Edie Windsor Recognized On Time’s Person of the Year Short List
In turn, the “matriarch of the gay-rights movement” released a statement recognizing the gay community. Recognition all around!
NOM Thinks Anti-Gay Views Are, Like, So Fetch Right Now
With 75 Republicans signing on for gay marriage, how on earth will NOM stay relevant?
Marriage Equality Ads And The Strange Case of the Missing Gay Person
Maybe you’ve seen one of the pro-gay marriage ads. Maybe you’ve noticed something… missing… from them.
Sunday Funday Is Comin’ Out Round the Mountain
Get it? Coming out? Ugh.
We Won Another Thing! New Zealand Passes Same-Sex Marriage!
Who knew that April 2013 would be such a game changer for marriage equality? Louisa Wall, that’s who!
Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Prop 8, Is Skeptical About Legal Standing
Today, the court heard oral arguments related to Prop 8, and everyone has thoughts on how they might rule in response. Now we just have to wait about three more months to actually find out!
Sunday Funday: The Two-Moms-Are-Better-Than-One Edition
Happy Mother’s Day, queermos!
Also.Also.Also: The Gays Are Accidentally Equal in Costa Rica and Other Stories We Missed This Week
I just wanted to U-Haul, y’know? Whatever. I’m gonna go put on a dress and catch a WNBA game.
Lez Liberty Lit #40: A Page-Turner At Heart
Novels in one sentence, “Hild,” libraries, queer poetry, semi-colons, classic literature reenacted by Lego, schools facing funding cuts for making students read queer literature and more.
My Personal Is Political: Reconciling My Trauma With My Feminism
“It eventually stopped. I don’t know how long it went on for. I’m not sure where I live, but I know it’s not in my body; everything felt like nothing and I didn’t know where that place was.”
Also.Also.Also: The IRS Targeted LGBT Groups And Other Stories We Missed This Week
The IRS doesn’t discriminate when it comes to discrimination, Andrea Gibson and Kelsey Gibb launch a new website, Brazil legalized same-sex marriage and much more.
Also.Also.Also: Everything the Homophobes Told You Was A Lie and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Family matters, queer poetry, undocumented LGBT immigrants and more!
North Carolina’s Amendment One Passes, Outlawing Already-Illegal Gay Marriage
“I have never seen a community mount such a forceful, unified, creative response to a collective threat. I have never had so many neighbors tell me, “Your battle is mine too.”
Sunday Funday Has Officially Come Out In Support of Gay Marriage, Like The Rest Of The Planet
This Sunday Funday, every single person on Earth will come out in favor of marriage equality. No but really, at least five will!
Check Out The Gay-Wedded Winners of the Marriage Equality Giveaway Package!
Remember Autostraddle’s Marriage Equality Wedding Giveaway? Are you ready to see how perfect Abby and Lani’s wedding was?