Results for: gay marriage
You Need Help: Are You Asexual or Was Having Sex With Dudes Just the Worst?
“I was bred as a Southern Baptist, which gave me plenty of reasons not to let a guy touch my boobs. For example, it would break Jesus’ heart. And also I would go to hell.”
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue Seventeen, November 2015
It would be like Rachel’s “Helping you Help Yourself,” but with more of a Stef vibe and maybe just a series of gifs or images with captions that get right to the heart of the matter. Like “DON’T GO TO WORK LATE, ASSHOLE.”
Jeanne Córdova Dies At 67: Goodbye to the Activist and Writer Who Lead The Way We’re Going
“We built a movement by telling each other our lives and thoughts about the way life should be. We cut against the grain and re-thought almost everything. “
Sunday Funday, Fortune Feimster, and Laverne Cox Wanna Make Your Queer Dreams Come True
Fortune Feimster is living the dream, a puppy is playing soccer better than I ever have, Matalan loves gay families and so does Hillary Clinton, and also did I mention there’s a cat in here that is also a nurse and also Jazz honoring Laverne Cox? Don’t miss out. Get in here!
Boob(s On Your) Tube: Lesbian Death, Bisexual Resurrection, Aliens In Love, And The Most Awkward Dinner Party of All Time
Scream Queen, Grey’s Anatomy, Empie, Steven Universe, Carmilla, Arrow, Rosewood, Grandfathered, and so much more!
Sunday Funday’s All About the Tubmans, Baby (And These Super Gay Cities)
A fish you’ll wish you could snuggle, gay taxis and gay streetlights, Hillary Clinton’s heartfelt letter to the couple from her heartwarming campaign announcement, a prominent voice in Irish media comes out and doesn’t give a f*ck about her damn reputation, Brittney Griner and Glory Johnson tie the knot, the Church of Scotland opens doors for queers, and Harriet Tubman might be the new face of the $20 bill. How’s them apples?
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory Loves Hypocrisy, Hates Trans People Using Correct Bathrooms
NC Governor Pat McCrory is having a meltdown over a Charlotte ordinance that protects LGBT rights, new data shows that up to half of gay and bisexual black men are at risk for HIV, abortion restrictions go into law in Louisiana, and more news.
Lesbian Lawsuit in Future for Homophobic Psychic Landlord
Psychic and homophobic landlord refused to rent to a lesbian couple, HRC endorses Hillary Clinton, it’s harder for queer women to get a job interview call-back, Montana’s Governor signed a new executive order to protect LGBT state employees and more news!
It’s (Not) A Beautiful Day in the Gayborhood, Because of Gentrification
How gentrification shapes and changes the gayborhood, the Flint water crisis is ongoing, Clinton and Sanders are going at each other over healthcare, and more!
Daily Fix: No New Friends for Scott Walker This Week and More News Stories
Bill O’Reilly’s dumb thoughts, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, some really alarming high school educators, violence against a trans woman in Brazil, an anti-abortion lawsuit in Virginia, and more!
BREAKING: Supreme Court Will Rule on Constitutionality of Same-Sex Marriage
The Supreme Court will decide on the constitutionality of marriage equality rights sometime this summer.
Twitter Bans “Hateful Conduct” in Acknowledgement of Assholes on its Platform
Twitter unveils new rules meant to protect users from “hateful conduct” on the platform, the armed men occupying a federal facility in Oregon, white Republican women are angry, and more!
The Seven Most Influential Queer Girl TV Shows Of The Last Seven Years
In honor of our seventh birthday, a look back on the seven television shows with the biggest impact on the representation of LGBTQ women over the last seven years.
15 Queer/Feminist Books To Read In Early 2016
Welcome to your list of queer/ feminist books coming out from January to July 2016. Roxane Gay, Gabby Rivera and erotica, anyone?
Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal Makes Missouri History Attempting to Filibuster Anti-LGBT Bill
A heroic attempt to filibuster for LGBT rights in Missouri, lots of new data from police violence to environmentalism, a terrifying transphobic Tennessee law, and more.
Breaking Down the Apple iOS Back Door Fight
“We can not use a law from 1789 to regulate a digital space in such an overreaching way.”
Daily Fix: Obama Calls for an End to Conversion Therapy and Other News Stories
Obama’s big statement on conversion therapy, Walter Scott’s murder, anti-abortion law in Kansas, discrimination against non-bisexual people alleged at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, and more!
Say Yes to the Dress Recap: Brittney Griner and Glory Johnson
Where Brittney Griner and Glory Johnson become our favorite lesbian couple and we all get married. You’re going to need some tissues for this one. Or a blow horn.
Holland Taylor Has a Girlfriend, Is Hopefully Writing Fabulous, Tortured Love Poems
Peggy Peabody was a lesbian in 1974 and that was enough for her, but Holland Taylor, the actress who played her, recently told WNYC that most of her relationships have been with women — including the one she’s in right now with actress Sarah Paulson.
If I’m Queer But I’m A Preacher, Maybe He’ll Love Me
“My father has very few admirable qualities when it comes to our relationship: he doesn’t follow through on his promises, he doesn’t compromise, and he has a God complex. “