Results for: gay marriage
News Fix: Report Finds Baltimore Police Policies Unconstitutional, What a Surprise
The Department of Justice finds the Baltimore Police Department definitely discriminates against Black people, a Houston man gets life in prison for murdering his daughter and her girlfriend, LAPD shot and killed 14-year-old Jesse Romero, there’s a shortage on injectable estrogen and more news stories.
Top 100 Lesbian & Bisexual YouTubers & Couples List: Ranked By Channel Subscribers
With millions of subscribers between them, these lesbian, bisexual and otherwise queer-identified YouTubers are taking over online video content with their channels, one view at a time! Read the list of the top 100 YouTube channels at!
Pop Culture Fix: The USWNT And Ruby Rose Are Everywhere
Additionally, Miley Cyrus is a cartoon bird, Ellen Page has another kickass movie on the way, Hannibal is dying a slow death, and Fox is making a movie about SCOTUS’ love affair with gay marriage.
Honolulu PD Sued Over Cop Who Saved The Day By Arresting Lesbians For Kissing
A lesbian couple from LA says they were arrested for kissing in public when they visited Hawaii on vacation and are now filing a lawsuit, Paul Ryan will be our next Speaker of the House, Tara Hudson is being sent to a men’s prison, Cleveland is outraged about how the investigation into Tamir Rice’s death is being handled and more.
Canada Moves Forward to Ban Transgender Discrimination
Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau backs an important bill that would ban trans discrimination, immigration and LGBT activists are on a hunger strike to protest the detention of trans women, a UK court rejects an Indian lesbian couple’s request to stay in the country, LGBT activists in Lebanon stage a rare protest and more news.
BREAKING: Supreme Court Greenlights Marriage Equality, WE WON A MAJOR THING
In a historic decision, the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right.
Love & Canada: Life Finds A Way (To Get In The Way)
“I spent a few minutes wondering whether that means we should be married faster, i.e., the day after whenever I get there, and then I looked at the calendar and realized the timeline is as tight as it can be (and maybe too tight as it is) and I took a really deep breath and anyway it’s probably going to be fine. But it was one of those moments where it felt a little more like leaving Canada is giving something up.”
Team Pick: “Queer Kid Stuff” Brings Fun LGBTQ Videos to Preschool Children
Lindsay Amer is the cool Queer Big Sister you wish you had when you were a wee tot and she’s changing the landscape of kid-friendly content for ages 3-7.
Daily Fix: Black Lives Matter Calls on Hillary to Stand with Black Trans Women and More News
The Black Lives Matter movement also repudiated the Democratic National Committee’s endorsement, a Maryland judge refuses to drop charges against the six officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray, a professor received a grant to study health in bisexual women and more news stories.
The Other Shoe Drops: North Carolina and Mississippi Both Face Federal Lawsuits for Anti-LGBT Laws
Attorney General Loretta Lynch says some truly awesome words to trans people and against North Carolina’s HB2, The ACLU of Mississippi is challenging the state’s “religious freedom” law, a group of parents and students filed a federal lawsuit because they believe they’re being discriminated when a trans girl uses the correct facilities at their school and more news.
Study Shows Deep Canvassing Can Efficiently Change Anti-Trans Attitudes
“Deep canvassing” methods can have a strong impact on transphobic attitudes, according to a new study.
Spike Reported in LGBT People Reaching For Guns In Wake of Orlando Shooting
There’s been a spike in memberships for a LGBT pro-gun rights group and a new surge of Gays Against Guns; Black Lives Matter temporarily shuts down Toronto Pride, the UN voted to create a position dedicated to LGBT rights around the world, married lesbian parents can now be on their child’s birth certificate and more news stories.
Love & Canada: The Waiting Is The Hardest Part
“When I woke up Saturday I was going to get a lot of stuff done and I was just pretty focused on that and by mid Sunday afternoon I had cried for about 12 of my weekend waking hours.”
Daily Fix: California First State to Pay for Trans Inmate’s Surgery and More News Stories
Lesbian couples in Mississippi are challenging the state’s gay adoption ban, while Mexico found their gay adoption ban to be unconstitutional and Chelsea Manning is threatened with solitary confinement for “absurd” violations and more news.
Top 10 Most Sexually Prolific Lesbians and Bisexuals Of Old Hollywood
Think of it as “The Real L Word: Los Angeles 1900s-1950s Edition”
Pop Culture Fix: Finding Dory’s Lesbian Couple Will Finally Empower Ellen To Turn All Children Gay
Idina Menzel wants Elsa to be gay too, Marceline sings another love song about Princess Bubblegum, Laverne Cox’s new legal drama hires a trans writer, and Shonda Rhimes really didn’t mean for Callie to leave Grey’s Anatomy that way.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Beyoncé Are On Your Side This Sunday Funday
Hillary stands with Pearl Love, Beyoncé hates North Carolina’s HB2 just like you, Geraldine Roman is on her way to making trans history in the Philippines, JLo just released a new feminist video, Obama includes queer and trans mamas, and more miso soup for your soul!
Sunday Funday is Toasting Lily Tomlin, Laverne Cox, Kacey Musgraves, and the Women of the World F*cking Cup With This Cup of Antonin Scalia’s Tears
In today’s good news, Bree smashes the confederacy, Laverne Cox gets a good look at herself, Lily Tomlin is all “oh by the way I’VE BEEN MARRIED ALL ALONG” and the women of the World Cup give us some thighlights to think about for the day. I also threw some adorable couples celebrating the gay marriage ruling, some landmarks going rainbow because of the gay marriage ruling, and some of Antonin Scalia’s tears in here just because I love you.
Love & Canada: My Lesbian Immigration Marriage Feelings, Part 1
The thing about my future immigration marriage is that it’s an immigration marriage but not an IMMIGRATION marriage. I still don’t want to know what save the dates are though.
30 Things That Made Us Cry On Marriage Equality Day, Take A Kleenex
“It is so ordered.”