Results for: gay marriage
Survey Says: Black Americans Supportive of LGBT Equality, Discrimination Protections
A new study debunks the myth that Black people are overwhelmingly homophobic, a new policy in Texas is making it impossible for transgender student-athletes to play on the right team, an anti-trans Lyft driver put Monica Jones in danger when he shared her location with a Facebook group, students in California were asked to remove their anti-gay symbols off their student badges and more news!
Sunday Funday is for (Gay) Lovers
Obama included LGBT people in his remarks opening the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, parents who are good to their trans kids, and Pride!
The Lesbian or Bisexual Heiress: 22 Women Who Had It Made, In Theory
From Winnaretta Singer to Nats Getty, you’ll learn so much in this post and even meet another Mountbatten!
Mississippi Passes US’s Most Sweeping Anti-LGBT Rights Bill with HB1523, Strikes Fear into Hearts
Mississippi makes anti-LGBT history with HB1523, police who killed Jamar Clark won’t be charged, new studies about Islamophobia, surveillance and more, and lots on the aftermath of HB2 in North Carolina.
Sunday Funday Just RSVP’ed To Your Lesbian Wedding
A lot of celebrities wore purple for you this week, ALI GOT MARRIED and so did 53 lesbian couples in Provincetown, folks from Indonesia to Arkansas are speaking up for LGBT rights, and more good gay news!
Queer Crip Love Fest: I Wanted This Country to Be Better
“After any terrorist attack, we’re all sitting on the imaginary couch together being like, ‘Please don’t be brown, please don’t be brown, please don’t be brown.’ And it’s not even a joke.”
Rebel Girls: 10 Queer and Trans Women Who Want to Save Your State From Itself
A woman is gonna be president so soon! Get the fuck into it! And while you’re at it, vote for these queer and trans women.
Hollywood Is Out of Excuses for Dangerous Trans Representation
Jen Richards speaks out against Mark Ruffalo and Matt Bomer’s new film, Anything, in which (another) cis man plays a trans woman.
“San Junipero” Is A Beautiful, Haunting Queer Love Story With Mixed Messages About Disability
Black Mirror found a loophole through the Bury Your Gays conundrum but skirted near one of the most frustrating disability tropes in the process.
September 7, 2016
“My ancestors didn’t fight for nothing. They didn’t keep going on that long, cold, hard march from our ancestral homeland to “Indian Territory” just so that I could give up. They didn’t lay down on the trail to die and neither will I.”
My 6 Favorite Video Game Wives
Sometimes it’s nice to lose yourself in a world where the only thing standing between an imperfect but evolving society and the end of the world is you, and you can actually do something about it. And also get gay married.
Sunday Funday Is Watching Ellen Crash the GOP Debate and Cows Take Down Kim Davis
All of the gender neutral bathrooms, tiny dragons, the ultimate gay marriage mic drop, Peoria’s first pride in a long time, and more!
Superqueero Roundup Recap: The World Needs Heroes
Catch up with bisexual badass Sara Lance in the ’80s, and the badass women of Arrow in the right nows.
Black Trans Woman Assaulted by Guard in DC Restroom, Proving Bathroom Bill Fight Is Far from Over
Mexico’s President is pushing for marriage equality, what happened at the Dem convention in Nevada, the first openly gay secretary of the US Army, and more.
Sunday Funday Wishes Every Day Was LGBT Equality Day
Shaking up the gay rights v. “religious freedom” fight in Ireland, a bird that’s super cool, sweet justice in Texas, the coming of LGBT Equality Day, and a bunch of businesses standing up for the gays in Indiana.
Sunday Funday Looks for Safety and Joy Across the Big, Gay World
Ruby Rose and Caitlyn Jenner got some love from the glossies, Ukrainian lawmakers voted for gay rights, Dallas went where Houston didn’t for trans folks, Starbucks wants to be a safe space, Obama wants more LGBT equality, and more good news!
Trump Contradicts Own Pro-LGBT Stance to Court Anti-Gay Evangelicals (and Not Very Well)
Trump doesn’t have a very strong base among evangelical Christians; can addressing anti-gay pastors in Orlando just two months after the Pulse shooting — and going off-teleprompter — fix that?
141 Arrested for Peaceful Standing Rock Protest; White Armed Militia is Acquitted
141 arrests were made at Standing Rock on Thursday, police in Washington fatally shot a pregnant Native woman during a welfare check, a new lawsuit filed in Utah challenges the state’s “no promo homo” law, two proposed anti-abortion laws in Alabama were blocked by a judge and more news.
You Need Help: You’re Poly And Married And Want To Date
You can be poly and married and want to date, but no one will know what your deal is until you tell them, so tell them up front.
Sunday Funday is Winning Gold Medals With Her Totally Gay Wife at the Olympics
The Olympics are still gay as f*ck, this mayor is the best ally ever, the NBA hates HB2 still, and more good gay news!