Results for: gay marriage
Hulu’s Handmaid’s Tale Is Queerer Than It Ever Was and Closer Than I Knew
Every time I return to it, The Handmaid’s Tale offers me something new. In the Hulu series, the “new thing” is “more lesbians.”
Katy Perry Wins Yet Another Gay Allyship Award, Admits She More-Than-Kissed A Girl, Only Kinda Liked It
This weekend, Katy Perry received the HRC’s “highest honor,” the National Equality Award, and everybody’s talking about her inspirational speech — but does Katy Perry really deserve an award for LGBT advocacy in the first place? And does it even matter, really, when you consider the impending heat death of the universe, etc.
Things I Read That I Love #234: I’d Just Been To Burning Man and Was Feeling Very Fluid
Topics include serial killers, gay loneliness, THINX, cults, Mount Rushmore, marijuana delivery, the cost of childcare, “The Kiss” and so much more!
Sunday Funday Just Bought a Bunch of Cookies From a Badass Trans Girl Scout
LGBT rights stamps from the UN, gay marriage in Mexico, the beginning of the end of ex-gay therapy in New York, a badass trans Girl Scout who sold a fuckton of cookies, and a baby goat. A BABY GOAT!
Sunday Funday Is Here, Queer, and Totally Blessed
A Black lesbian rabbi, a queer Police Officer of the Year, gay marriage updates from around the world, and more!
Sunday Funday Is Marching Into Your Heart With Another LGBT Dance Party
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: Over 100 mayors and two lesbian co-pastors walk into another LGBT dance party.
Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #15
“This is only tangentially related to your question, but I think about the same girl nearly every time I put on mascara.”
“Wynonna Earp” Episode 211 Recap: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Waverly and Nicole have to work together to try to save Wynonna…the only problem is, they don’t remember her.
“When We Rise” Is What The World Needs Now, Especially You
ABC has dedicated eight primetime hours to a sweeping miniseries charting LGBT history from the ’70s ’til a few years ago and it’s pretty great except for the bad wigs.
16 Lesbian Power Couples From History Who Got Shit Done, Together
Just some low-key relationship goals for ya.
Top 10 Gay Lady Weddings That Made Us Melt in 2015
It was a great year for gay marriage, especially if you were invited to one of these fabulous, totally sweet lesbian weddings.
Mariah Brown, “Sister Wives” Daughter Comes Out in Emotional and Powerful Episode
Brown called a family meeting, and after a few tense moments where she said “You guys are freaking out, which is making me freak out,” she came out by saying “I’m gay.”
How To Oppose Secretary of Labor Nominee Andy Puzder With Your Phone and Your Friends
Andy Puzder is an ethical nightmare! If you or someone you know lives in Tennessee, Wyoming, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Louisiana, Indiana, Utah, Kansas or Alaska, you or that person can make a real difference in his confirmation.
Not Quite There Yet: Safety and Progress In Light of the Pulse Shooting
“The morning after the horrific shooting, and the days that followed, I understood part of my father’s fear. Animosity towards LGBTQ people has not gone the way of black and white T.V. sets, phone booths, or travel by horse and carriage. It was and is very much alive.”
LGBTQ People Can’t Have Safe Spaces But We Still Need Community
“Our community is at once intimately connected and hopelessly far-flung, legitimately linked by no more than three degrees of sex partners on a worldwide daisy chain and profoundly lonely. I only had community last weekend because I’d flown three hours to get it.”
Hate Crimes, and Protests Against Hate, Carried Out Across US After Trump’s Election
Looking at protests, Trump’s potential transition team, the National Organization for Marriage gearing up against LGBT rights, and more.
Sunday Funday Is Excited for a Very Queer New Year
Gay marriage updates from Estonia, Utah, and obviously Las Vegas; a strong start for an LGBT rights petition in Michigan, a deeply moving video, the last of the 2015 lists, the Cat Oscars, and more!
I Watched Lesbian Classic “Bar Girls” and Yeah That’s Gonna Be a No For Me
How far is heaven?
Winter 2017 TV Preview: All The Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Women To Get Excited About
It’s a dark world, but there’s hope in stories, including lesbians on shows like “The Handmaid’s Tale,” “The Good Fight,” and “Imposters,” an epic miniseries about the LGBT rights movement and a non-binary character on “Billions.”
8 Reasons Cameron Esposito is “Marriage Material” in Her New Special
Just two days before marrying fellow comedian Rhea Butcher in her hometown of Chicago, Cameron Esposito invited a whole bunch of strangers to her bachelor party, otherwise known as her first standup special.