Results for: gay marriage
Congress Casually Files LGBT Rights Bill; Trump and Pence Pass “Religious Liberty” Executive Order
Trump is reportedly planning to sign a “religious liberty” executive order that has Mike Pence written all over it — in the meantime, over 200 members of Congress say they’ll just go ahead and file a bill that adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the Civil Rights Act.
Sunday Funday Is Coming Out and Taking Over
Jennifer Azzi and Kezia Dugdale are gay, an amazing man is helping animals be better at selfies, there’s gay marriages and gay adoptions happening around the world, everyone’s exacting sweet revenge on the beast that is North Carolina’s HB2, and more!
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue 36, June 2017
btw we have some bonus Lesbian Kens in this post for you
Sunday Funday is Fighting for LGBT Rights with Rosie and Bruce Springsteen
Mayors Against Discrimination and Governors against bathroom bills, Bruce Springsteen’s message of support for the “freedom fighters” in North Carolina, Rosie’s anti-Trump song in the fashion of Rizzo, gay marriage in Colombia and LGBT protections in Pennsylvania, and more!
Boob(s on Your) Tube: The Shannara Chronicles Has a New Girlfriend
Fall TV is back in full swing and we’ve got updates on Broad City, American Horror Story, Grey’s Anatomy, The Shannara Chronicles, How to Get Away with Murder, and Ten Days in the Valley.
Sunday Funday is Celebrating Saving the Affordable Care Act By Going to the Movies
The Affordable Care Act is safe for now, the Yellow Power Ranger is queer queer queer, Lebanon’s first LGBT sexual health week, some rogue graffiti activists took down a transphobic bus, and more good stuff!
“Supergirl” Episode 221 Recap: The Present Is Female
Welcome home, Cat Grant!
Kentucky Legislator Wants to Defeat Marriage Equality with the Power of “Matrimony”
A KY legislator thinks he’s cracked the code on how to stop marriage equality; how and why anti-LGBT sentiment is ramping up in Indonesia, the big abortion case the SCOTUS just heard, and more.
Mike Huckabee Compares Gay Marriage to Bacon-Wrapped Shrimp, Will Run on Bad Analogy Platform in 2016
Mike Huckabee says he tolerates your gayness like he tolerates your love of cheap Cabernet. But the weddings and bacon-wrapped shrimp are a bridge too far.
What I Wish I’d Learned in Sex Ed
Your curriculum isn’t “one size fits all” if “all” means “nondisabled straight people.”
Don’t Relax Just Because Pathological Liar Donald Trump Says He Won’t Go After Marriage Equality
The ways Trump’s administration will hurt gay and trans people go far beyond marriage equality — and he’s proven we can’t believe a word he says.
Hillary’s Big Gay Weekend: Mocks Herself on SNL About Same-Sex Marriage, Pledges to Fight For LGBT Rights
Educational publisher McGraw-Hill admits to making a mistake in their textbook about slavery, Hope Solo will face domestic violence charges again, a new study finds more LGB people are insured with the Affordable Care Act and more news stories.
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue 38, August 2017
“guys do you think i’ll ever have sex in a penthouse with floor to ceiling windows and a view
like while i’m still young enough to be bendy” -
Being Kinky Doesn’t Make You Queer
I’m queer, and I’m kinky. But being kinky doesn’t make me queer. Kink is not a sexual orientation.
So, We’re Getting Married Now?
“Neither of us were comfy with the public spectacle of the thing, especially G. She didn’t like the thought of publicizing our private relationship. We also felt a bit blah about marriage itself, which can feel like an outdated institution. And there were practical worries, too — like how would we plan a big event, with so much on our plates?”
Persecuting Trans Women: Finally a Thing Breitbart and The Religious Right Can Agree On
Breitbart’s anti-trans messaging was shaped by Milo Yiannopoulos. The Religious Right’s was shaped by the Family Research Council, home of Josh Duggar. Trump’s position on trans rights gives them and men like them leeway to behave like the predators they falsely accuse trans women of being.
Donald Trump Is President and I’m Adopting My Own Daughter
I choose her every minute of the day, and I will continue to choose her regardless of what the future brings. I choose her. For her, I will play the game and sign the papers, and ask the court to bless what we know is already true.
The Fosters Episode 416 Recap: The Notebook
Lesbian moms making out in the rain alert!
Sunday Funday is Packing for Hawai’i and Fighting Discrimination at Home
Rural states standing up for LGBT rights, a Hawaiian tourism campaign aimed at gays, Lifestyles of the Queer and Famous, Buffy bootcamp, and more!
Boob(s On Your) Tube: “Daytime Divas” Is Your New Guilty Pleasure, You’re Welcome
Also: Jen Richards and Angelica Ross join Laverne Cox on Doubt, Queen Sugar keeps getting it right, and Josh sleeps with Maggie’s straight girl on Younger.