Results for: gay marriage
“The L Word: Generation Q” Episode 102 Recap: Less Is More
This episode has everything: pool sex, Olivia Thirlby, fun poppy lesbians, Jamie Clayton, the flu, Jillian Mercado, divorce papers, a gift card, an engagement party and a traditional lesbian building furniture with her bare hands!
Lesbians Who Tech 2018: Hillary Clinton, The Future of Disruption, a Path Toward Hope
Lesbians Who Tech has had rockstars all the way down.
A Gay Television History of “Jane the Virgin”
A definitive look back on the greatest, gayest show about a heterosexual romance of our time.
Kristen Arnett’s ‘Mostly Dead Things’ Is a Funny, Dark Story of Messy Queer Love (also, Taxidermy)
Mostly Dead Things is the story of what happens to a young woman when her life is torn open and reset in a different pose, and how she deals with herself — and her queerness — as a part of that confusion soup.
Six Queers on Polyamory and Identity
“Polyamory and queerness are pretty much inseparable for me in practice.”
The ‘M’ Word
Every birthday after I admitted to myself that I am queer has been a celebration of that fact. A celebration that I listened to myself, that I am not currently trapped in a marriage I don’t want, a marriage slowly draining me of life and hope.
15 New LGBT Books to Make Your Summer Hot Hot Hot
Whether your thing is memoir, fiction, new poetry or YA, there’s definitely something coming out this summer by and/or about queer people that you’re going to want to throw in your bag for the beach, get points for in your library’s summer reading program, or share with that new babe you just started seeing who loves your poetry recs.
Sunday Funday is Starring In a New Buddy Comedy With Kate McKinnon
Kate McKinnon’s new movie trailer, an immersive Compton’s Cafeteria experience, lesbian Eurovision singer Saara Aalto, legal weed and marriage good for all, that John Oliver children’s book to troll Mike Pence on his anti-LGBT BS, and some other cool stuff!
Refund Equality Act Aims to Recover Same-Sex Couples’ Tax Benefits Denied by DOMA
This legislation would ensure that legally-married same-sex couples – who, until the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2013 Windsor decision, were barred from filing federal taxes jointly – are permitted to file amended tax returns back to the date of their marriage.
Queer Your Ears: The 50 Best Albums Of The 2010s By Queer & Trans Musicians
The 2010s was an incredibly gay decade in music. Queer and trans musicians gained more visibility and success than ever before over the last 10 years! Here are the best 50 albums of the decade, according to me.
Raising Baby T. Rex: Club Fawn, No Naps, and Reclaiming Procreation
Reclaiming queer procreation, dropping the last nap, stupid crows, Baby T. at A-Camp, and losta cute T. Rex pics.
You Need Help: Closeted Girlfriends, Pregnant Butches, Straight Weddings and More
Our fundraiser perk super special You Need Help is here!
Precious and Adored: Reading Victorian Love Letters, Writing Queer History
When Rose Cleveland and Evangeline Simpson met in 1890, they fell for each other hard. Their once-hidden letters are collected in a new book.
Boobs on Your Tube: A Happy Ending for Valencia and Beth, a Sad One for Alison and Emily
Plus updates on: Boomerang, The Good Fight, and Roswell New Mexico.
What I’m Saying Is You’re Stuck With Me
February 7th was our 14th dating anniversary and our 8th marriage anniversary. The truth is, I didn’t see myself married, in a house we own, with a child I carried, in a place in my life where I don’t want to move away or run off to the next tempting thing. I never thought I’d want stability, but here we are.
Sunday Funday Is Here, Queer, Femme, and Swearing In
Happy first Sunday of 2019!!! We made it bitches! I’m so happy to be here, in the future with you. Okay, let’s get some good news in our bellies this morning.
Tomorrow’s Parties: Emily Dickinson’s Black Cake
Emily Dickinson sent her girlfriend, Nellie, her recipe for Black Cake that was so staggering (two pounds of flour, 19 eggs, etc) that it reads like one of her curiously queer poems. It seems impossible, but suggests the potential for a delicious celebration.
The Black Lesbian Movie Project
What if “Coming To America” starred Lena Waithe instead of Eddie Murphy? What if Sanaa Lathan and Gabrielle Union made out with each other at the end of “Love & Basketball”? What if black lesbians finally got to get the girl on the big screen? I’m buying the popcorn. You coming with?
What to Read When You’re Queer and Expecting: 6 Parenting Books That Smash The Patriarchy
Unfortunately, most parenting books weren’t written with queer moms, trans dads, non-binary parents and gestational carriers, and families that look like ours in mind.
Where Can You Take a Walk in the Park?
Most of my old hiking companions from Los Angeles are queer. Now I have Goldie, who takes breaks while we walk, just to jump up and kiss me. She places her paws just over my heart.