Results for: gay marriage
Love That Looks Like Me: Finding My Queer, Non-Binary Place in the Wedding Industry
“And there was Susan and Rachel at the heart of it all, dancing to the band Susan had sworn would play her wedding if she ever got married. As they laughed and moved to the music and worked up such a sweat that their jackets had to come off, I saw a glimpse of the future wedding I hope for, marrying someone I love, the two of us not fitting so strictly into the feminine.”
Into the A+ Advice Box #34: I’m in Love But My Sex Drive Has COMPLETELY Disappeared!
The AS team tackles advice for entering your 30’s (and we’d love to see yours in the comments), as well as advice for a member who’s found their sex drive has disappeared shortly after moving in with a partner, advice on coming out and labels, untangling trauma while exploring sex with your partner, finding boots that don’t make your feet hurt, and more!
Ìfé Writer and Director Uyaiedu Ikpe-Etim on Decolonizing Nigerian Storytelling and Queer Love Stories
“Ìfé is a story that not many queer people have seen come out of Nigeria. I’m really hoping that, apart from everything else that it does – normalizing the queer experience and being a great source of representation – I’m really hoping that it brings joy to the LGBT community.”
Our Favorite WNBA Wubble Couples
Luckily for us, the result of the Wubble is a seemingly endless stream of TikToks and Instagram Stories that give us a peek into the lives of the players.
11 Newish TV Shows With New Lesbian and Bisexual Characters
We’ve got a lesbian taxidermist in Run, a fish cop in Hightown, Janelle Monae in a rowboat and so much more.
“Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills” Dyke Drama, “Explained”
Did Denise Richards cheat on her husband with Brandi Glanville? Are the best liars the ones who are very bad at lying? Let’s delve into the reality TV show where logic and kindness go to die.
Into the A+ Advice Box #41: When There Hasn’t Been Sex in a Long Time
The team tackles so many topics in this one! We cover questions about queer haircuts, crushing on unavailable people, dealing with rejection, feeling like you’re not built for casual dating, embracing media you like without shame, a partner blaming your body for his anxieties around sex, the truths behind an emotional affair…two completely different questions that reference Rachel Maddow…and a whole lot more!
The L Word Generation Q Episode 204 Recap: But This Lake House Has No Lake
It’s time for long drives, short cries, thwarted dates and exes who aren’t quite ready to say goodbye!
“To L and Back” Generation Q Podcast Episode 202: Lean On Me
“My next note on this scene is, “I literally screamed in this hotel room,” which is true.”
Also.Also.Also: Stormé DeLarverie, Layleen Polanco and Whose Names Are Said
How NYC’s jail policies are being changed in response to Layleen Polanco’s death, the highs and lows of last weekend’s NWSL Challenge Cup, Sonia Sotomayor’s legacy of standing against systemic racism on the Supreme Court, and more.
Naya Rivera Is Dead at 33, Glee Star’s Body Recovered from Lake Piru After 6-Day Search
Naya Rivera was a firecracker, a superstar, a singular talent who simply could not be relegated to the background.
6 Culturally Queer Facts About Fiona Apple, No Reason
Can you be involved in pit bull rescues and be straight? Sure, of course you can. I’m just saying.
“To L and Back” Generation Q Podcast Episode 205: Lobsters, Too
“Why is she being like, ‘Oh, I can’t kiss you. I’m in a relationship.’ Like, no, you’re not. You met an older woman at a party last weekend. Who among us hasn’t? Take it easy.”
Sasha Geffen’s “Glitter Up the Dark” Weaves a Shimmering Web of Queer Music History
Geffen digs into the collision between gender and technology in music and beyond to demonstrate how pop and rock music have been a vehicle for gender disruption for their entire existence.
La Boda Jota #4: Loving Another Queer Latina Is A Radical Act
I choose her, always, because she’s my home and my light.
Autostraddle’s Favorite and Least Favorite Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans TV Characters of 2020
Here’s what we loved this year, and what pained us to see.
Glennon Doyle’s “Untamed”: A Gay Love Story About a Grown-Ass Woman Who Does What the F*ck She Wants
“There. She. Is.” Glennon wrote in her new memoir, Untamed, when she recalled the moment Abby Wambach entered her life. I assumed that would be the central conflict of Untamed. And in some ways it is — but not the ways I expected.
Extra! Extra!: If Trump’s Administration Is So Incompetent, Why Is It So Efficient at Enacting Anti-LGBTQ Policies?
This week’s Extra! Extra! reports another bit of news that flew under the radar, this time regarding gun control (it’s not good, you guys). We also cover the heinous violence against three trans women in LA this week, USAID’s erasure of LGBTQ+ people and an update on what’s going on around the US regarding police violence and the protests. And then we turn to the elections – by which I mean Russia, Belarus and the US.
Interview With My Fiancé: Kristen
In which we talk for a weirdly long time about who does laundry but also Yellowjackets, why a punk cover of “Mambo Italiano” is “our song,” and our sex drives.