Results for: gay marriage
Extra! Extra!: What The 2020 Election Says About America
We reflect on what the 2020 election says about America, what the ultraconservative majority in the Supreme Court has been up to, plus the pandemic and political situations unfolding around the globe.
8 Books Featuring Big Queer Families, Found and Otherwise
“Stories about huge families full of love, whether nuclear or chosen or just-for-school, were the comfort food of my childhood, and I’m trying to find something similar for my queer adulthood. Is there such a thing?”
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue 66, February 2020
I think it’s very Cancer of me to watch Mary Lambert’s “She Keeps Me Warm” music video on Valentine’s Day just so I could feel my heart clench and cry a little.
A Letter to My Ex on the Occasion of The Danish Girl’s 5th Anniversary
“People were always so impressed that you didn’t leave me, but your gift wasn’t staying — it was seeing. Most people don’t get to transition under the pansexual gaze of someone who loves them the way you loved me.”
Yes. Niecy Nash got gay married. Love wins!!
“To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 606: Lactose Intolerant with John Bellamy!
John: Could you imagine you and Dylan just got done cunnaling-ing together, you’re in bed, the California sun is basking on you. And then you turn to Dylan and you’re like, “We have to get up so we can go to Max’s Willy Wonka baby shower.” That’s the thing you interrupt with.
Things I’ve Never Asked My Girlfriend of Three Years About Age Gaps, Topping, and Our First Date
In part two of their intimate interview, Autostraddle Managing Editor Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya asks her girlfriend Kristen Arnett to define being a top and what she remembers about their first night together at a hotel bar.
Also.Also.Also: Niecy Nash Describes Coming Out as “Going Into Myself.” Break Out the Kleenex!
Niecy Nash Says and Jessica Betts, Roxane Gay and Debbie Millman, and all your favorite grown-up gay love stories! Plus Canadian World Cup soccer star Quinn came out as transgender (congrats!!), and some ‘Pro-Sex, Anti-Fascist’ art to decorate your walls.
Into the A+ Advice Box #65: So You Think You Might Be Gender Fluid
Advice on studying with ADHD, envying they/them pronouns, finding the best outfits to match glamorous heels, masturbation, and more!
Kristen Arnett on “With Teeth,” Lesbian Motherhood, and Sagittarius Chaos
“I want to read stories about dykes not acting right. I want to read about people being messy. So I want to write about that too.”
75 of the Best Queer Books of 2021
It was a banner year for queer horror! Plus, fantasy, historical fiction, memoir, nonfiction, YA, middle grade, poetry picks — and so much more!
Booker and Warren Shine, Biden Grates at First-Ever GLAAD LGBTQ Forum
Last night, ten contenders for the Democratic nomination gathered in the First in the Nation caucus state for the LGBTQ Presidential Forum. Organized by One Iowa, The Gazette, The Advocate and GLAAD, the forum offered the most robust discussion of LGBT issues of the 2020 campaign thus far.
L Word Generation Q Episode 202 Recap: Lean On Me When You’re Not Yelling At Me
The wedding was a bust but we sure do have a lot to talk about! Come on in and join our dear friends for the most fight-packed episode in L Word history!
Boobs on Your Tube: Even a Superqueero Sized Coma Couldn’t Keep Grace Choi Away on “Black Lightning”
Plus, an All-American episode that gives Bre-Z some of the best work of her career, biphobia rears its ugly head once again on grown-ish, and a hilarious and spooky episode of Nancy Drew!
Pop Culture Fix: Holland Taylor Joins the ‘Murder Me, Mommi’ Movement
Also: Mulan is coming to Disney+, Lena Waithe is making an open marriage drama at Amazon, Lifetime orders an LGBTQ+ Christmas movie, and more!
“Wait, Is This a Date?” Podcast Episode 109: Fucking Your Friends
Is it a date or are we just friends? Why not both! This week we’re talking about fucking your friends with Autostraddle Community Editor and fucking your friends expert Vanessa Friedman.
Check Out the A+ Community Bookshelf!
We bring you for the first time the first time the A+ Community Bookshelf: a crowdsourced project where A+ members can share the LGBTQ book recs that they want the rest of the A+ community to know about.
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue 78, March 2021
Spiritually, we’re all making candles with Queen Latifah.
Extra! Extra!: Making Sense of What’s Actually Happening with the Stimulus Package
Extra! Extra! is on a bit of a holiday schedule, so we’re here today to round out 2020 with the news from the last couple of weeks. In this week’s Extra! Extra! we cover judicial actions on LGBTQ+ rights in the U.K. and the U.S., the latest in Trump corruption scandals and pardons, updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and the recently passed stimulus package and more.
The Autostraddle Insider: Goodbye Rachel Edition
“i’m going to take a shower and see if it [amy lee voice] wakes me up inside”