Results for: gay marriage
Daily Fix: Pose Like a Lesbian, Smile With Your Thighs
Chandra is not a lesbo, the prom queen is a boy, Alexi is wearing Dol-chay, Sotomayor hates bloggers, Obama may or may not care about the gays, Lambert may or may not be out and your girlfriend is pregnant, no lie.
Daily Fix: Dominate, Dominate, Dominate the News!
“It’s a tiny tiny tiny fraction of our population, one or two percent has this particular orientation and they dominate, dominate, dominate the news, it’s amazing.”
The L Word Season Five PROMO Recap.
We all know that foreplay’s what this show does best. Like a twatilicious lover, The L Word relishes in getting us all riled up and subsequently leaving us alone and naked on the couch with a lukewarm Dos Equis and tears in our eyes. “High and dry” I believe it’s called.
The Autostraddle Roundtable: Is there a Lesbian Generation Gap?
“To many young gay people, the passage of Prop 8 was shocking but not alarming,” writes Mark Harris in New York Magazine’s “The Gay Generation Gap,” published two weeks ago in the magazine’s special Pride Week Section. Harris continues: “It has jolted them into action, but one suspects it’s out of a Milk-fed belief that identity-politics activism can be ennobling and cool.” Ouch! One suspects that one is being unfair to us! One suspects that if we’ve managed to make activism “cool,” then that’s a BIG SCORE! — but wait. Before you get too excited (as we did), there’s no need to be offended ’cause this shit ain’t about you, woman! … so we decided to ask ourselves: Is there a Lesbian Generation Gap?” Special roundtable participants include Grace Chu of Grace the Spot, Haviland Stillwell and Riese’s Mom!
Daily Fix – Your Mom is Unconstitutional
“Until we engage the communities of Middle America, we will not achieve full equality in California.”
Daily Fix: Texas Mayor Chooses Boyfriend over Job, Kate Moennig Picks Scrubs over Girlfriends
“The mayor of San Angelo chose not only love, but also honesty.”
Daily Fix: Also, Announcing the First Annual Autostraddle Rodeo Disco Party!
June 28th, 2009. Autostraddle Disco Rodeo. The girl-on-girl party of the century. Hot cowgirls, sweet prizes, party photographers, drink special, DJ Lady Starlight and a mechanical freakin’ bull.
A Tuesday Televisionary of Epic Proportions: Every Show Ever Including True Blood, Intervention, Masterchef Australia, Gimme Sugar & Weeds
The entire team pitches in to recap True Blood, Ten Things I Hate About You, Masterchef Australia, Intervention, Nurse Jackie, Weeds, Gimme Sugar, Ruby Rose’s new project “The 7 PM Project,”
Sunday Funday – GLAAD ’09 Does it, Talice Does it, Adam Does it, Lez Do It!
Rachel Shelley tells Diva how Alice & Tasha do it, Wanda Sykes & Obama do funny, Adam Lambert does Entertainment Weekly, Advocate does 40 under 40!
Daily Fix – Are You There God It’s Me Margaret and Helen
Sunday is supposed to be the happy day, so that wouldn’t be the time to ask you “Why Is Obama Deleting His Gay Rights Support from the White House Homepage”?
Tuesday Televisionary: Our Number One Feeling is GLEE!
“This should be obvious, but GLEE IS THE BEST THING EVER. Srsly, you guys. It’s soooooo good. The only crappy thing is that we have to wait until the fall to see more episodes!”
Daily Fix – Best. Earth Day. Ever.
Empire Pride makes fun of NOM, but with logic instead of jokes. Everyone loves Jennifer Beals. Can psychiatrists cure homosexuality? No, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try.
Daily Fix – Iowa Gays Get Married, LiLo Changes the World, Miss Cali is From the Future
Lilith Fair will be back next year! Iowans exercise their right to marry.
Daily Fix – Ilene’s Interrogation, Iowa’s Marriage, Logo’s Awards and Everybody’s Twitter
Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, the latest interrogation tape stars …. ILENE F*CKING CHAIKEN!!!!!
Autostraddle Roundtable: Our Fantasy Gay Mommies
Who do you want to be your two Mommies? The Autostraddle Roundtable tackles this pressing topic, inspired by the Parentdish Survey where Portia & Ellen came out on top.
Daily Link Fix : Crazy, Sexy, Gender Bendy, Sad, Gleeful and Cool
We’ve got some more info on the ex-gay movement and other tomfoolery. Plus a look at Glee and some Lady Gaga photos.
GLAAD Awards Los Angeles: What is Ilene Chaiken WEARING?
It’s Sunday Funday! From now on Sunday will be a day of happiness where we’ll only tell you about happy things, just like Jesus would’ve wanted.
Daily [Nightly] Link Fix 3-24-2008: Graveyard Shifting, French Film Frenching & Psychic Reading
Guys, meet Crystal! Obama appoints a lesbian as Chief Judge of US Court of Federal Claims, there is a new French movie with sexy/psycho lesbian sex, and we are confused about Meghan McCain.
Autostraddle Roundtable: I’d Rather Laugh With the Sinners than Cry With the Saints
“It took me a very long time to come to terms with what I felt for girls. Not because of my own religion, but because of the religion and judgment of others, and because growing up in such a small town greatly limits what you see as viable options for yourself.”
Introducing Team Picks
alex, green, and carly kick off team picks, you can have a feminist wedding, and Obama is out to help women.