Results for: gay marriage
Daily Fix 4.1.09 – From Boyish Girls to Bisexual Disco Queens
Japan okays same-sex marriage abroad, and Zurich okays their very own lesbian mayor; also, New York Magazine gets to spend 125 whole minutes with Lady Gaga!
Whip It! Behind-the-Scenes Featurette, Sandra Bullock, Same-Sex Counseling, Soda Addiction! Sunday Funday Daily Fix!
New featurette from Whip It!, NSFW Sexy Sundays with vintage lesbians, Bisexuality, G-spots and more! Haviland Stillwell plays with the video camera and so much more!
Obama Comes Out Against DOMA At Last and a Gay Comes Out Against “Fag Hags”: Daily Fix
The Obama administration filed court papers Monday claiming a federal marriage law discriminates against gays, even as government lawyers continued to defend it. Also, Salon does fag hags and everyone pretends to like Mad Men, many have not actually seen it.
Daily Fix: What a show this is! Prince and Lindsay Lohan! And Ellen!
Lindsay Lohan’s on “The Ellen Show,” Uganda outs 50 Top Homos, Entertainment Weekly lists 25 funny women and J-Beals guests on Lie to Me.
Documentaries for Homos: Deliver Us from the Religulous Bible While Tying the Knot Before G-d
We lock ourselves up with a bunch of documentaries about religion and homosexuality, including For the Bible Tells Me So, Deliver Us From Evil, Tying the Knot, Religulous and Trembling Before G-d.
Barbies Teach Lesbian Sex & Gay Dance Crew Vogue Evolution Kicks it Kung Fu Fighter Style
The Vatican is worried about American nuns. Learn lesbian sex positions from Barbies, more smack against President Lady Gaga, watch Vogue Evolution Kung Fu the dance floor, and Intern Lily really, really REALLY likes Lindsay Lohan.
First Day of Same-Sex Marriage in VT Dominated by Ice Cream, The Travelin’ Westboros and “Real L Word L.A.”
Gays get married in Vermont! OurChart design secrets revealed! New lady-comics on Saturday Night Live! Hubby Hubby!
Autostraddle Roundtable: So … Prop 8 Was Upheld. What Do We Do Now?
“What I do not enjoy is people saying a woman marrying a woman will lead to a woman marrying a dog. I do not want to marry a woman. I am very little and she would crush my bones.”
Daily Fix: The Revolutionary Costume & Haviland on “Cat on the Prowl”
Hav guest stars on Cat on the Prowl. Plus, what other states can learn from Iowa, Drew Barrymore talks about Grey Gardens, and Dinah Shore boosts the economy.
Top Chef Challenges Lesbian Contestant, Kim Stolz Asks “Where Are the F*cking Women?”
Evan Rachel Wood will be a blood-sucking lesbian, maybe. Ted Kennedy sponsored a number of LGBT and human rights bills. Tori Amos has feelings about Lady Gaga.
Daily Fix: High Holidays & Miss California is Smoking Somethin’
We’re excited about the Times Topic panel tonight! Mostly for J Beals. Miss California is totally down with opposite marriage, thank god. Katherine Moennig may have a new show on CBS, and LiLo sits down with Ellen on Thursday. Set your Tivo.
What Does a Lesbian Look Like?: The Autostraddle Roundtable
What does a lesbian look like? Until a few years ago, mainstream culture was pretty sure they knew the answer to that question, even though they didn’t. The Autostraddle Roundtable tackles passing, why people can’t understand that lesbians can have long hair, and the relationship between gender, style, and sexuality.
College Lesbianage #1: I’m Looking for Girlfriends, Not Bridesmaids
Introducing “Lily’s College Lesbianage,” the first of many columns to come about lesbian college life all over the world . This week, Lily finds heteronormativity alive and well, even at Barnard, and copes with the anxiety of being a freshman lesbian weirdo surrounded by new people in a new city.
American Sapphic
Shane I mean Kate Moennig has a new show, Ellen and Portia are great, Lindsay and Sam are art, and some people in Minnesota and Tennessee are douchebags.
Dexter Recap 401: “Living the Dream”
Dexter returns to Showtime for its fourth “killer season,” and, along with other Showtime series like Nurse Jackie, Weeds, and Secret Diary of a Call Girl; begs the question, “It is possible to be a good person who just does some bad bad things?”
Queen Latifah Parties with Lesbians, Equality is so 2012 & Degrassi Is ON With Alexa Chung: Daily Fix
2012 for marriage equality, CoCo Perez fails to make Perez Hilton legit/smart, Kelly Clarkson gets photoshopped, Time Travel Thursdays, Queen Latifah does NYC lesbian bar scene, Obama’s popularity among presidents, Malaysia says gay sex can give you Swine Flu,
It’s Raining Girls, Helena Peabody and Party Photos
Look, there are girls in The Advocate! (As well as muxes, a subculture of trans Mexicans!) In other news, articles on transpeople continue to be worded problematically, Helena’s interrogation tape is up, and adorable seventh graders attend their teachers same-sex wedding.
Daily Fix: Oh, Iowa! E-I-E-I-IOWA! & Showtime Will Not Pick Up L Word Spinoff “The Farm.”
Showtime isn’t picking up The Farm, you can get all the way married in Iowa now, and Iraqi gays are sentenced to execution.
Daily Fix: Wholesome, Lubed, Funny, C*nty, Powerful, Speedy, Risky and Strong.
Autostraddle’s Dinah Shore coverage is the best thing to happen to the internet, fantastic interview with L Word writers at AfterEllen, lesbians are hilarious, and young voters love them.
Autofocus! Robin’s Photoblog & Queers Shoot Weddings Here, Don’t They?
Meet Robin! She’s a professional photographer who’s already done some amazing things, like shooting Lady Gaga and being in a Red Man video. But now she’s taking on something else – she wants to change the his-and-hers heteronormative obsession of the wedding industry. Want to help?