Results for: gay marriage
National LGBTQ Equality March Stimulates a New Generation: Interviews & Video
Our final thoughts on the National Equality March: Katrina reports and recaps the entire day, including her interview with Cynthia Nixon. Riese presents Autostraddle’s NEM VIDEO, with appearances by Haviland, Dan Choi and Kristin Chenoweth.
Daily Fix – Pow! Bang! Zap! HuffPo! O-Bawms! Lezberado! Exclamation Points!
“Showtime said it is averaging more than 500,000 video views per day on YouTube this year, many for its “Lezberado” channel dedicated to “The L Word.”” Lezberado? That’s me!”
Time’s ‘State of the American Woman’ Completely Ignores Lesbians
The State of the American Women: They’re all straight, and half of ’em think it’s better for women to stay at home while men work. Also; Daily Show does the equality march, celebs told to stay off twitter, and Sarah Haskins is on Rachel Maddow!
Daily Fix – Three Rivers Run Through It
“When many parents think of Girl Scouts, they imagine young girls in uniform selling Thin Mints and Tagalong cookies – not learning about stone labyrinths, world peace, global warming, yoga, avatars, smudging incense, Zen gardens and feminist, communist and lesbian role models.”
LGBT Adults Go Green, Believe in Global Warming, Know Children are Our Future
Lesbians are more likely than hets to recognize that “going green” isn’t just a marketing ploy and to value keeping the earth healthy for future generations. But why, exactly, are we so damn awesome and aware? Also, should you call or text for a first date? Also, Scientologists are CRAZY!
Jean Grey, X-Men’s X-Sexiest Lady: Why Comic Books Are Sexy
If you need an excuse to read comic books, looking at the sexy ladies of the X-Men clad in their skintight asskicking outfits is a great place to start. Meet the hottest member of the X-Men, one of the coolest and sometimes the most batshit-crazy: Jean Grey! Also known as the Phoenix. Also known as Famke Janssen. Also just plain smokin’ hot. There are a lot of sexy X-Ladies, but she’s my numero uno, and here’s why.
Kelly McGillis is Gay and Comes Out, NOM Strikes Out, Mistresses Make Out, GaGa Nearly Passes Out
“Don’t even talk to me re: nipples.” (Susan Powter)
Autostraddle’s National Equality March Photo Gallery
Team Autostraddle attended the National Equality March in Washington, D.C. this weekend. Images from the weekend’s events, including Lady Gaga, Dan Choi, Kristen Chenoweth, clever signage, cute Interns and Haviland Stillwell Gorgeous.
Daily Fix – The One Where Everyone Defies Expectations, e.g., Stargate Universe & Gay Bloggers
Queerty decides to throw the biggots a bone with ten reasons against gay marriage. Stargate Universe gets a lez. And for once, the media is paying attention to the death of a troubled teen who isn’t white.
The Crazies Are At it Again & Something’s Brewing in the Heartland
We interview Kim, Hijacking Glambert, Alice in Wonderland, John & Kate Who, Women Sort Yourselves, Women War Protesters, Lady GaGa, to be honest with you I already wrote this and wordpress erased it and I’m gonna scream!
Sunday Funday: Britney Doesn’t Wanna Feel So Oveprotected & Pride Pride Everywhere You Look
“In a number of the photos released by Britney’s management, a heavy-set older man in a white, sleeveless working man’s vest can be seen hovering in the background. That’s her father, Jamie Spears, who took complete legal control of her life last year. It’s he who has the whip hand in Britney’s life now.”
Gonzos Do It, Gay Penguins Do It, Even Dear New Hampshire Does It …
“I should’ve pitched that f*cking book, I have a lot of imaginary stories made up about Britney’s life during the meltdown.”
Daily Fix: I’m Coming Out, I Want my Facebook Friends Network to Know
“Apparently I am suffering from GBICT, or Gay Blog Induced Carpal Tunnel. In an effort to relax, I turned on the teevee. I saw this terrible thing on True Life: I Hate my Small Boobs. So I had to look it up and see what the fuck was up with that girl’s Mom”
Daily Fix 3.26.09 – Where the Wild Things Are
Bloomberg urges NY to pass gay marriage bill, and 17% of therapists still “try to curb homosexual tendencies” in their patients. Lesbian movies!
Adam Lambert is Gay in Rolling Stone, Carly & Riese on the Gay Pimp Show, Dan Choi on Anderson Cooper
Carlytron & Riese visit Johnny McGovern’s Big Gay Pimp Show, Adam Lambert signs a record deal and comes out on the cover of Rolling Stone, Rachel Maddow calls Obama Out, Anderson Cooper chats with Dan Choi, Lindsay & Sam travel together, Margaret Cho says “let my people go,” Sarah Palin appears in the woods.
Sunday Funday: Tinkerbell Will Come Out on the Cover of DogFancy, Papa, Paparazzi
“In this world, denying gayness is not keeping your private life private. It is, essentially, accepting either 1) Straightness (e.g., John Travolta) or 2) An obvious and compromising closeted lifestyle (e.g., Queen Latifah). In Adam’s case, that’d be lying, and lying is bad. But he hasn’t lied. So yes, it is relevant.”
Weekend Fix – GLAAD Awards San Fran & White House Correspondents Dinner & More!
So the fix is a little late today, but we’re kinda EXACTLY ON TIME for tonight’s glaad media awards in San Francisco AND The White House Correspondents Dinner hosted by out lesbian Wanda Sykes.
Glee Mini-Recap: Episode 112 – Mattress
This week on Glee people draw mustaches on photos, Will finally realizes his own wife isn’t now — nor has ever been — pregnant, and Carlytron finally manages to enjoy this show again.
Ex-Miss-Cali Gets In the Mix & Pink’s Been Out Since 2006
“We’re all too hung up on labels and linguistics — the way I see it is that Pink’s using her own words to refer to the same concept that the media is implicating when it employs the word “bisexual.” Here’s a source from 2006 –“
Daily Fix: The Day We Officially Stop Caring about Miss California’s Whereabouts
Wanda Sykes, Is my Marriage Gay, Lady Gaga’s Poker Face, Dan Choi, Christian Pagan Buddhist Goddess Worshipers, more Miss California