Results for: gay marriage
Gays Playing Sports, Shopping for Menswear, Still Not Going to Prom
Closeted gays play basketball, lesbians play softball, gay boys rank each other on websites that get startup funds (bah!), Constance McMillen has her day in court and the school officials whipped out some doozies, a good lesbian suit is hard to find, Elisabeth Hasslebeck and Whoopi fight about health care, also wait ’til you see these portraits of soldiers affected by Don’t Ask Don’t Tell!
Race, Sexuality & Feminism: Autostraddle Feminist Roundtable Part 2
In which we ask: How does your race and/or sexuality impact your feminist identity? Do you ever feel you have to “pick one”?
How Do You Like Us Now? Archbishop Dolan: ‘Being Gay is a Character Flaw’
Is Archbishop Tim Dolan really ‘the archbishop of charm’? If being gay and having a short temper are similarly conquerable “character flaws,” how many Hail Marys do we have to do if our short temper and our homosexuality combine to make us want to throw this guy’s Jameson in his face? (Or just drink it)
Cracking the Coming Out Code
Ricky Martin came out yesterday. Sean Hayes came out a few weeks ago. My Mom came out in 1995. Is it only a matter of time before everyone comes out? Riese investigates and Alex makes infographics and together we get to the bottom of this well of homosexiness.
Top 20 Autostraddle Icons of 2009: The Future is Bright For Our ’09 Favorites
2009 was hands down totes The Year of the Weirdo. What does 2010 hold for our top 20 Autostraddle Icons? WHO WON?
Sports & Gender: Do Olympics Fans Prefer Men Together, Women Alone?
Gender & politics in the Olympic Games from Lindsay Vonn to Johnny Weir. Also; Australian ex-gays, Miss Beverly Hills also not into gays, feminism for kids, going to the gym for free and Tegan & Sara’s missed connection.
New Gay Wedding Mag EquallyWed Wants to Commitment Ceremony You
“Equally Wed” enters the untapped queer wedding magazine market, poised to get you ready for the big day even if it’s not legal yet. Also; lot of famous people got rejected from Harvard, women are rethinking “happily ever after,” Sugarbutch has thoughts on gay prom, The Real Housewife of Atlanta has a girlfriend for real, Liz Carpenter dies, marijuana legislation is queer, and the social construction of natural beauty.
How Do You Like Us Now? All The Other Churches Are Doing It.
Churches love/hate us, Mormons have signs for us, Jersey wants you to have a chance to vote against us, and Dan Choi is on NPR’s THE MOTH!
Thanks Anti-Equality Conservative A**hats, But John Shelby Spong & the Gays Have Had Enough of You Now.
Have we said all there is to say to people who passionately oppose full & equal rights for gays and lesbians?
Lambda Literary Awards 2010: 12 Queer Books You’ll Love
It’s Reading Rainbow time at Autostraddle! We talk about which of the Lambda Literary Awards nominees we’re most excited about reading. Spoiler alert: a lot of awesome out lesbians and bisexuals wrote fantastic looking books in 2009. Just FYI.
Do School Libraries Need Books? (Yes! We needed “Annie on my Mind”!)
Many schools are considering doing away with books — NYTimes debates the issue with Experts, and we have feelings. Also; gay Canadian teens in rural areas are lonely, lesbian activist marries gay man to prove a point, transgender woman on Oprah, first African-American gay speaker of the house in Rhode Island, Utah GBLTs won’t be ignored, and a kickass parody of the offensive Dodge Charger Superbowl Ads.
Daily Fix: First Comes Ugly Gays, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes Your Incest Baby in a Baby Carriage
Straight people can be fat and ugly too, you know.
Lady Gaga’s Most Shocking Stunt Yet? She’s a Good Actress: Sunday Funday!
Lady Gaga didn’t “shock” on last night’s Saturday Night Live … except when, you know, SHE DID. Also; the high costs of being a same-sex couple, and the gay penguins are a best-seller!
In Defense of Dressing Up: On Trans Surgery, Fashion Writing & the “Natural Body” Myth
Fashion blogger Meg Clark on why fashion blogging matters, trans activist lawyer Dean Spade unpacking feminist discourse around trans surgery. Though very different people/topics, both touch on how a “looks don’t matter” perspective disables us from having important conversations about gender/society/self. Also; 39% of young Swedish ladies lust for other ladies, fancy perfume, marriage officials love love, Margaret Cho directs a kickin’ new video, and Lesbians deal with HIV.
61% of New Lesbian & Gay Couples Met Online, Probs Looked Just Like Their Picture
Lesbians don’t just love the internet, they love meeting each other on the internet. Also; New York City’s Gay-Town entertainment complex proposal, Oprah has the transgendered quarterback turned lesbian filmmaker, Lt. Dan Choi’s Pride Parade plans, Phyllis Lyon interview, and our Valentine’s Day Plans at Stilleto’s UNITE in Fashion.
VIDEO: Dani Campbell Does Miami, With Pam Grier & Rea Carey
As promised, Dani Campbell took Autostraddle with her to this year’s Winter Party Festival in Miami Beach, Florida; where she chatted it up with Pam Grier (Kit Porter from “The L Word” and FOXY F*CKING BROWN), who is actually the most awesome person of all time. Dani gets tips on becoming a better activist from Rea Carey, the Executive Director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force. The camera loves Dani Campbell, it just told me so!
LGBTQ Community Divided, Not United, by Obama’s Speech to the HRC
After this weekend you’d expect the gay rights movement to be more united than ever. Instead, it seems to be dividing. A special comment from Autostraddle on what happens next.
I’m Still Sad at Maine, OR “Gay America’s Gotta Be Something Someday”
Maine is over me. But I just can’t get over Maine. Welcome to the first “Riese’s Pieces” column, where I turn feelings into sentences and hopefully, sometimes, actual points.
Lindsay Lohan’s Potential Sex Photos Make Us Understand America, Ireland Makes America Understand Same-Sex Marriage
Trying to keep Obama out of schools. Lady Gaga might do something really crazy at the VMAs you guys what will it be? Do Lindsay Lohan & Sam have sex photos and why do we want to see them?
The Week Tampax Sponsored Our Gayest Moment & Hilary Duff Wore Many Hats
Sometimes I feel like Callie & Arizona will never make out again. Instead, we have Drew Barrymore’s soft butch, Modern Family’s truly modern family, Hillary Duff’s hotness (maybe), and adorable episodes of The Office & How I Met Your Mother.