Results for: gay marriage
Stars ARE Just Like Us! Jillian Michaels Is NOT Shagging Her Straight Best Friend
Yesterday our #1 search term was “Jillian Michaels Vanessa Marcil” and now we know why — get the full ‘scoop’ on ‘important things’ right here. Also, Carol Leifer goes on Howard Stern with a lot of feelings about Ellen DeGeneres ALSO! Tegan & Sara interview, Gaga explains nearly passing out on stage in New Zealand, Cynthia Nixon’s GLAAD speech, and a new teaser for Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono’s web series, We Have To Stop Now.
Jess’s Team Pick
Straight male comedian, Dylan Rhymer, has a hilarious and charming piece defending gay marriage in this Funny or Die clip.
Paltrow and Kidman Will Play House in Upcoming Movie
Nicole Kidman and Gwyneth Paltrow will play a couple in “The Danish Girl.” The New York governor is pushing for a vote on same-sex marriage today. And a new survey of troops says support for DADT is on the decline.
After an EPIC Week, it’s Hey Did You See That Comment Awards Friday!
Forget every other time you’ve heard the phrase “Best Week Ever” used — this week trumps them all, my friends! Not convinced? Read all of these amazing comments, and you will be.
Real L Word Recap: Episode 101 – The Power of the Clam is Overrated
Christ almighty.
News & Politics Round-Up: Gay Divorce in Texas, Lesbians Defy Preconceptions, Bad Sex Ed is Back
Thursday was a big day for gay marriage, as a Texas court ruled in favor of gay divorce and Nevada began issuing domestic partnerships. Haviland guest-blogs for NOW, DADT repeal is thrown out there, and it looks like the NFL might be getting more accepting.
Local Cops Out Lesbian Soldier: Is Bigotry to Blame? Or Spite?
Gay people, especially lesbians of color like Jene Newsome, continue not asking or telling and being discharged anyways — and sidenote, Rapid City has a significant history of racial discrimination. J. Crew has discriminatory hiring practices, Elton got a death threat, gay men may or may not be able to give blood eventually, New Hampshire is standing for marriage equality, and the Paycheck Fairness may be able to make a difference for working women and their families. Also, Jon Stewart explains it all for you.
Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono Celebrate at “We Have to Stop Now” Season Two Premiere
Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono held a feature length screening and outdoor bash to celebrate the second season launch of lesbian web-series, “We Have to Stop Now.” We have exclusive photos from the party including Q&A footage and a first look review that breaks down why this is entertainment worth paying for. Plus, a one-on-one interview with writer/creator Ann Noble!
Obama’s ‘Small Victories’ for LGBTs This Week: Is It Change We Can Believe In?
The Obama Administration is making small steps towards helping the LGBT community with the Shepard Act & new initiatives from the departments of Housing and Urban Development and Health and Human Services. Also; Dan Choi gives great interview to the Metro Weekly – with tales of a childhood spent praying “Jesus, make me pop a boner for Michelle Pfeiffer, in Jesus’ name, amen!”
Gay Newsweek Writer Says Gay Men Can’t Play Straight, Other Offensive Things
Newsweek’s out gay writer Ramin Setoodeh is at it again with another totally offensive article about gay people — this time it’s about how gay men can’t convincingly play straight but vice-versa works just fine. Also; Pam Grier has written her memoirs, Melissa Etheridge opens up about the breakup with Tammy Lynn Michaels, Chris Colfer talks about Kurt’s boyfriend and Portia does Ellen.
Obama To Deliver Keynote Address at the HRC Dinner October 10
This just in: Obama to deliver speech to room full of gay people. What are you gonna do without Conde Nast’s parenting, wedding, and gourmet cooking advice? Autostraddle can help. Also; Lady Gaga endorses the National Equality March and Illinois introduces gay marriage bill.
We’re Unsupervised, Let’s Party! It’s Hey Did You See That Comment Friday!
It’s been a crazy week — T.J.L.I.F. (Thank Jane Lynch It’s Friday!) What better way to relax than to cozy up to some Autostraddler comments?
Supreme Court Justice Stevens Retiring; What Happens to the Gays?
Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement Friday, and we have more info than you can handle, probs. Plus, the Southern Voice is coming back, Constance McMillen gets another shot at prom, and there will be a trial on DOMA.
Ladies Dominate MTV VMAs & Lady Gaga Wears Many Outfits, Ellen & Drew Bring Their Special Friendship to Toronto: Daily Fix
Lady Gaga is the woman of 10,000 outfits, and we love them all. Ellen page & Drew Barrymore stay cozy at the WHIP IT! premiere, and straights come out for gay marriage.
Lindsay Lohan Guest Judges on Project Runway & The Elderpersons Judge Gays on Election Day
If people under 30 made the laws, 38 states would have gay marriage and if people over 65 did — no gay marriage for anyone! Also — Lindsay Lohan on Project Runway, Natalie Portman Mila Kunis Lesbian Sex Scene, and the little gay town that could.
A Shot at Tila Tequila: The Autostraddle Interview
Autostraddle stops talking about Tila and talks to her instead: “Hopefully, after people read this interview, it will change their minds about me. But if not, it doesn’t matter. I’m still happy. I’m still going to fight for our right to get married. I’m going to buy my Teletubbies pajamas, and throw pickles at paparazzi!”
Is Jennifer Knapp the Brave Christian Lesbian We’ve Been Waiting For? (Larry King VIDEO)
A full video of Jennifer Knapp’s appearance on Larry King Live is out — will Jennifer Knapp be the one to show Gay & Christian are not mutually exclusive? And when did Ted Haggard stop being an asshat and start being bearable? Rosie makes our little gay hearts feel full of love, Archie Comics are getting a new gay in Riverdale, Will Phillips is the cutest recipient of a television journalism award in the history of television journalism, and there’s a new name in media aimed at Muslim women. And hey, have you made a video for Be Queer, Buy Queer yet? If not, make moves!
College Lesbianage #3: When Will My Lovely Lesbian Bubble Burst?
Life is finally getting good for Intern Lily, who once felt unhinged, lonely and lost in her first year at Barnard. Now there’s love, a liberal bubble, and that constant fear of what happens when the real world comes by.
Trans Father Scott Moore’s Baby Photos Inspire Awws, Bigotry
Scott Moore (dubbed “the second pregnant man” by the media) and his husband Thomas (also FTM) welcomed a new baby into the world yesterday, and TMZ has photos. And the homophobia and transphobia is ‘a-flyin’.
Lindsay Lohan Debunks Boyfriend Rumors & Adam Lambert Deboinks Boyfriend
Lindsay Lohan denies boyfriend rumors, Adam Lambert Releases a New Single and breaks up with boyfriend, Power Up to honor lesbians in Showbiz including Susan Miller tonight. Also; an Ally McBeal reuinion, Here/Regent media layoffs and Maine governor interview in the NYTimes Magazine.