• Gay Activists ‘Holler’, Obama Talks Back, Dan Choi Gets the Handcuffs

    Obama responds to DADT protesters interrupting a recent speech, Dan Choi has chained himself to the White House fence again, and we don’t know how to feel. Plus, an Arkansas judge has overturned the law banning adoption by gay or unmarried people, two men are being held in the death of a gay professor, and gay divorce is the flipside of the gay marriage fight.

  • It’s Time For HEY! Did You See That Comment! Friday

    It’s you who make this all worth while. Your comments are like shiny diamonds, which everyone knows are even better than dollars. Dollars can only be used to buy boring things like insurance. If they just legalized gay marriage already, we wouldn’t have to worry about insurance, you all could just seduce pretty girls who have secure jobs and benefits with your side-splittingly witty comments.

  • President Obama Says It Gets Better

    President Obama makes a video for the It Gets Better campaign and obvs we have some thoughts.

  • The Big Commit: Gays Win Equality Forever With Activists and Adorable Children

    So the National Organization for Marriage has had this Summer of Marriage tour happening for a while now, which is like the Summer of Love except the exact opposite. Bigots vanquished by adorable precocious children! NOM embarrassed and stood up by Maggie Gallagher! Gays win activism!

  • Uncool High Schools: Constance McMillen Transfers, Kern Votes Against Harvey Milk Day

    Constance McMillen, the lesbian who wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom, has switched schools to avoid bullying. Harvey Milk Day won’t be celebrated by the teenagers who need it most because of homophobic Prop-8-supporting school administrators! Awesome! Also, gay unions legalized in Portugal, more feelings on Elena Kagan, Montgomery College will have an African-American lesbian president, Christian charities are maybe kind of allowed to legally discrimate sort of, and Jezebel wants to talk to you about women’s colleges.

  • Fifth-Grader with Two Moms Falls, Gets Injured, and Nobody Makes a Sound

    Jenna Bissell is being discriminated against in the fifth grade because she has two moms. Happy Mother’s Day! Also, Iowa hates gay campers, David Dean Bottrell hates Setoodeh’s Newsweek article, and important historical milestones for gays in Lithuania and the Philippines.

  • Laurel Holloman Would Make Bette Porter Swoon, Too: The Autostraddle Interview

    Jess chats with Laurel about her emerging art career, the controversy over The Kids Are All Right, her iconic lesbian roles as Tina and Randy Dean, what TV shows she’d love to be on, whether she’ll act again and much more! Plus, come face to face with Laurel and her artwork at The Dinah this Spring!

  • We’ll Always Have Prop 8 I Mean Paris: Goodbye, Judge Walker

    Judge Walker, our collective judicial heartthrob, has announced that he’ll be leaving the bench at the end of this year in a decision he says has nothing to do with Proposition 8.

  • Lesbian Prom Update: Constance Suing for Damages & Westboro’s Coming to Graduation

    Constance McMillen is now seeking unspecified monetary damages in her case against Itawamba High School, citing public humiliation. Even worse, Westboro Baptist Church has announced they’ll be picketing her graduation to remind everyone that dykes are ‘filthy.’ Also; more on Scott Baio’s evolving lesbian rage, Gay tourism, forced gay marriage, bisexuals aren’t gay enough, Sikhism and feminism, tv bans plus size ads, and headache fun!

  • Chely Wright on Ellen: Why We Love Watching Out Celebs Meet Ellen DeGeneres

    Chely Wright was interviewed last week on Ellen, gets teary, talks about Ellen’s Mom, and we take a look at why Ellen’s show has been so important for out celebs, and why Ellen, like Oprah, succeeds because of her “outsider” status, not in spite of it. Everyone is having a fabulous time this Sunday Funday! Librarians are covering Lady Gaga songs while she’s hanging around British pubs, Neil Patrick Harris is surprising his boyfriend with awesome parties, a brief gay pride parade happens successfully in Moscow, the “first modern lesbian” will get her time in the spotlight, and Gawker would like to talk to you about prescription medication.

  • Consequences for Anti-Gay People We Hate: Michigan Asst AG Takes “Leave of Absence,” Etc

    Our faith in the workings of the universe/the concept of justice is partially restored with the news that crazed homophobic stalker Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell has taken a leave of absence and will face disciplinary hearings, and also that Jene Newsome, black lesbian DADT victim, is suing the Rapid City police who outed her.

  • Gay Adoption in Florida: You Lose Some/Often But You Win Some Too

    This week has been disheartening for a lot of us queer activists, but cheer up a little bit because Legal Eagle Jessica is here to share some GOOD NEWS about gay adoptions in Florida.

  • U.S Government Really Likes Us Gays or is F*cking With Our Heads

    The Pentagon has agreed to meet with a group of partners of gay servicemembers and discuss the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal in addition to listening to the opinions of straight soldiers’ partners. One small step for mankind, amirite? (amirite?) Furthermore, Ken Mehlman being gay is NBD ’cause apparently the GOP doesn’t care about same-sex marriage anymore anyhow? Also the (conservative) guys raising money for our rights have historically raised money for anti-gay candidates. Oh yeah and Roger Ebert loves gay people.

  • National Coming Out Day OPEN THREAD: The Good, The Funny, The Awkward

    “And then, as though she was possessed suddenly by some sapphic demon whose realm was twentysomething nostalgia, my mom came pouring out with this entire sense-memory-ridden stream-of-consciousness tidal wave…”

  • Conservatives Fear Gay “Amerophobe” Supreme Court Takeover, Elena Kagan

    Everyone still has many feelings about Elena Kagan & Elena Kagan’s potential sexuality and we’re here to tell you about them. Also Conservatives have A LOT of feelings about radical ‘Amerophobes’ taking over SCOTUS. Also, DADT stories get shared, bigots get invited to dinner, we’re not sure how to feel about the GOP in Massachusetts, and elderly couples are cruelly separated by the courts.

  • On The Upside, These Gay Kids Have Awesome Parents!

    It’s not all doom & gloom. Ceara Sturgis’ tuxedo pic didn’t even make it into the yearbook, but her Mom is standing up for her! And she’s not the only Mom out there taking a stand. Also, Houston Pride will feature uniformed police officers, the Washington Blade returns, California struck down anti-gay law and um someonemurderedtheirdaughtersgirlfriend and a trans student was attacked in a college bathroom.

  • Constance McMillen Sent to Fake Prom, Itawamba Students Aren’t All That

    Constance McMillen continues to be f*cked over: her school sent her to a fake prom with “learning disabled” students. Also, employers are exploiting unpaid interns and it could be illegal. Why do gay men sometimes make fun of vaginas? Plus, it’s been a year since Iowa allowed gay marriage, Lambda Legal needs your help, and Obama may get another Supreme Court nomination.

  • Some Conservatives Hate Gays Less Than Others, Possibly Have Been Influenced by “Facts”

    Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter have gone rogue on the Hatred of Gay People issue, and other conservative groups are Very Upset about it. What goes into the making of a conservative who just kind of feels whatever about gays? We check Google News, look at the Jennifer Keeton case (we won!) and make an informed report – and consider the possibility that maybe The Facts sometimes win.

  • Welcome to the 34th Annual Friday Comment Awards!

    Obviously Hey! Did You See That Comment? Friday is a weekly occurrence and not an annual one, but I’m feeling very pomp and circumstance this week and it just felt right.

  • Much Ado About Bisexuality

    Are we all bi? Who’s tired of labels? Plus, the de-gay-ifying of A Single Man, Maddow’s just a journalist, New Hampshire will vote on repealing gay marriage, and we had so much fun at Stiletto on Sunday!