Results for: gay marriage
Christine O’Donnell Reminds Us That Gay Family Members Do Not a Homo-Friendly Politician Make
Did you hear the one about the [homophobic politician] and their gay [daughter/sister/brother/friend]? So did we, and you know, it’s really not funny anymore.
Glee 217 Recap: Night of Neglecting Viewers Expecting a Good Show, Lesbian Action
Let’s waste more time reading this than we already did watching the episode
Kelly McGillis Gets Civil Unionized, Glambert Gets “Apology” from Daily 10 D-Bag, Elmo Upstages Katy Perry
Kelly McGillis marries her partner in New Jersey, Lindsay Lohan may be on her way back to jail, movie trailer for Single White Female redeux – stalker lesbians and all, Tegan & Sara’s Complete Recollection, Fiona Apple finally releasing new album in 2011, Gleeks, Adam Lambert gets a weak apology and Gwyneth Paltrow on Glee.
Glee 218 Recap: Born This Way, Everyone is Gay
90 minutes of sweet sweet homogay and psychological angst.
Prop 8 Gets its Stay, Gays Won’t Get Married Wednesday, Hate Hate Go Away
The stay on same-sex marriages in California has been extended at least until December. Take a deep breath and hold on tight.
Gay Marriage in Maine Loses; 53% Vote Yes on 1, Homos Remain Unpopular
Maine voted to strike down gay marriage tonight with 53% voting Yes on Question 1, which is depressing. Good news for the gays in Washington, North Carolina and Michigan, however!
Midterm Elections Cram Session: Autostraddle’s Gay Guide to Voting on November 2
Who thinks homosexuality is like alcoholism? Which queers are running for office in California? What the hell are the midterm elections anyhow? Why do the Republicans think they have this one in the bag? The answers to all these questions and more in Autostraddle’s official guide to the 2010 Midterm Elections.
Stuff You Should Know: ANTM’s Lesbian, Johnny Weir’s Weirdisms, Harry Potter 101, Lohan’s Career
ANTM meets its lesbian/bi girl quotient once again, Johnny Weir says amazing things to New York Magazine, Marx and Engels get the homo slashfic treatment, Kathy Griffin speaks out about gay marriage and Harry Potter can help you earn your degree!
Equality Maine’s Testimony Videos: Gay Marriage Isn’t Just for Kids
Maine Equality shatters the misconception that anyone over the age of 60 is auto-homophobic. Anti-gay bullies try to get Obama’s progressive safe schools czar outsed, how Immigration law hurts same-sex couples, and Colbert does Washington’s Referendum 71.
Don’t Want To Be Part of the Problem: A Field Guide to Airborne Homophobia
Is it possible to be a radical queer feminist and still overhear conversations, maintain friendships and interact in public with unradical non-queers, without screaming at everyone or compromising your identity? A case study.
Tomorrow Maine Will Vote on Gay Marriage, WA Will Vote on Everything But: Where Do We Stand?
On November 4th, big elections are gonna go down in Washington and Maine. Where do the polls stand and what’s at stake? Also; the NFL has a homophobe and the MLB has a gay winner,
Revolution Queer Style Now: Christian College Bans Students’ Gay ‘Zine
We talk to the queer vanguards of Harding University who made a ‘zine “to be a voice for the voiceless who are quietly dying inside the walls of our campus” and got banned by the administration.
Step Out of Your Egg & Receive Your Comment Award!
So many awards, so little time.
Surprise! White Democrats With Kids Are Responsible for Passing Prop 8!
New analysis of the Proposition 8 vote from 2008 shows that the ridiculous Yes On 8 TV ads had more of an effect than anyone first thought. And the results weren’t as close as it appeared, either. We’ve got a lot more work to do.
What Do You Mean You’re Not Monogamous?
In which we discuss the most common misconceptions about polyamory and nonmonogamy in an attempt to help everyone be less stupid.
Hey! Did Your Week Suck? Have A Comment Award!
Omg you are all so funny and smart and your hair is shiny, have an award or 10.
Louisiana Judge Rules Interracial Marriage, Like Gay Marriage, Will Obliterate Juvenile Happiness
A Louisiana justice of the peace denied a straight interracial couple a marriage license out of concern for their future children. A high school student in Mississippi is kicked out of the yearbook for wearing a tuxedo. And where’s the progress on DADT?
Former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman is Gay: The Hill is Alive With the Sound of Gay-Friendly Republicans
Prominent Republican official and former George W. Bush campaign manager Ken Mehlman has come out as gay, saying that “It’s taken me 43 years to become comfortable with this part of my life… It’s something I wish I had done years ago.”
Pure Poetry #14: Sady Doyle on the Great Poet Diane Di Prima
“This woman found the riskiest, weirdest thing to be, at any particular moment, and then she became it.”
Costa Rica Says Yes To The (Lesbian Wedding) Dress
Costa Rica’s solution to Prop 8 was to not let voters pass one — an attempt to have a voter referendum banning civil unions was shot down by the nation’s top court. We support this policy, and want everyone to learn a lesson from our friends and neighbors in Latin America.