Results for: gay marriage
Gay And Trans-Inclusive ENDA Introduced Again, Probably Going Nowhere Again
Today ENDA will be reintroduced to the House of Representatives and also fail in the House of Representatives.
A**holes Still Living in Fear of Prop 8 and Gays in General, Taking Irrational Actions Against Us
This excerpt announces new efforts from strange people to repeal Prop 8 for everyone except like 4 people, make homosexuality illegal in Montana, and vote in favor of DADT.
Hollywood Loves Gay Men & Teens, Just Ask “The Marriage Ref”
Not since the dawn of Rickie Vasquez & Will Truman have gay men been so loved by Hollywood. It’s fine, ladies have tampons and performance art. Also; A new teaser for Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono’s We Have to Stop Now, Glee on Oprah, & Prop 8 Films’ gay marriage documentary ‘Till Death Do Us Part.’
Real L Word Episode 203 Recap: Back to Square One, Look What We’ve Become
The good news is that my recap is done / “I wish instead of being this show, this show was a re-run of Friends”
After NY Gay Marriage Defeat, Could New Jersey Be Our Filthy/Gorgeous Hope?
New Jersey is so close to New York, it’s practically the same place (or at least we’ll pretend it is if they vote to legalize gay marriage). Meanwhile, Denver would rather vote to roll out the red carpet for alien invaders. ALSO; Tolerance is relative when teaching middle school students, Prop. 8 still blows, and Rick Warren is loathsome as ever.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Shot, 6 Killed and 10 Wounded by 22-Year-Old Jared Loughner
Six people were killed today and 11 wounded at an event this morning in Arizona for Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, including Giffords. The gunman, 22-year-old Jared Laughner, has authored some really troubling online rants.
This Just In: Paladino Is A Huge Asshole, Hates Gay “Brainwashing”
How much do you care about the New York gubernatorial race? Well good, because Carl Paladino DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU EITHER, you gay lesbian homo gayface lesbosaur. Really, though, he clearly doesn’t.
The Internet is Ruining the Social Lives of Gay People! HIDE YOUR CATS! AND BEARS!
I read an article about “how as the web flourishes, gay groups watch enrollments dwindle,” had some feelings on it, and was interested in sharing them with you in hopes that you will share your feelings with me.
Hawaii Gets Gay Civil Unions While Wyoming Lawmakers Aim for Inequality State Status
We’d recommend you honeymoon in Honolulu and not Jackson Hole, because if you go to Jackson Hole you might magically lose all of your rights as a homo if this bill passes and we hope it doesn’t!
Will New Jersey Get Gay Marriage? Magic 8 Ball Says “Outlook Not So Good.”
The fight for gay marriage in New Jersey is faltering. GLAAD issues their statement on the Glambert stuff: “It is disappointing that ‘Good Morning America’ did not give Adam Lambert the opportunity to tailor his performance to their audience.” And straight people wanna commitment ceremony each other too!
Court Foils Anti-Gays’ Prop 8 Appeal: You Can’t Make Brown & Schwarzenegger Love You If They Don’t
Surprise! An extremist right-wing group is trying to strong-arm Jerry Brown and Arnold Schwarzenegger into defending Prop 8! But nobody has stronger arms than Arnold, don’t they know that? Also: international gay news including gay adoption in Australia and your Gay Republicans update.
Ellen & Portia Among Gay Marriage’s Top Advocates and Bisexual Kristanna Loken Gets a Girlfriend
Kristanna Loken’s broken up with her boy and has a new girl — guess that’s why we kept seeing her out at lesbian WeHo hotspots! The New York Times ponders Ellen’s influence on the marriage equality struggle, John Mayer loves gay clubs, LiLo wants Gaga and “Cracks” looks good!
Maine & Washington Gay Marriage Election Day “Live-Blog”!
Autostraddle will be “live-blogging” election happenings coming in from Maine (voting on Question 1, could reverse law permitting same-sex marriage) and Washington (voting on Referendum 71 which would permit “everything but” marriage for Washington same-sex couples). And you know, whatever else happens. Hopefully no-one will get hurt this time.
Catholic Church Tries to Block Gay Marriage By Revoking Charity, No One Wins
The Catholic Archdiocese in Washington, D.C., threw a Hail Mary and threatened to stop their charitable programs if the city council passes a same-sex marriage bill. DADT might get repealed in 2010. And Eastwick was canceled, but there might be some hope for its return!
Illinois Gets Civil Unions, Life-Threatening Snowstorms
Get your hot chocolate and 1989 World Series Puzzle out, it’s time to bundle up and think about how Governor of Illinois Pat Quinn signed Civil Unions legislation into law today!
Prop 19: Will California Voters Legalize Weed, Or Will Their Mellows Be Harshed?
Midterm elections are coming up! Aren’t you so excited? There’s a lot of people excited/not excited about Proposition 19 in California, it would legalize marijuana, wanna hear about it ok.
Maine’s Anti-Gay Marriage Win is Inspiring Other States, Scaring Us
The defeat of same-sex marriage in Maine may lead New Hampshire voters to overturn their own gay marriage laws, Maine makes nation take stock of strategy. I wish Google News had a “good news” filter. In lieu of that, I also have a funny Onion video about Glenn Beck and photos of hot girls!
Chik-Fil-A’s Anti-Gay Damage Control Even Sloppier Than Their Sandwiches
Like Target and Dominoes before it, Chik-Fil-A is the next corporate chain on the chopping block for supporting anti-gay groups.
Rep. John Boehner Scared Of Change, Gay People, Wants To Defend DOMA
You know what they say, if you give a mouse a cookie the Republicans will fight to keep oppressive legislation until someone pries it from their cold dead hands!
If Perez Hilton Wants to Save Gay Teens from Gay Bullies, He Should Quit Being a Misogynistic Gay Bully
Be the change you want to see in the world, Perez Hilton.