Results for: gay marriage
California Schoolkids, Adam Lambert Are Winners This Sunday Funday
California children are one step closer to being allowed to find out that gay people exist, Adam Lambert sets us straight on nail polish, and Anita Bryant got pied for real.
Delaware Makes Best Civil Unions Ever Happen
Delaware, land of my credit card bills, makes Civil Unions happen.
Day 7 of Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Ex-Gay Camp, Will Truman, Obama, The Mormons, What a Whirlwind!
Another day, another round of depressing but also inspiring testimony. We discuss: the Catholic church’s stance on gays, how conversion therapy doesn’t really work, how gays have almost no political representation, and the Mormons! Get ready!
Day Five of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Everybody’s Hiding Except Me & My Monkey
A day of many feelings. We laughed, we cried, we asked “is this really happening?” incredulously, and the world spun madly on. Welcome to Day Five of the Prop 8 Same-Sex Marriage Trial Recap: Judgment DAZE.
Day 9 of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Who Needs Marriage When You Have Bisexuality, You Slippery Slopes?
They should replace that show “Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader” with “Are You Smarter Than A Proposition 8 Attorney, Yes You Are.”
New Jersey Senate Voting on Gay Marriage Tomorrow! Get Your Whiskey & Kleenex!
No one thought it would happen, but the New Jersey Senate agreed to hear the same-sex marriage bill tomorrow — what’s the outlook? Also, Rhode Island’s gay funeral rights bill veto, Prop 8 trial on YouTube, Obama’s transgender appointee, and the funniest bestest Daily Show video ever about that simple time Glenn Beck & his ilk are always reminiscing about.
Day Four of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Ilan Meyer on Social Stigma & Prejudice FTW
Day Four of the Prop 8 Trial and the other side is getting really desperate. But we’ve got our game faces on for testimony on the effects of prejudice & social stigma on gays and of gay marriage on the economy. But funnier!
Midterm Elections 2010: Prop 19 Loses So Marijuana’s Not Legal, Republicans TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH RAYGUNS
Prop 19 failed so that means no marijuana-induced anarchy in California! Also apparently there’s some sort of serious Republican Invasion happening, which sounds pretty wild. Christine O’Donnell lost tho!
Every Silver Lining Has a Touch of Gay
This Sunday Funday we take time to sit back and reflect on how sometimes there are perks to being second-class citizens, like the time you got stood up for dinner but that way you got to watch the entire ANTM marathon! Also, more details on Gaga’s new album, Katie Miller’s plans for the future, top 15 Glee guest stars, Privilege Denying Dude returns, and good news on the HIV medication front!
Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial, Explained: Lez Legal Eagle Answers Your Lawfully Ignorant Questions
If you’ve been following the Prop 8 trial this week, you might have a lot of questions about the law and stuff, or perhaps like us you only KINDA understand what’s going on. Our resident legal expert Jessica is here to help! Here’s part one of two of Jessica the Legal Eagle Lawyer Explains It All– if you’ve got questions, she’s got answers.
Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial Explained Pt. 2: Equal Protection & Why They Do Those Things They Do
Our lesbian lawyer Jessica is back to explain the issue of equal protection in the Prop 8 trial happening this week. She’ll tell you what the lawyers are trying to prove, what a suspect class is, and why anyone cares about the economic impact of gay marriage in California.
Uganda Drops “Kill The Gays” Bill – Something That We Did Worked [UPDATE: JK NOT REALLY]
Online petitions had over 1.4 million signatures as of yesterday afternoon, and the impending vote on Uganda’s “Kill The Gays” bill is temporarily called off.
All the Small Things: People Doing Nice Things for Lesbians
Random acts of gay kindness have been happening around the country! The few I collected ease the wage gap, help out lovesick convicts, and involve revenge. Do they sound awesome yet?
Immigration Officials To Gay Binational Couples: Just Kidding, No Deportation Holds
Binational gay couples don’t have cause for celebration after all, according to US immigration officials.
Everybody Must Sue DOMA: Lesbian Activist Widow & Gay Couples File Suits
Edith Windsor had to pay crippling estate taxes when her wife died as if they were strangers because the federal government didn’t recognize them as being married. Now she’s suing on the basis that DOMA “effectively creates a tax on being gay.” Meanwhile two other lawsuits have been filed against DOMA by a Boston-based gay advocacy group. Are lawsuits the future of the gay rights movement?
Wild Stuff Going Down With Lesbians All Over the World
Secret lesbian lovers, drugs, sex, childbirth in taxi cabs, lesbian chic and MORE!
What It Feels Like For A Lesbian Household: Recent Studies On Gay Families
Lesbian families are a thing – but to the scientific community, they still sometimes seem like an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in Melissa Etheridge. Here are some of the hard facts.
25 TV Shows You Should Watch on DVD: Our Favorite Marathon-Worthy Series
The one where nearly every single member of the Team discusses some of the best (Golden Girls) and most questionable (Grey’s Anatomy) TV shows out on DVD.
Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial Begins Its Exclusive Engagement at San Fran Circuit Court Today!
“Perry v. Schwarzenegger is a thrill; it’s also terrifying.” The Prop 8 Trial to appeal the ruling against same-sex marriage begins today in San Francisco, starring David Boies and Theodore B. Olson. We got your who, what, when, where and why.
Am I In a Dysfunctional Relationship With Barack Obama? We Talked Last Night and it Was Weird
I know this is supposed to be about Obama and civil rights and his sit-down with lefty bloggers and the gay issues he wasn’t interested in supporting at the time and also his Daily Show appearance, but it’s really about me. Because isn’t everything.