Results for: gay marriage
HHS Wants You Gays To Have Equal Medicaid Benefits, Happy Pride!
This week Obama’s administration informed the state Medicaid agencies that they had better start treating gay families equally as far as Medicaid benefits, DOMA or no DOMA. Also, Lady Gaga at Pride, Tina Fey, Chloe Sevigny, and very cute videos featuring marriage equality and/or dancing children.
These North Carolina Courts Hate Gays, Lesbians, Adoptive Parents, Possibly Everyone
For same-sex families who can’t be legally married, second-parent adoption is often their best option. Well, not anymore.
TOMS Guy Speaks at Anti-Gay Group Focus on the Family’s Event, Apparently Regrets That Now
“All Mycoskie had to do was type “Focus on the Family” in to that long skinny box at the top of his browser. Oh, he’s using Firefox? So the top right box.”
Also. Also. Also: From “Homosexuality in America” to “Gay in America” and Beyond
Another installment of stories you should read and things you should know about. Includes time travel.
What Happened With Judge Walker: Gay Judges Officially Ruled Okay As Judges
We won a thing in California again! However if we hadn’t won THIS thing, I’d probably be screaming from my eyeballs right now. Real loud.
GOP Candidate Michele Bachmann Latest Victim of GLITTERBOMB
You can run, but you can’t hide! (But you *can* walk off the stage like nothing happened because you have no soul.)
Autostraddle’s Fall Television Guide: All The New Girls
There are so many girls on the television this season! Autostraddle has your guide to the best new fall shows and where to find the queers.
Artists, Politics and the Gays
What is the role of artists in the fight for queer equality — if they have one?
A Brave New World Of “Ex-Gay” Therapy: It’s Complicated
“Acceptance of same-sex sexual attractions and sexual orientation may not mean the formation of an L.G.B. sexual-orientation identity. Alternate identities may develop instead.”
“That’s What She Said” is Queer Asian America In Your Face
Why a group of six queer Asian American women are producing, acting in, and writing a groundbreaking queer web series, and why you should care.
The Lesbian Insider’s Guide to 40 LGBT-Friendly College Campuses
Queer girls from 40 different schools give you the uncensored scoop on what it feels like for a gay lady on their campus — from hookup culture to dyke parties to activism and academics.
Hey Did You See That Redesign – I Mean Comment Award?
In 2011 we redesigned the comment awards too. They’re shinier, just like your hair.
Footballers Scoring With Us For Supporting Gay Marriage & Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood has a response ad to Focus on the Family’s Anti-Choice SuperBowl ad and we think you’re gonna love it! The Advocate talks to a pro-gay-marriage Saints football player, top 10 banned super bowl ads, John McCain is cranky and hates gay people, girls who won’t date taller, Beyonce and Rihanna have blonde hair, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE MANIA and moms try to out-hot their daughters.
The Prop 8 Appeal Hearing: OMFG What Happened
Your recap of the Prop 8 hearing is here! It took a while to get to you but that’s because Charles Cooper’s ears are just too weird, that and his terrible legal arguments kept throwing us off. Anyhow let’s talk about the future of gay marriage in California!
Riese’s Team Pick: The Sci-Fi Explanation of Why Gay People Deserve Marriage Rights
Worf deserves marriage rights too you guys.
Gay Republicans Replace Crazy H8ers at the Conservative Caucus Table
A bunch of people who hate gay people are really upset that the GOP has gay people just like everything else in the world.
Which “Iconic Sci-Fi Sex Symbol” Actress is Ready to Come Out Lesbian?
Our money’s on Kelly LeBrock, but I have a feeling you wish it was Scully.
Buried in the Snow: Hey Did You See That Comment?
Your branches look mighty fine today.
48% of Gays Aren’t Out at Work, Even on Diversity Day
Is it really possible that basically half of all college-educated gays are still in the closet at work?
Happy Days of July! Comment Awards
I wish we called Halloween “The 31st of October.”