Results for: gay marriage
NPR Appreciation Post: Top 10 Gayest This American Life Episodes
“NPR is like a blanket; my parents didn’t believe in listening to music in the car and I did not really know there were other radio stations until my older sister drove me home from ice skating one day and my 6 year old brain exploded.”
Lesbian Marine Marries a Man, Lives With Girlfriend, Might Go to Prison For It
The story of how a lesbian Marine and her girlfriend managed to live off base and get married – just not to each other.
Prague LGBT Pride’s Festival of Tolerance not Tolerated
Czech President Klaus (no relation to Santa) rains on everybody’s parade.
Newsweek Celebrates “The Mormon Moment,” Clearly Still Hates Gay People
Successful Mormons have to hide their true identity! They’ve been persecuted for their marriage practices! They’re marginalized and misunderstood! Now they’re winning! You know, just like they won Prop 8.
Also. Also. Also: Canadian Trans Woman Wins Breast Implant Contest on the Radio
76% of the 30k voters in AMP Radio’s “Breast Summer Ever” contest voted for Avery, a trans woman, Google makes you forget things, male politician demands you #actlikealady and MORE!
LGBT Film Festival Season 2011: A Guide to Movies You’ll Want to See
Highlights of this summer’s festivals include Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono’s ‘We Have to Stop Now,’ Chely Wright’s coming out story, “Show Me Love meets 500 Days of Summer” and ‘Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same.’
The Official 2011 Autostraddle Hot 100: Real Gay Ladies
Welcome to the third annual Autostraddle Hot 100 of real living breathing queer ladies.
Cool Comment Awards to Help You Survive the Heat Wave
My fingers have actually started melting onto my keyboard.
It’s Sunday Funday, Let’s All Love and Vote and Sing For Each Other
Lady Gaga’s working with Cher, Lindsay Lohan’s getting groped, nobody’s wearing clothes, everybody is in love, and New York City just might be getting a lesbian mayor.
Gays Get Hospital Visitation Rights, Live in the South With Kids, Can Marry in D.C.
“People grew up in church, so a lot of us lived in shame. What did we do? We wandered around lost. We married men, and then couldn’t understand why every night we had a headache.”
HHS Wants You Gays To Have Equal Medicaid Benefits, Happy Pride!
This week Obama’s administration informed the state Medicaid agencies that they had better start treating gay families equally as far as Medicaid benefits, DOMA or no DOMA. Also, Lady Gaga at Pride, Tina Fey, Chloe Sevigny, and very cute videos featuring marriage equality and/or dancing children.
IRS Finally Apologizes To Gay People For Making Taxes Extra Terrible For Them
Filing tax returns as a gay couple is awful, but surprisingly, this year the IRS actually seems sorry about it.
Conservative Kids Hate Abortion More Than Gay Marriage
General Petraeus doesn’t care if you’re gay, hater gets hated on at CPAC 2010, Martha Coakley is done with DOMA, and marriage rights are getting people angry in Lisbon. Also, gays are gaining ground in Texas, and should gay news media stay objective on Prop 8? Also, see how Stephen Colbert prepares the Olympic Gay Pride House for their guest appearance!
These North Carolina Courts Hate Gays, Lesbians, Adoptive Parents, Possibly Everyone
For same-sex families who can’t be legally married, second-parent adoption is often their best option. Well, not anymore.
TOMS Guy Speaks at Anti-Gay Group Focus on the Family’s Event, Apparently Regrets That Now
“All Mycoskie had to do was type “Focus on the Family” in to that long skinny box at the top of his browser. Oh, he’s using Firefox? So the top right box.”
Also. Also. Also: From “Homosexuality in America” to “Gay in America” and Beyond
Another installment of stories you should read and things you should know about. Includes time travel.
GOP Candidate Michele Bachmann Latest Victim of GLITTERBOMB
You can run, but you can’t hide! (But you *can* walk off the stage like nothing happened because you have no soul.)
What Happened With Judge Walker: Gay Judges Officially Ruled Okay As Judges
We won a thing in California again! However if we hadn’t won THIS thing, I’d probably be screaming from my eyeballs right now. Real loud.
Autostraddle’s Fall Television Guide: All The New Girls
There are so many girls on the television this season! Autostraddle has your guide to the best new fall shows and where to find the queers.
Artists, Politics and the Gays
What is the role of artists in the fight for queer equality — if they have one?