Results for: gay marriage
In Defense of Senator Penny Wong, “Australia’s Worst Lesbian”
“Senator Penny Wong has been a driving force in creating reform for gay and lesbian Australians, and part of her ability to be the instigator of reform stems from the fact that she has chosen to refrain from advocating for gay marriage.”
In Which We Review Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ Track-By-Track
“When I hear this song, I picture the shiny Lady Gaga motorcycle mutant rolling through the night, wind in its hair, and it makes me feel pretty awesome.”
So, Sydney’s Biggest Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras EVER Happened
“I’ve compiled all the news and gossip from the night, courtesy of both credible news sources and the Morning After Lesbian Phone Tree.”
Everything You Never Knew About The Modern GOP And Were Afraid To Find Out
“…a disciplined minority of totalitarians can use the instruments of democratic government to undermine democracy itself.”
Australia’s “Generation L”: Like “The Real L Word” But Hopefully Less Embarrassing
Generation L promises to be “a sensational new reality series that goes behind closed doors and into the lives and bedrooms of the new generation of gay women.” Neat, huh.
Rhode Island Passes Civil Unions and Nobody’s Happy About It
In which supporters and opponents of marriage equality agree on something: This law sucks.
When Will Anti-Gay Conservative Christians Need Us More Than We Fear Them?
“Who will they demonize if not the gays?”
Sarah McLachlan Ends Lilith Fair, Real World Goes to Vegas and Other Pressing News
Lilith Fair is officially dunzo. Plus, Glee releasing an album of The Warblers, Jonathan Murray talks 25 years of The Real World, Jodi Picoult’s new novel, Michelle Rodriguez doth protest too much.
Binational Lesbian Couple’s Deportation Halted; Immigration Law Is “Fluid,” Confusing
Two same-sex binational couples can breathe a sigh of relief about deportation, but it’s not necessarily because new immigration guidelines are working.
Listling With Minimal Commentary: Selections From Anti-Lesbian Bridal Salon’s 868 Yelp Reviews
“Tried to find the place on a map, but apparently they’re stuck somewhere in 1956.”
Facebook Adds ‘Civil Union’ Relationship Status (and Don’t Kill Me But I Don’t Like It)
When I hear the words “Civil Union” or “Domestic Partnership,” I think “inequality” and “separate but equal.”
The Playboy Club: 4 Things Lesbians Need to Know About NBC’s New Show
NBC’s “The Playboy Club” starring Amber Heard is allegedly totally degrading to women but also has a lot of homosexy stuff going on, like The Lesbian Activist Bunny!
Science Wants Gay Mormons to Talk About Being Gay Mormons
Because how else are we going to figure this out?
‘Twas the Morning After Valentine’s Day and All the Gays Still Wanted to Get Married
This year some people went way above and beyond buying Disney-themed Valentines from Walgreens – these queers are out there fighting for their right to marry, because Valentine’s Day should be about everyone.
Obama Administration is Over DOMA (UPDATED: Sen. Feinstein Will Now Introduce DOMA Repeal Legislation!)
In which Barack Obama declares that he officially has our backs, seemingly out of nowhere.
Michele Bachmann is the Bellatrix Lestrange of the GOP Presidential Candidates
More than any other presidential candidate, Michele Bachmann really has it out for the gays. Here’s why.
On the Tragedy in Norway
The lesbian couple who rescued 40 kids from Utoya Island, the killer’s anti-feminist anti-gay manifesto and an abbreviated story of what happened.
And On the Sixth Day, Obama Made News on Same-Sex Marriage
“This brief represents the concrete manifestation of a complete paradigm shift in the federal government’s position on anti-gay discrimination and the constitutional rights of married same-sex couples.”
Real L Word’s Sajdah Golde Gets Real: The Autostraddle Interview
“Imagine if you’re just meeting someone, and you look like you’re in the middle of a Verizon commercial because you got a whole fucking network behind you. That’s scary!”
In the Pool With Cougar, Scaring the Straight People, Getting The Homophobia
Sometimes we are reminded we live in a heteronormative world in the unlikeliest of places.