Results for: gay marriage
Mike Huckabee Takes “Gay Ick Factor” Campaign on the Road
“Huckabee has argued that Obama’s approach to the Defense of Marriage Act is just “wrong” for many ungrounded reasons which he would be happy to share with you at length.”
Boehner And Clement’s Brief to the Court On DOMA Is An Anti-Gay Masterpiece
The brief that John Boehner and his lawyer Paul Clement filed to try to have Edith Windsor’s case against DOMA dismissed is exactly as full of anti-gay gems as you thought it would be.
Dragon Age Just Got Gayer, Get Your Lesbian Avatar, Let’s Play
The new release allows people to engage in a wide variety of romantic options – whether your avatar is male or female, whether you’re gay or straight. Let’s call it “Equal Opportunity Romance.” Sounds nicer than “the continuing battle for gay rights,” AMIRIGHT?!
New Deportation Process Could Save Gay Bi-National Couples by Focusing on Felons
The Obama Administration is gonna start going over 300,000 deportation cases case-by-case to ensure nobody is wasting their time on perfectly respectable humans.
Deportation Adjournment Good News For Lesbian Couple, Bad News For DOMA
If you were wondering what Obama’s decision to stop defending DOMA in court actually means, it’s this.
Shanghai Police Detain a Record 60 Patrons in Frightening Gay Bar Raid
Gay men were happily drinking martinis and observing go-go dancers at a swanky gay lounge when police raided the place, detained 60-70 people, and reportedly denied them food and water. WTF?
How DOMA is Still Screwing Up Your TurboTaxes, Health Insurance, Etc.
Here we are in limbo with DOMA, and it’s kinda confusing.
Donald Trump Doesn’t Like Gay People Anymore, But Guess What, He Never Did
Donald Trump is eager to throw gays under the bus in pursuit of the terrifying prospect of his presidency, which early polling suggests could be an Actual Thing.
CPAC’s Surprise Gay Ally: Jimmy McMillan Will Marry You And/Or Your Shoe
For Valentine’s Day we wanted to have Jimmy McMillan sing you something sexy along with Hanson but you just got this Sunday Funday instead.
Stuff You’ve Been Hearing About Dan Savage, Addressed
Dan Savage has gotten himself into quite a bit of trouble with quite a lot of people on topics such as Michele Bachmann’s husband and monogamy.
If You Are Sad, These Comment Awards Will Make You Happy I Promise
Lesbians on the teevee, pure poetry week forever.
How To Be A Gay Family In An Unfriendly State, According To The New York Times
Do you know what a revocable living trust is? It might be the difference between having a family tragedy be heart-breaking or world-ending.
Little Girl, Big City: The Kit
“I said I’d gone to New York to be a model, and I hadn’t. I’d gone there for life and sex and cruelty.”
Carl Kruger’s Twofer: Corruption Scheme Plus “Secret Gay Lover!”
This is an actual news headline. Senator Carl Kruger took hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribe money – and then laundered it through his secret boyfriend.
Lady Gaga Endorses This Message: When Celebrities Get Political
“Lady Gaga has made it very clear in the past that she is more than willing to join the legions of pop stars with strong political opinions. But usually, it doesn’t work out as nicely.”
VOTE: Wedding Giveaway Finalists Announced!
In which we announce the contest finalists so you can read their stories (maybe cry a little) and VOTE!
If You Like Sunday Funday So Much Why Don’t You Gay Marry It
Some people got married and some could get married and some people apologized and others hugged a lot! Sometimes women can make sushi and also we love Neko Case! Happy (kind of belated) Sunday Funday!
Focus on the Family Thinks Companies are Under Pressure to Be Pro-Gay
And why’s that such a bad thing?
Celebrate Equality: Win Wedding Photography by Robin Roemer for Your Gay Wedding!!!
In celebration of New York Marriage Equality and in recognition of same-sex unions everywhere, I’m giving away free wedding photography to one gay or lesbian couple (a $4,000 value)!
GOProud, Republicans Still Freezing Out Karger In “Uniquely Anti-Gay GOP Field”
Fred Karger, the man who would be a gay Republican president, has been denied participation in the upcoming California Republican Convention.