Results for: gay marriage
Fred Karger is Gay, Jewish, Republican, Kinda Awesome and Running for President
He’s “a different kind of gay activist.” He’s “a little wilder.” And he’s been working for 3 years to expose the Mormon involvement in the Prop 8 campaign. This may be a Republican even my gay mom could love.
First Rule of Boycotting Club Is No Gays Allowed
In which anti-gay groups try to explain how boycotting is only okay when they do it.
On Fox News a Fox News Anchor Slams a Fox News Doctor For Anti-Trans Chaz Haterade
“There’s so much hate for gays, and lesbians, and transgender people, the thing is, Doc, you seem to be adding to the hate.”
Glenn Beck, Other Republicans Obviously Love Gay People Duh, Stop Being Paranoid
It turns out that the Republicans have no issues with gay people or homophobia at all! Glenn Beck said so. So it’s cool.
Gay Legislators Change Gay Legislation
Gay marriage, civil union, domestic partnership: when does this annoying process end and when do the bachelorette parties begin?! Am I right?! No, really, am I? Well, believe it or not, there is a shining light in the many debacles and debates raging over gay partnerships in the United States- and it’s gay legislators.
Four For You, GLAAD Media Awards, It’s Sunday Funday!
People that you care about won awards for things! It’s Queen Latifah’s birthday and also the birthday of 17 Great Dane puppies, like actually for real! And there was a lady on the cover of WIRED Magazine, and also baby elephants, and also straight America is coming around to marriage equality, and hey have we told you yet today that WE LOVE YOU.
Indiana’s Vote to Outlaw Civil Unions is Totally Not Targeting Gays
The Governor would like everyone to stop talking about gay marriage and abortion and instead focus on finance and policy matters, such as education reform. But the people are really concerned about civil unions, so.
Televisionary: Modern Fam, Up All Night, New Girl, Big Bang & Happy Endings
Brittani and Liz have a lot of television to discuss with you today.
Mike Huckabee Is A Terrifying Possible Future For Gay People, GOP Favorite
Mike Huckabee REALLY doesn’t want you to get married, and right now he’s the most likely Republican Presidential candidate. Awesome.
Joe Solmonese Announces He Will Leave HRC In 2012
The HRC announced on Saturday that Joe Solmonese will not renew his contract after March 31, 2012.
What Reality TV Does To Girls
Studies show reality tv makes girls more competitive and appearance-focused and I just read a book about reality TV so I have a lot of things to share with you.
Anti-Gays Find “Repealing CA’s Gay History Mandate” Quite Challenging, Not an Easy A
Forget about the fact that most California public schools can’t even afford new textbooks — let’s make sure that when they do, Harvey Milk isn’t mentioned anywhere.
Should Bert and Ernie Get Gay Married?
The “Bert and Ernie Get Married” movement has begun with a petition, a facebook group, and press buzz and I’m not gonna lie — hell no I am not signing that petition.
Is Elena Kagan Really Pro Gay Marriage? We Round Up the Kagan Pros & Cons.
Read everything you could possibly want about Elena Kagan, like her stance on gay rights issues and other controversies from the left. And if she turns out to be gay, do we care and is it our right to know? Plus, New Jersey schools ban a gay-themed book, and the controversy at Marquette University continues.
LGBTQ News Roundup: The Kids Weren’t Alright, and Neither Were All of The Adults
Anti-gay parents denied right to adopt, fighting for same-sex marriages to resume in California, a lesbian got sent home from the army for being “lovestruck,” and everything else you/we missed.
Stay on Prop 8 Ban Could Potentially Be Lifted: It’s All Really Happening
The day that ALL THE MARRIAGE THINGS happened!
Lesbians Face Discrimination in Dollywood, a Vermont Inn and a SF Gertrude Stein Exhibit
Jolene, jolene, jolene, jolene, I’m begging of you please don’t take my t-shirt
Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich Blame Gays for the Economic Crisis
Plus Dan Savage’s inevitable response.
Shock Me Shock Me Shock Me With That Deviant Gay-Related Behavior
What happens when homosexuals and conservatives come together? Something different every time, apparently! Stories from Maryland’s gay marriage debate, the Conservative Political Action Conference, the National Prayer Breakfast and more.
Once More, With Feeling: DOMA Repeal Bill To Be Introduced Wednesday, Celebrities Petition Obama
The DOMA repeal bill is coming out the day after tomorrow, so you better hang on ’til the day after tomorrow, come what may! Also Ellen Degeneres & Martin Sheen & The Lynch have a petition for you to sign.