Results for: gay marriage
Bad Education: Why Some Gay People Can’t Be University Professors
“I think that anybody that adheres to a lifestyle outside of what the biblical mandate is would not be allowed to continue here.”
Sunday Funday Feels Like a True-Blue Gay American
This week’s good news will almost make you a patriot. Possibly. No promises.
Sunday Funday Is From The Future: Good News For Gaylight Savings Time
Hello today there is good news re: scholarships for gay kids and also gay marriage and also EUROVISION which is obvs most important. May or may not contain an otter, I can’t make any promises.
It Gets Worse: Radio Host Uses Penn State Sex Abuse to Discuss Gay Adoption
What does the Penn State sex abuse scandal have to do with gay adoptive families? Oh, that’s right, nothing.
In Which DOMA Is One Step Closer to Going The Way of DADT
“We are only asking for fair and equitable treatment as a recognized family.”
Anti-Gay Religious Group in Iowa Uses Federal Funds to be Total Assholes
A story about how your tax dollars were used to pay the salary of people taking fighting against the rights of gay families for religious reasons, and there seem to be no consequences for it.
In a Lesbian Fashion
Finally clothes on the runway you wouldn’t mind seeing in your closet.
Rev. Keith Ogden Wants Gays To Stay Second-Class Citizens, Also Stop Complaining About It
Why won’t the gays stop being so mean to this poor pastor just because he doesn’t care about them?
More Schoolgirls in India Might Be Lesbians
“The fact that they are mustering the courage to come for help on their own is indeed a paradigm shift.”
If You Ain’t No Punk Holla Gays Need Prenups GAYS NEED PRENUPS
“As an aspiring talk show host who also happens to be a lawyer and a formerly engaged Gay American, I know a lot about the ins and outs of marriage, legally and emotionally.”
Why Are We Still Expecting Rich Corporations to Like Gays More Than Money?
Old Navy is making gay t-shirts and Urban Outfitters is making gay people angry and pretty much we shouldn’t shop anywhere, ever, except maybe etsy.
Gays May Win “Most Effective Activist” Award When It Comes to Obama
“Whatever it was, many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans had had enough.”
Target Really Wants Gay People to Hate Them, Despite Solid Stock of Cute Boyshorts
Target is suing a gay rights group for petitioning outside its stores, further complicating its relationship to the gay community.
More Visible Than Purple: LGBT Kids and the Road to Safer Schools
I wish we were all in a room so I could say, “If you are LGBTQI, could you please raise your hand if you believe you had room to develop your identity at your preK-12 schools? Your full identity?”
Wis. Governor Doesn’t Care About the Law, Dislikes Gay Things
“Everything that Gov. Walker is doing is ideological,” Pines added. “I don’t see that his administration has any particular respect for the law per se.” Awesome!
100 Michigan Law Students Walk Out Of Graduation: LGBTs Winning Hearts and Minds
This weekend, one third of Michigan Law’s 2011 class walked out of their own graduation ceremony to protest an anti-gay graduation speaker. Lucky for us, Sarah was there for the whole thing.
Tennessee’s Republican Senators’ Delusional Plan To Pretend Gay People Don’t Exist
You know how no one ever told you anything about gay people even existing? What if that was the law?
Google Queers Queries With Gaydar and Android’s Got “Is My Son Gay?”
Google’s got this unannounced “gaydar” feature and someone else has got this “is your son gay?” app and unfortunately, none of them work as well as your gut, ladies.
“The Rainbow Struggle” Brings Gay International News Home
Incredible things are happening in this world, gay things are happening in this world…
Online Shopping For The Anti-Gay Agenda
Unless you’re living off the grid in a cabin you built in the woods (and are having this post read to you), you’ve definitely bought something from a store that does business with CGBG.