Results for: gay marriage
Why Conservatives Hate Gays, Love the Slippery Slope
Is the Senate really trying to “legalize bestiality,” or are Republicans just alarmingly obsessed with talking about it?
Iowa Teens Challenge Michele Bachmann on Gay Equality, Hijinks Ensue
In which three brave teenagers ask Michele Bachmann what exactly she plans on doing for gay people if she becomes President.
Kim Jong-il is Dead
Kim Jong-il was 69 and “fatigued.” His “effeminate” middle son will not be the next leader, obviously.
Good News, Lesbos, You Can Still Shop at Home Depot, Build a Tree Fort
In addition to undoubtedly employing heaps of lesbians, Home Depot has no interest in the AFA’s petition to stop Home Depot from supporting the homosexual agenda.
Glee 301 Recap: Purple Piano Project People Eater
Guess who’s back? Glee is back. Glee is back. Back again. Glee is back. Tell a friend. Glee is back Glee is back Glee is back.
2012 Golden Globes Awards Liveblog: Girls In Long Dresses Who Drag With War Horses
Maybe something will explode or animals will turn into people or a dinosaur will trample the stage!
Top Cities for Gay Couples Are in States That Are Nice to Gay People, Who Knew?
According to Census Survey Data from 2005-2009, the top 10 cities with the highest number of gay unmarried couples are also in states that allow gay marriage or domestic partnerships. Let’s talk about this.
Irish Independent Publishes Stupidest Anti-Gay Article of All Time
Someone published these words: “Like many, I’ve recently begun to get impatient with the endless trumpeting of gay ‘identity’, and the growing appetite for more and more rights and privileges.”
Good Thing Prince William Isn’t Gay, Right?
Gay marriage activists staged a marriage equality protest at Buckingham Palace earlier today. Wearing pink, carrying pink flags and holding flowers, activists hoped that Prince William and Kate Middleton would “express their support” for same-sex marriage.
Rhode Island House Approves Civil Unions, But With Restrictions
The bill still has to pass the Senate and be signed by the governor, but legislators say this is just a step toward full equality down the road.
This Is A Homophobia Post: Sometimes the World Is Terrible For Gays, Lesbians
There was a lot of homophobia this week. This is 20 to 44% of it.
Illinois Catholic Charities Drop Gay Adoption and Foster Care Lawsuit Over Civil Unions
Catholic Charities Illinois called off their legal fight to continue providing foster care and adoption services for heterosexual couples only. They’d rather just provide adoption services for no one.
Glee 311 Recap: Michael Would Probably Not Do This
Brittany and Satana are gonna make out on Valentine’s Day, which gives me permission to like this episode.
Also. Also. Also: All The Gay Teachers, Marines, Anchors, Cheerleaders, Grad Students, Vandals, Etc.
What’s it like to be a gay teacher these days? Also: vandals on both sides of the cause, a lesbian couple arrested after being denied marriage license, ira glass, amy poehler, a song about pizza, homophobic teachers and so much more!
DOMA ShMOMA: How MA Is Changing the Anti-Gay Marriage Game, One Case At a Time
The Prop 8 trial isn’t the only federal litigation happening right now regarding the definition of marriage – two other cases are currently making their way through the federal courts in Massachusetts that challenge the constitutionality of Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act. Autostraddle’s Legal Eagle explains how this could be a real game-changer.
Just a Sweet Lesbian Love Story in “Vows” You’ll Probably Like
Riese’s Team Pick: Gail Marquis & Audrey Smaltz, partners of 12 years, earn The NY Times’ coveted “VOWS” placement this Sunday and their story is extra-adorbs.
We’re So F*cking Brilliant: Autostraddle’s Best of 2011 Year-End Megapost
We’ve written 2,020 posts so far this year! Which were the best? Which were the most popular? The editors pick everybody else’s best posts and SO MUCH MORE!
Gays Flock to NY Conservative Party to Save Senator Mark Grisanti
“If you can’t beat them, join them. And once you’re in, take them over and throw them out.”
Anti-Gay Petition Signatures of Washington’s Ref. 71 Released
“If just a few instances of harassment were used as the standard for preventing the release of names, then disclosure would become the exception, rather than the rule, Settle said.”
“Lez Get Real” Editor Paula Brooks is Actually a 58-Year-Old Man in Ohio