Results for: gay marriage
Lesbians Vicci Martinez & Beverly McClellan Battle on ‘The Voice’ Finale Tonight
Lesbians make up 50% of The Voice finale. Plus: Jillian Michaels’ bisexuality is addressed in the NYT, and Jon Stewart & Chelsea Handler get mileage out of the NYC gay marriage vote.
Glee 314 Recap: On My Way To Driving This Recap Into a Brick Wall
This week on Glee, a bunch of characters do things their characters would never do and the writers try to make us care by almost killing everybody. Awesome!
This Is A Marriage Equality Roundup: New Hampshire and New Jersey Edition
This will be an important few months for marriage equality, especially in New Hampshire and New Jersey.
Sunday Funday is Kissing Gay Girls in the Rain
This Sunday there are girls kissing girls, a planet made of diamonds, gay events on both U.S. coasts, and a bunch of lesbos on film. So bring it on, Irene.
VIDEO: Watch the New York State Senate Vote on Same-Sex Marriage Tonight, Eventually
New York really really really truly might almost definitely vote on gay marriage today. You can follow along by watching this livestream from the State Senate.
All the News that’s Fit to Print on New York Marriage Equality
If you want to get married in NYC on the 24th, you’ll have to take a number. Best weekend ever? That and more on this historic moment.
Artist Attack! Gluck Was Subverting Gender Norms Before It Was A Thing
If you’d been a lesbian art-lover in 1920’s London, you might have known this woman, sometimes called Timothy, sometimes called Peter.
Does Gay Marriage Make Gays Straight?
It’s three days until you can get legally married in California, so you had better get all your feelings about the bourgeois upper-middle class heteronormative paradigm out now, before they have to come out in couples therapy later on. While you’re here you can check out an infographic on Lady Gaga, find out which person you have possibly heard of came out this week, mourn the passing of Portland’s only lesbian bar, and celebrate BABIES with NEIL PATRICK HARRIS.
Queer Girl City Guide: Spokane, Washington
A beautiful city with the best name for an LGBT organization you’ve heard all year.
It’s Sunday Funday and Nobody’s Gonna Mess With The Gays This Week
This Sunday Funday, people are coming over to the gay side, holding hands, watching porn, and getting married. Plus, there are baby animals inside!
Anti-Gay Groups Misrepresent 98% Of The Data They Use Against Us
Distorting evidence in homophobic arguments happens more than you think. LOTS more.
Glee 322 Recap: Goodbye,You Strange Singing Creatures
It’s graduation week at McKinley High, and boy are the boys excited about it!
North Carolina Looks to Outlaw Already-Illegal Same-Sex Marriage
Double illegal < double rainbow.
Is It Right Or Okay To Talk About Whitney Houston Maybe Being Gay?
News has been buzzing all week with resurfaced rumors, and a LGBT activist claiming Whitney was happiest “when she was with her female partner.” What do you think about this?
Glee 316 Recap: Saturday Night Glee-itosis
This week on Glee, Brittany and Santana made a sex tape and we didn’t even get to see it!
Don’t Forget to Vote for Autostraddle in the 2012 Bloggies
Voting is still open for the 2012 Weblog Awards. Please vote for Autostraddle. I’m using my manners.
Also. Also. Also: Women Just Love Marriage and Other Useless Stereotypes
A fantastic trailer for a book about the dangers of homosexuality, a world map of useless stereotypes, Coronation Street is too gay, and about 15 other stories relevant to your interests.
NY Same-Sex Marriage Inspires Surprising and Unsurprising Reactions from Important Leaders
Pat Robertson, Barack Obama, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Michele Bachmann, Maggie Gallagher, the Jewish Orthodox Union, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, Ruben Diaz
Al Franken Slays Focus on the Family’s “Facts” and Other DOMA Hearing Highlights
Today the Respect for Marriage Act had it’s day in court and it was pretty awesome.
Gay People Suddenly Everywhere According To Census Data
“Middle America is safer and more welcoming for gay people than ever before, which is good, because it’s most of America.”