Results for: gay marriage
J. Crew’s Jenna Lyons’ Has a Girlfriend AND a Son With Pink Toenails!
A new lesbian power couple is born as JCrew creative director Jenna Lyons (she of the pink toenail polish incident) shacks up with a lady. Dr.Keith Ablow is really upset about it.
Texas Is Not the Only State: Confessions of a Lesbian Exile in New York
“I kept MapQuest directions to Albuquerque in the glove compartment of my car, just in case I needed to run away. When I graduated, I moved to upstate New York for college.”
GOP Squabbles Over Which Candidates Really Truly Really Hate Gay People For Real
“Mr. Cain, Governor Perry and Congresswoman Bachmann all believe 50 different definitions of marriage is fine. But I strongly disagree and will continue fighting for traditional marriage between one man and one woman.”
Lambda Literary Awards 2012: New Books to Love
The 2012 Lambda Literary Award finalists have been announced! I want to read everything.
But What Does It Mean? – The 9th Circuit Court’s Ruling Against Prop 8, Explained
“But from a legal standpoint, how we reach an outcome is every bit as important as the outcome that we reach.”
Talking About Gay People: Christine O’Donnell and Michele Bachmann Don’t Wanna Do It
I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere. I do not like man-on-man. I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
Queer Girl City Guide: Tulsa, OK
Stop by Tulsa on your next cross-country adventure for a surprisingly good time!
My Little Pony: Lesbianism is Magic
The “brony” fandom is a lot more Sapphic than you’d think, at least as far as their fanfiction goes.
Justice Kennedy May Decide Prop 8’s Fate, Maybe Consider Sending Him a Fruit Basket
Who’s Justice Anthony Kennedy and how is he gonna feel about Prop 8?
Let Them Eat Cake (To Celebrate Gay Rights) This Sunday Funday
Today a bunch of celebrities are doing things that may or may not affect your rights, lesbo. So why not indulge in the rainbow cake mix?
Same-Sex Marriage Passes in New York, 33-29! We Won a Thing!
After weeks of waiting and waiting and waiting — GAY MARRIAGE HAS BEEN LEGALIZED IN NEW YORK!
Where Were They While She Was Getting High?
Surprise! A new survey indicates that LGBT people “experience higher rates of substance use and abuse.”
Queer Girl City Guide: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“You should come by so we can show you how good and gay this gemütlichkeit thing can truly be.”
It’s Tuesday Gay Good News Day Because The Numbers Are On Our Side
There are 87% more of us in the desert, everyone wants us to get married, basically in general we’re multiplying rapidly and sooner or later will inevitably take over.
Queer Girl City Guide: Mexico City
The world’s most populous city has enough going on to make your queer little head spin.
You’re Driving Me Mad, Men: 8 Commercials I Hate So Hard Right Now
This post is SO ten seconds ago.
Lesbian Custody Battle Over Hound Leads to Lawsuit
“Some people view dogs as property. I don’t. Lily is part of my family.”
BREAKING: US Circuit Court of Appeals Rules That Prop 8 Is Unconstitutional
Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling against Prop 8 is upheld!
10 “Damn The Man” Documentary Films: A List For Occupying Wall Street
These documentaries will remind you why you’re mad as hell and uninterested in taking it anymore.
These Aren’t Wedding Photos, But They Should Be
Carmen’s Team Pick: I have at my fingertips “23 Portraits of Gay Couples Who Can’t Get Married,” and even though it is not good news I want to show it to you anyway, because it is such a testament to love.