Results for: gay marriage
My Little Pony: Lesbianism is Magic
The “brony” fandom is a lot more Sapphic than you’d think, at least as far as their fanfiction goes.
Where Were They While She Was Getting High?
Surprise! A new survey indicates that LGBT people “experience higher rates of substance use and abuse.”
These Aren’t Wedding Photos, But They Should Be
Carmen’s Team Pick: I have at my fingertips “23 Portraits of Gay Couples Who Can’t Get Married,” and even though it is not good news I want to show it to you anyway, because it is such a testament to love.
Queer Girl City Guide: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“You should come by so we can show you how good and gay this gemütlichkeit thing can truly be.”
You’re Driving Me Mad, Men: 8 Commercials I Hate So Hard Right Now
This post is SO ten seconds ago.
Ethics of Lust: Autostraddle is Legally Sexy
“This week’s topic is a smorgasbord of the law and sexuality inspired by Autostraddle!”
Queer Girl City Guide: Mexico City
The world’s most populous city has enough going on to make your queer little head spin.
10 “Damn The Man” Documentary Films: A List For Occupying Wall Street
These documentaries will remind you why you’re mad as hell and uninterested in taking it anymore.
BREAKING: US Circuit Court of Appeals Rules That Prop 8 Is Unconstitutional
Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling against Prop 8 is upheld!
Lesbian Custody Battle Over Hound Leads to Lawsuit
“Some people view dogs as property. I don’t. Lily is part of my family.”
Call For Submissions: Queer/Here
Our March theme is all about being a person in a specific place. This is our call for submissions!
Sunday Funday Finds Support, Sweaters Increasingly Available for Gay People
Everybody likes to be held, which is good since everybody wants to wear a good sweater, too. Plus, the only thing better than a sweater is the presidency, right?
“The Playboy Club” Reminds Me That Heterosexuals Sure Are Boring
Let’s say “take me to the playboy mansion” ten times fast and then wiggle our butts around, it’ll be fun!
Bachmann’s Anti-Gay Fervor Contributes to Mid-Campaign Crisis Thing
Michele Bachmann to Jay Leno: “When I heard that I thought it was a mid-life crisis thing, ‘pray the gray away.’”
The 21 Most Lesbianish Cities in the US: The Autostraddle Guide
We did our own highly scientific research to determine where in the country you’re most likely to meet other queer ladies, hang out with other queer ladies and admit that you’re a queer lady in public!
Rush Limbaugh Screws Himself Over Talking About Sex
In which Rush Limbaugh is just as wrong as one could possibly be.
India’s Queer Literature Persists Despite Political Controversy Over Gays
Laura’s Team Pick: During a challenge of 2009’s decriminalization of homosexuality, journalist Nilanjana S. Roy looks at queer Indians throughout literary history.
Here/Queer: Sydney Mardi Gras Is On Your To-Do List
Highlights from Sydney Mardi Gras and Crystal takes you to Australia’s largest girl party, GiRLTHING!
Release of Prop 8 Trial Footage Opposed By Whiny Crybabies
Prop 8 defenders argue that releasing the footage puts ban supporters who spoke at the trial in danger, but really we just want to harshly judge their outfits.
Prop 8 Update: What’s Happening Today In The California Supreme Court
Prop 8 is going to the California Supreme Court today, and our Legal Eagle is here to tell you what it all means.