Results for: gay marriage
Sunday Funday is Just Swimming in Great Gay News
It’s definitely been like Week of Amazingness for one lesbian in this big gay place called Earth.
On Making Rape Jokes
“Since the nuances of personal responsibility seem to escape so many people, let’s go through it. Let’s figure out rape jokes.”
Obama’s Not Signing LGBT Workplace Protection Exec Order For Vague, Unconvincing Reasons
Obama decided not to sign a piece of paper that would give LGBT employees of federal contractors the right to not be fired because of their sexual orientation.
Maggie Gallagher Quits Being In Charge of NOM
Maggie Gallagher will step down as Board Chair of the National Organization for Marriage and be replaced by Dr. John Eastman.
Obama Supports Planned Parenthood, Trusts Women
“If you really value families, you shouldn’t play politics with women’s health.” — President Barack Obama
Sunday Funday Is Gay and Out and Very Happy
Um, hello, Coming Out Day happened. How could the week get any gayer?
Rachel Maddow Appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show! Rejoice!
Ellen DeGeneres interviewed Rachel Maddow on her TV show! Everything is great (except for the portrayal of women by the media).
Top 5 Action Movie Heroines That Made Me Queer
Don’t front like Alien didn’t give you a crazy crush on Sigourney Weaver.
Lesbian With Alternative Lifestyle Haircut To Compete In “Miss Long Beach” Pageant
A 25-year-old lesbian hairstylist will be competing in the Miss Long Island pageant in a purple tuxedo and hand-sewn boyshorts. Kinda awesome, right?
The Ethics of Lust: On Interracial Relationships and Anti-Miscegenation Laws
We discuss interracial couples and how the gay marriage movement could learn a thing of two from their struggles.
The Divided States of Gaymerica: They Love You in Maine, Loathe You in Mississippi
The states are beginning to fall into four categories: Winners, Up-and-Comers, Wild Cards and Longshots. We discuss the Evangelical root of this disparity and what it means for homogays living in Longshotville.
Queer Girl City Guide: Taipei, Taiwan
“Taipei has outstanding food, outstanding public transportation and outstanding lesbians.” What more can you ask for?
Queer Girl City Guide: There’s No Place Like NOLA
Hey there, Dawlin’!
Penn State Scandal: Everybody’s Talking About How Nobody’s Talking About Homosexuality
One side blames homophobia for the cover-up and reluctance to intervene, the other side blames anti-homophobia for the media’s apparent reluctance to equate homosexuality with pedophilia!
A Tribute to Zack Morris’s Oversize Cell Phone (and Lesbian Girlfriend)
Jess’s Team Pick: Featuring Tori, Zack’s edgy, leather jacket wearing, totally gay girlfriend!
Sunday Funday Wishes Everyone Was More Like Hillary Clinton
This week we should all cuddle and then read a lot of interesting things and continue to create political change in Arizona. You in?
Effort to Repeal California Gay History in Schools Officially Fails
The people trying to repeal SB 48, California’s gay history bill, aren’t going to be able to pull it off.
Government Moves to Recognize Gay Couples at Border, Sanctity of Traditional Customs Procedure Hangs in the Balance
The Department of Homeland Security’s plans to make travel easier for gay U.S. couples prompts questions about the future of LGBT legislation.
The Unaccountable Life of Gender-Bending Rebel Charlie Brown
“This little book… is to my mind the progenitor of all funny queer blogs written in the first-person. Yes, this is the story of the first queer blogger.”
Research Institute Has New Findings on Generation Gap of Doom for Gay Rights
Opinions on public policy measures concerning gay and lesbian rights face a huge generation gap, according to a new report released by the Public Religion Research Institute.