Results for: gay marriage
Queer Girl City Guide: Seattle, Washington
It rains a lot here, which means the girls are extra wet.
DADT Is Over, Inequality for Gays and Same-Sex Couples in the Military Isn’t
DADT’s being repealed doesn’t mean that same-sex couples will be treated equally on base or off.
In 1973, Pamela Learned That Posing in Drag With A Topless Woman Is Forever
“During Gay Pride Week, Pamela’s father came to the Village to take her out to dinner… and that’s when Pamela saw it: plastered literally all over the place, on every wall and phone booth, was her own face staring back at her.”
It’s Sunday Funday and Gay People Adopted All of the Babies, Kept Warm
This week gay people started families, made friends, and then made fun of everyone else.
Queer Girl City Guide: Denver, CO
There’s no better place to be gay in the Rockies.
Once Upon A Time in Charlotte: The Democratic National Convention Recap
“But we also believe in something called citizenship citizenship, a word at the very heart of our founding, a word at the very essence of our democracy, the idea that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations.”
Call For Submissions: “The Way We Were”
This time we’re looking for herstory. Lots and lots of herstory.
Did “Secret Life Of The American Teenager” Just Pull Off A Decent Gay-Themed Episode?
“The Secret Life of the American Teenager” had an episode in which everyone is on a path that may or may not lead to gay and everybody needs to talk about it a lot.
Let’s All Be Gay Girl Scouts in the Snow This Sunday Funday
This week people are happy with their gender identity in the Girl Scouts, lesbians are becoming Prom Kings, and everyone is married and with adoption papers. Plus, there’s a multitude of animals in costume.
NOM Is Basically Just Making Shit Up At This Point
The National Organization for Marriage sent an “emergency alert” earlier this week because “senate liberals have sunk to a new low” and “we can’t let them get away with it.” Most of their message is in bold or italics. All of it is a lie.
California Sexual Orientation Conversion Bill Could Inform Patients, Protect Minors
The California state Senate has a bill advancing that would require ex-gay therapists to get signed consent forms that acknowledge that ex-gay therapy is harmful and useless.
The [Gay Marriage] Revolution Will Be Televised: Prop 8 on CSPAN
The original Prop 8 case wasn’t televised, but the hearing on whether or not Prop 8 should ultimately be repealed will be.
Violence Against Women Act Doesn’t Include LGBT Protections; White House Disapproves
Republicans may have succeeded in making sure the Violence Against Women Act doesn’t have any protections for LGBT people — unless Obama vetoes it.
Queering The Library: Collecting Downtown, Riot Grrrl, Feminism & You
Vanessa chats with Marvin J. Taylor about Kathleen Hanna, Kathy Acker, lesbian comics, secret lesbians of early Hollywood and other fascinating secrets uncovered at Fales.
Sunday Funday is a Pretty Girl in a Big Gay World
This Sunday Funday, gay rights are human rights! Plus, gay marriage is still the hottest bandwagon in town and even Harvard likes gay people. And lastly, pretty girls still exist.
DOMA Faces Challenge to its Constitutionality, Appears Increasingly Unpopular
A federal appeals court in Boston is considering whether it’s constitutional to deny same-sex married couples equal rights under the law.
Estranged: How I Fell In Love With A Girl And Lost My Family
“When they see you happy, they’ll accept it,” someone told me once. When there are tears about something unchangeable, people can only be optimistic. It’s the only thing that is left.
New Mini Series: Good People in Love
It’s a new internet show. With lesbians. GET EXCITED.
I Went to a NY Times Panel On Same-Sex Marriage And This is What Happened
What I wrote on my ipad while Governor Cuomo, Christine Quinn, James Alesi and Bruce Gyory talked about our equal rights.
Sunday Funday’s Got A Huge Fan Club and a Cute Bikini
This week, we have the law on our side and another “Call Me Maybe” video to watch – not to mention an adorable twist at the end. It’s all right here.