Results for: gay marriage
Sunday Funday is a Lesbian Outlaw
‘Tis the season for gay people to get married, break the rules, and look at pictures of Kate Moss looking like David Bowie.
Iraqi Women’s Basketball Team Demonstrates “Rising Above,” Without Nike’s Help
“Sports aren’t just about empowering women to change their surroundings. They’re also about changing the ways in which women are viewed in their surroundings.”
Pro-Gay Vote Might Be Democrats’ Secret Weapon in 2012 Election
The Republicans have already decided that they don’t need the gays for the 2012 election, but Obama may feel differently.
Germany Sends Lesbian Refugee Back To Iran With a Little Advice: Pretend To Be Straight
Samira Ghorbani Danesh faces imprisonment and torture if German courts don’t reverse a recent decision.
Six Ways that 1950s Butches and Femmes F*cked with Society, Were Badass
“Butches & Femmes paved the way for tons of fantastic lesbians, radical queers, revolutionary feminists, and really awful (and awesome) hairstyles that came after them.”
Two Lesbian Moms Awarded Parental Rights, Almost As If Both Are Actually Parents
Two moms in Florida were awarded equal parenting rights, which is sadly actually a landmark occasion.
Also. Also. Also: Darlene Has a New Girlfriend And Other More Important Stories
Nigeria passes an appalling anti-gay law, Sara Gilbert & Linda Perry get together, TI thinks gay people are too sensitive and SO MUCH MORE!
Fred Karger is On a Mission To Harness The GOP’s Gay Voters
Gay Jewish GOP candidate Fred Karger is hoping to be the Republican primary protest vote a la Ralph Nader. We just have to hope this ends up going our way.
Read a F*cking Book: 20 Best Young Adult Novels For Queer Girls
NPR’s list of Top 100 Choices For Best Teen Novels lacked proper queeriosity. Thus we present our top 20 picks for Queer Teen Novels For Girls.
New Study Questions Whether There Really Is “No Difference” Between Gay and Straight Parents
“This study cannot answer political questions about same-sex relationships and their legal legitimacy.”
America Now More Pro-Equality, But Not More Pro-Choice: Figuring Out What Gays Did Right In 2011
There were huge strides for the queer community this year, while we lost ground for reproductive rights. What made the difference, and how can we make more progress on both fronts in 2012?
Joe Biden Goes Rogue With Same-Sex Marriage Support
Joe Biden finished “evolving” a long time ago, it seems.
Brave’s Unconventional Heroine: What Doesn’t Queer You Makes You Stronger
“This is the kind of movie that needs to be made more often. It’s like Tangled on feminist steroids.”
JCPenney Gets Even Gayer With Super-Gay Father’s Day Ad
One Million Moms got really pissed about Ellen DeGeneres — imagine how they’re gonna feel about These Two Dads!
In Some States, Being Gay Still Not Quite Not Illegal
Laws that criminalize homosexuality were declared unconstitutional in 2003, but that doesn’t mean they don’t still exist.
There Goes The Neighborhood: Gay People Moving In, Increasing Your Property Value
In areas that support same-sex marriage, gay couples can increase neighbourhood property values. In areas that don’t, they can decrease them.
Homophobic Michigan Mayor Up For Recall Proves Why She Should Be Recalled
As the citizens of Troy, MI prepare to vote out their infamous mayor, she digs herself deeper by comparing homosexuality to smoking, among other things.
Defunding of Queer Health Resources Means It Kinda Sucks To Be Gay In Queensland Right Now
Queensland’s government health organisation, led by health minister Lawrence Springborg, has removed funding for the Queensland Association for Healthy Communities (QAHC), which supports LGBTQI health throughout the State.
Glee 401 Recap: The New Rachel and Mercedes and Puck and Quinn
In which new characters are introduced, Santana has to be photoshopped in and Kate Hudson wears nothing but lingerie for 44 minutes.
Parents Just Don’t Understand, But Maybe Young People Don’t Either (About Gay Rights)
Maybe young people aren’t going to be the saviors of the campaign for equal rights for gays.