Results for: gay marriage
Score One For Gay Marriage, Zero For Maggie Gallagher And Anti-Gay Republicans
Rep. Trent Franks and Maggie Gallagher both had a lot of feelings about gay marriage being bad, but it turns out no one cared about them.
Your Best Halloween Costume Ever: Ridiculously Easy Ideas For Lazy, Broke or Busy Queers
Don’t spend more on a costume than you’d spend on a forty, and only wear what you’re willing to get stained.
Minnesota House Committee Passes Anti Gay Marriage Amendment, Narrowly Subverts Nuclear War and Apocalypse
“I know what civil rights are, and gays in America have all the civil rights as anyone else.” RIGHT ON, BOB BATTLE, RIGHT ON
Known Lesbian Ellen DeGeneres Addresses JC Penney Controversy Like A Boss
Ellen talks about Prop 8, gay marriage and the 40,000 alleged Moms who thought JCPenney shouldn’t be associating its fine brand with Ellen’s lesbianism.
Anti-Gay Bigots File Lawsuit Against California’s Ex-Gay Therapy Ban, Are Unfortunately In Good Company
California is making “ex-gay therapy” history, but unfortunately the rest of the country is still far behind.
Real L Word 307 Recap: Dream Come True, Nightmare Come Soon
This week on The Real L Word, Romi and Dusty reunited, Whitney and Sara visited Connecticut, Amanda went to a dinner party in New York with Kiyomi and Somer couldn’t make it! Hijinks ensue!
Lesbian Republican Who Helped Write DOMA Now Hopes to Repeal It
Once upon a time, Kathryn Lehman was engaged to a man and helped write DOMA. Now, she’s an out lesbian who’s helping to repeal it.
Sally Kohn, Badass Extraordinaire, Gays Up Fox News And Believes In You
A self-proclaimed “Professional Gay” and the woman behind the provocative essay rebuffing Paul Ryan’s RNC speech, Sally Kohn also happens to be the most optimistic person we’ve ever spoken to about politics.
LGBT Caucus Realness Goes Down at the DNC
For the first time, there is at least one LGBT delegate from every state. Obviously, the time of LGBT influence is now.
Sunday Funday Can Be Your Hero, Baby
This week is starting off with LGBT history, health, and Huckabees.
GLAAD Plotting To Hold Maggie Gallagher, Tony Perkins, Other Bigots Accountable
“…these voices are comparing LGBT people to Nazi Germany, predicting that equal treatment of LGBT people will lead to the total collapse of society, and even making accusations of satanic influence.”
New York Takes Two Steps Forward Towards Gay Marriage, CA Takes Two Steps Back
With today’s letter from a bunch of wealthy businessmen, New York is closer to legalizing same-sex marriage than ever. Meanwhile in California, Prop 8 activists are still yelling about Judge Walker being gay.
People Have Feelings About Gay Marriage
It turns out everyone has feelings, not just you!
Also.Also.Also: Trans Miss Universe Contestant And Other Stories We Missed This Week
Donald Trump does something not-awful for once, Bully gets a PG-13, Alaska votes against being nice to gay people, and other stories we missed this week.
Is Another Popular Vote California’s Best Hope for Getting Gay Marriage this Century?
We’re all tired of waiting for Prop 8 to finally be struck down permanently in court, and Equality California thinks we might be better off doing it on our own.
Sunday Funday Is Launching Campaigns and Making Videos
On this very special Sunday Funday, DC gets aware, Charlottesville gets proud, Brandi Carlile gets married, and the Midwest gets gay. Also, we made you a video — you’re welcome.
Gay YA Novels Reflecting Reality for LGBT Teens, Including Homelessness
“I want there to be more books like The Education of Queenie McBride, and I want there to be more teens able to access them.”
Queer Girl City Guide: Chicago, Illinois
Forget everything you know about the Midwest, Chicago’s got as much big-city queer action as either coast.
The Comment Awards Are Still Trying To Wake Up
Yawning is the number one dance move for today.
Petitioning Website Will No Longer Be As Progressive As You Once Thought
Something is ch-ch-ch-ch-changing over at, but unlike the Bowie song, someone definitely wants to be a richer man.