Results for: fosters
Research Reveals Same-Sex Marriage Bans Make People Sick and Mean
These very serious important economists studied “The Effects of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on Public Health and Welfare” and the results are very much in our favor.
Pretty Little Liars 116 Recap: Je Suis Une Amie and Paige Est Une Lesbienne
This week on Pretty Little Liars, everyone gets wet and/or pissed and/or lied to/about. I’m 95% sure that Sounder is A.
Top Ten Gayest Muppets
We do care about the future when it includes a Muppet Movie featuring (maybe) Jim from The Office, Lady Gaga, Jane Lynch and Dave Grohl! In celebration of this fantastic futuristic event, we count down the top 10 queerest muppets of all time.
Maro Hagopian, Photographer of Choice C*nts, Celebrities & Characters, Threw a Party
Photographer Maro Hagopian documents the NYC queer scene; is an icon; throws a party; fosters a community.
Riese’s Team Pick: What I’ve Learned
“My second husband committed suicide, and I did suicide jokes. You laugh to get through it. I started thinking about jokes while I was walking uptown on 9/11.”
Movie Review: “Black Swan” Has Mad Chicks, Made Me Feel Crazy
After a more-than-slightly-skewed trailer and over a year of Internet buzz, Darren Aronofsky’s latest film, Black Swan, garnered what critics called “a certain lesbian allure” due to what may or may not be a girl-on-girl love scene between co-stars Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. And although this drove us to the theaters like moths to a flame (a lesbian, lesbian flame), moviegoers who actually witnessed Black Swan found that Aronofsky’s film is about much more. Exploring issues such as body image, pressure, and (yes) sexuality, Black Swan brings to light the societal pressures that create insanity and eventually causes audiences to wonder: is it insanity at all?
Gay Adoption: It’s A Thing. Coming Soon To A State Near You, We Hope
Celebrate your ability to adopt children in Florida by listening to terrible audio of Gaga’s interview about her new album, or alternately imagining Keira Knightley as a lesbian schoolmistress or also, you know, BOOBS. There’s also something in here about Sesame Street which is arguably more appropriate for your young child and the no-bra option which is arguably arguable.
After-Party With Cuddling: Bring Your Comment Awards
There’s a party in my bedroom all night long.
‘Lip Service’ Recap Episode 102: Lesbians Talking, Dating, Crying, Having Sex, Etc.
Four sex scenes and a funeral: it’s time to recap episode two of the BBC3’s new lesbian series “Lip Service.”
Gay Teen Bullying/Suicide Crisis Updates & Action: How We’re Living Now
Taking stock of what fresh hell of gay teen bullying suicide crisis nightmare heartbreak grief we have woken up into today. There’s some good news and also Ellen, so all in all you should probably read it.
Lessons Learned: How a Jewy Lesbian Can Enjoy a Pleasant Chanukah with Her Uncharacteristically Bigoted Parents
Dad: Let’s light the candles.
Me: Let’s light your face. -
Holigay 101: How to Bring Your Girlfriend Home for the Holidays
Get your face out of that turkey’s a** and pay attention to your girlfriend.
26-Year Old Gay Youth Activist Joseph Jefferson Kills Himself in Brooklyn
26-year-old Joseph Jefferson was a gay youth activist and an inspiring human being. Now he’s dead.
Colbert & Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear Makes a Point: “If We Amplify Everything, We Hear Nothing”
Happy Halloweenday Funday It’s Sunday The Funnest Day. Are you dressed up right now. Are you wearing lingerie with mouse ears. I dunno I heard that was a thing. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s Rally To Restore Sanity: it happened! Also there’s a new James Franco interview and Kurt is gonna get a gay boy kiss!
‘Lip Service’ Recap Episode 101: Lesbian TV Show is Pretty Good, Sexy, Comes with a New Shane
Have you heard about Lip Service yet? It’s like The L Word, but better! (So far.) Hot lesbians with British accents, ex drama, weed-related nostalgia… What more do you want?
Dear Harry Potter, We Are Lesbians And We Love You
Maybe you think it’s stupid because it’s just a book and Harry Potter doesn’t exist. Well, he does for me. And I’m a better person because of it.
Top Ten Most Gayest Jobs: A Labor Day Special!
Happy Labor Day, betches! In honor of this esteemed holiday, we have assembled a list of the most gayest jobs of all time, according to an unscientific study of our stuffed animals.
“Gay-Friendly” Target Gives $150K to Anti-Gay Republican’s Supporters
Target recently donated $150,000 to a group that supports anti-gay Republican Tom Emmer. Vote with your dollars, sign’s petition, or both!
Net Neutrality and the End of Days: Why It Matters
The death of net neutrality may spell the end of all that is odd and good about the interweb as we know it. And it’s really important to learn why. You like lolcats, don’t you? I thought so.
Jane Lynch Marries Partner Lara Embry, Loves Seafood
Jane Lynch gets hitched to her girlfriend Lara Embry in Massachusetts, Jodie Foster has advice for Kristen Stewart, Kelly Clarkson covers Tracy Chapman, The Real L Word cast does the NOH8 Campaign, Pink performs “Whataya Want From Me”, why you need a Ph.D in Gaga, and more!