Results for: fosters
Sunday Funday: The Two-Moms-Are-Better-Than-One Edition
Happy Mother’s Day, queermos!
You, Too, Can Be Made Gay By The X-Files: Scully 101
“Stef: I don’t know how but somehow Rachel managed to find one X Files episode with lesbians in it.”
Read All Of The Books: The Fall 2013 Queer Books Preview
The 50 most essential queer books coming this fall.
2013 GLAAD Awards San Francisco: Our Starry Starry Night With Adam Lambert, Brittney Griner and Ketel One
Alex, Riese, Marni and Mary hit up the GLAAD Awards in San Francisco last night and spent lots of quality time with Adam Lambert, Brittney Griner, Mel B & Jessica Clark!
The 2013 Tony Awards Liveblog Feelings Situation
Singing and dancing and Neil Patrick Harris and drag queens and all the gay your teevee can handle!
12 Monumental Moments In Lesbian Blazer-Wearing History
Lesbians have always mastered the blazer, but this also means that we were especially vulnerable to the late ’80s-’90s terrible/AWESOME Blazer Situation. You know the situation I’m talking about.
“Orange Is The New Black” Episode 111 Recap: Ya Dun Goofed
I hope your terrible facial hair overtakes your face and you choke on it.
10 Writers of Personal Essays For Your Heart and Brain
“It can be hard to even get started, because the best way to learn how to write is to read, and by definition your choices are pretty limited when it comes to personal writing. But hey, there’s still been some amazing personal writing whose authors have deemed it fit for public consumption”
The ALTERNATIVE Autostraddle Hot 105: Hotties You Will Like Who Also Like Girls
105 more humans for you to have awkward crushes on.
Actual Experts Tell Supreme Court Gays Are Great Parents, Bigots Are Wrong
The American Academy of Pediatrics has released a lengthy report based on 30 years of researching explaining why banning same-sex marriage “for the children” doesn’t make any sense.
Girls In Tech Become Women In Tech: The Girl Scouts Get a Video Game Patch
LA’s getting a Video Game Design Patch, y’all! Be prepared for our younger generation to take on STEM fields!
Jill Bennett Is Back With New Comedy Series, “Second Shot”
Jill Bennett is BACK starring in a new comedy series, “Second Shot,” which she also co-created and produced.
Idol Worship: Mabel Hampton Is Gay History
Mabel Hampton preserved our story when it was first starting. Now I wanna tell hers to you.
How Do We Make Sense of This? Breaking Down Our Campus Rape Problem
A former campus activist explains why universities are getting away with not seriously addressing rape on campus, and why they need to start.
Also.Also.Also: Marco Rubio Likes Eminem, Ellen Takes on the Boy Scouts and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Frank Ocean, studs and Big Tobacco all sit down to watch JLo’s new lesbian show on TV. What happens next?
Pretty Little Liars Recap 409: Into the Dyke Birthday Party
Paige throws Emily a surprise birthday party but Emily shows up completely pissed off. This is not going to end well.
ELIXHER Magazine, The Ultimate Resource for LGBTQ Black Women, Needs Your Help!
ELIXHER is “your go-to resource for all things empowering, thought-provoking, and pertinent to the Black female queer community and experience. You’ll find news, uplifting profiles, local events, political commentary, personal reflections, and more.”
Everybody Should Come Out, Or Not
Someone thinks Margaret Cho outed John Travolta, Fastrack thinks kids should come out, Ángeles Álvarez thinks lesbian politicians should come out, and now that Jason Collins is out, Andy West thinks everyone should come out.
veer nyc: Actual Androgynous Clothing For Women
Meet Allie Leepson and Jenny McClary, the founders behind veer nyc, a start-up fashion retail company that promises “androgyny curated for women, by women.”
Butch Please: Where Do We Go From Here
The most important question I can ask is what do you want from Butch Please? What do you want to see in this space?