Results for: fosters
Mascara and Minstrelsy: Benefit Cosmetics’ Racist Video Fails Everything
“This could be a recruitment video for The Iggy Azalea School For Basics Who Can’t Rap Good And Want To Do Racist Stuff Too.”
“The Fosters” Episode 108 Recap: Ho Ho Ho, Lena’s Ex Is Coming To Town
“I think Hot Cops from Arrested Development but all ladies but Lena ruins that vision.”
“The Fosters” Episode 107 Recap: You’re Always Welcome At Hotel Mariana
“When they pry themselves apart, Lexi tells Jesus that her parents took her computer and phone and locked her away in Cookie Monster’s tower where she has to spin gold.”
Incarcerated Trans Girl Jane Doe Transferred to Boys’ Facility; #JusticeforJane Calls for Action
The Connecticut Department of Children and Families moved Jane Doe to the boys’ facility with little explanation and no advance notice to her legal team.
“The Fosters” Episode 105 Recap: Remember When You Used to Love My Chimichangas?
Digression 6: My first lesbian date ended on the roof of a small town Pizza Hut, but she knew what we were doing because she helped me push the dumpster up against the wall.
“The Fosters” Episode 102 Recap: Little Lying Lhasa Apsos
“My sister has Lhasa Apsos and one of them bit my son in the face and now I don’t like Lhasa Apsos and this is unintentional foreshadowing because it turns out I don’t like Marianna much in this episode either.”
“The Fosters” Episode 103 Recap: Taking the Taco Truck to Gay Town
“Steph is making cheese sandwiches with no condiments of any kind. Lesbian moms are cruel.”
Laverne Cox First-Ever Trans Emmy Nominee, Tops Queer-Inclusive List, Continues World Takeover
So many LGBT Emmy nominees, most importantly Laverne Cox!
Orange is the New Black 201 Recap: Oops, I Did It Again
We hate to tell you, Dorothy, but you ain’t in Kansas High Security Prison anymore, and Toto’s only looking out for Toto.
Interview With My Ex-Girlfriend: Laura
“Welp, I just came out! And everything sucks! I don’t know how I’m feeling! Let’s have a fight and have sex.”
VIDEO: Relive Your Favorite Scenes with “Orange is the New Black” Cast
Check out your favorite OITNB cast members talk about the complexity of their characters, the fun they had on set, and the relationships they fostered with the other actors.
Autostraddle’s 2014 Fall TV Preview: Queers and Women of Color All Over Your Teevee
We’ve got a genderqueer lead, an intersex teenager, multiple shows headlined by women of color, the first ever recurring lesbian woman of color character in a primetime network superhero series and SO MUCH MORE!
The Autostraddle Insider: Issue Nine, March 2015
This is an especially epic edition of The Insider, if I do say so myself. There were a lot of funny chats during the Advice-a-Thon and you had SO many questions for the A+ box and Yvonne went on a press trip to Philly and so many other neat things happened!
Protests in Murrieta and Oracle Point to the Racism of US Immigration Policies
White supremacy and racism, we know, have long and deep histories in American society. It’s not like it only occurred to Murrieta residents to be racist and xenophobic while browsing through their town’s blog.
Also.Also.Also: Mary Lambert is Writing Children’s Books About Women in STEM and Other Stories We Missed This Week
LGBT people are leaving some of America’s famously gay neighborhoods but cool projects are highlighting feminism, queer families in children’s books, and masculine of center fashion.
Also.Also.Also. Rachel Maddow Should be the First Gay President and Other Stories We Missed This Week
Famous people are saying smart things about Hobby Lobby, anti-discrimination legislation isn’t as effective as it should be, and the kids of LGBT parents are all right.
Orange is the New Black Episode 212 Recap: It’s the End of the World as We Know It and I (Don’t Really) Feel Fine
Lots of super serious things happen in this episode where the metaphor of and literal Hurricane Wanda really picks up speed but all I can do is make fun of Portland and be miserable.
Hauntings and Banishings: Loss and Rage for a Queer Adoptee
“Whether or not you are out in the world, being queer and belonging to a community of marginalized folks (even if it’s a community you only align with in a spiritual or distanced way) has its own problems with feelings of enoughness and the disenfranchisement or everyday trauma of living with an identity that is consistently questioned or belittled.”
Loving the Women Who Look Like Me: Queer Black Women in Love
I realized that one of the hardest parts about accepting my sexual orientation was that I literally did not believe that Black women were lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, asexuals or queer. I want to see stories of Black women with happy endings that entwine with my own realities and fantasies. I want to see us Black women no longer the Unmentionables or Untouchables, unafraid of the power and beauty of us loving one another.
NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Is Pretty Much Up For Anything
Ambient contact, having sex for the first time, smut, sideboob and more.