Results for: acamp
More Than Words: Notes On (A-)Camp
Sideways oxen, promiscuous Protestants, Susan Sontag and now us.
A-Camp October 2013 Recamp #1: Let It Snow!
It’s our first behind-the-scenes A-Camp 4.0 Recamp in which we reminisce about the day before we met you and the day we met you and how everything started to snow!
8 Times A-Campers Made Cheese Plates and We Were Like, “Wow, Yes”
“The smoked gruyère is pointing to the chèvre, while the brie points to the chocolate. A beautiful puzzle.”
CAMPERSHIP ALERT! Planned Parenthood Is Sponsoring A-Camp X!
Planned Parenthood knows we deserve to feel good in our bodies, our communities and our lives — and one winner of this contest will get to do so at A-Camp thanks to PP!
Campership Alert: OkCupid Is Sending a Lucky Soul to A-Camp and It Could Be You!
All you have to do is believe (and make a profile).
A-Camp Spring 2015: It’s Time To Donate To Or Apply For Camperships!
It’s time to apply for and/or donate to camperships for A-Camp 6.0! And for inspiration, read about the experiences of campership recipients at A-Camp 5.0.
Campership Alert: Go To A-Camp October For Free Thanks To Kipper Clothiers!
Camp is less than two months away and we’re offering another opportunity for you to go for free, thanks to Kipper Clothiers! Enter to win a campership!
A-Camp May 2013 Recamp #4: YUP.
In our last recamp, we party at the pool, dance all night, have feelings, display talent, and wish it never had to end.
A-Camp September Recamp #2: Blame It On The Altitude
On Thursday, geeks and introverts met each other, girls in white got wet, everyone got wild and we all had mature discussions about intense topics like gender and being a queer woman of color!
A-Camp September Recamp 4: Small Town Saturday Night
Our final A-Camp September recamp contains breathtaking accounts from the ground and will reveal the date upon which May registration will open.
A-Camp Recap Day #3: We’ve Got Talent
Day Three’s activities included the sex panel, the talent show, the queer women of color panel, the picking up chicks workshop, ‘zine-making, the dance and SO MUCH MORE!