Results for: a camp
Tell me, what little things have been making you feel great lately?
Syfy’s “Wynonna Earp” Is The Love Child Of “Jessica Jones” And “Lost Girl”
All the camp and Canadian-ness of Lost Girl, all the angst and antagonism of Jessica Jones.
Also. Also. Also: The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team isn’t F*cking Around and Other Stories for Your Face
Links upon links upon more links! Three women stop a rape, Ellen wants to be the Vice President, U.S. women’s soccer team is ready to strike, Mars and Earth are getting cozy, $300 vagina massages, lesbian adoption, Colonial intersex history, Harry Potter Constitution lessons, Peaches and more, more, more!
Launch Your Own YouTube Channel: An Interview with Wellness Vlogger Kaylah Cupcake
Ever wondered what technology it takes to start a YouTube channel? Kaylah Cupcake, a popular wellness YouTuber, has some answers.
The First Presidential Debate: Of Deleted Tweets and Being Blamed for Everything That’s Ever Happened
Welp! That debate happened! Only two more to go.
5 Portable Card Games to Play Anywhere, Anytime
My favorite card games to play with queers in parks and bars in honor of the brand new Oregon Trail card game.
Superqueero Roundup Recap: Canonically Queer
Maggie and Alex go on an almost-date which prompts Alex to ask Maggie on actual date but Maggie already has a date with another woman. It’s deliciously gay.
This Was The Best Ever Lesbians Who Tech Summit
Politics, Black Lives Matter, Flawed Data, Weed—all were discussed at Lesbians Who Tech, proving that there’s no other technology conference like it.
Don’t Dream it, Liveblog It: Watch Rocky Horror on Fox With Mey and KaeLyn
Laverne, our queen! Let’s do this!
Rush Limbaugh Is Right: Obama Is Encouraging Lesbian Farmers To Take Over The Country
I should know. I’ve been playing Obama’s homosexual farm simulator, Stardew Valley, for a full month now.
Also.Also.Also: New Yorkers Getting Free Tampons and Gender Neutral Restrooms and Other Stories for Your Friday
LINKS! I’ve got some for you! NYC is becoming a utopia of free tampons and gender neutral restrooms, fat-positivity in reproductive justice, Janet Mock on Stonewall, female graffiti artists, Gaby Dunn loves A-Camp, and mama bears using humans to protect their cubs.
Indigenous People’s Day: Honoring My People And Rejecting “Heroic” Genocide
I truly pity people who aren’t evolved enough to celebrate their heritage beyond that of a mass-raping, slave-trading, sex-trafficking murderer with a bad sense of direction.
Countdown to Baby T. Rex: Loving My Fat Mama Self and Itchy All Over (33 Weeks)
Extreme itchy scratchies, body-positive parenting, fat pregnant femme feelings, nesting, dill pickles, Korean pancakes and more as I fly past the eight-month mark.
Be the Change: The Nuts and Bolts of a Campaign Plan
How to build a winnable campaign from scratch, what hummus has to do with bisexual liberation, and what it means to build collective power. Come learn something new or share your campaign organizing tips!
Friday Open Thread: You Deserve to Feel Better
Get in here and tell me about your brain, your favorite Harry Potter character, or that weird thing that happened this week! It’s gonna be fun I swear.
A Modern Catalogue of Queer Slang
Falcons, hawks, vultures, buzzards, shikras, kites, caracaras; hell, a lesbian can be any bird of prey.
The Comment Awards Covets Thy Neighbor’s Central A/C
This week we’ve got feelings about Pokemon, Dolly Parton, Star Trek and so much more!
New Gamers, Here Are 5 Story-Driven Video Games You Can’t Lose!
Whether you’re getting back into gaming after a long time away or starting for the first time, these stories are for you!
12 Amazing Online Sales That’ll Earn You A Gold Medal in the Buying Stuff Relay
Includes 50% off at asos and a special Autostraddle merch discount code. ISN’T CAPITALISM FUN?? DON’T HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME!!
6 Travel Technologies for the Wanderlustful
Travel technology to plan, book and execute your trip without a hitch. Now the question is: where are you off to?