Results for: a camp
Friday Open Thread: Not At A-Camp (but I’m Getting Married Tomorrow)
So, we’re not at A-Camp. We can still bask in our queer feels and hang out here on the open thread. Also, Mari’s getting married tomorrow.
OPEN THREAD: A-Camp Was So Amazing We Can Hardly Believe It Was Real
Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #10
Can you help me understand why I identify so strongly with 80s music videos?
When Death Makes You Kind: Beyond Survival In Gwen Benaway’s “Passage”
“In the words of Notting Hill, “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” Or more realistically, I’m just a girl, standing in front of KFC, praying that it’s open.”
It’s Autostraddle Babe-B-Q Season Again!
You’ve got one wild and precious life to live. Why not spend a day of it with a spatula in your hand while someone else preps the Tofurkey sausages and then sit back in a lawn chair and put some coleslaw in your face surrounded by a bunch of people you’ll soon find yourself hopelessly in love with?
FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: Tell Me Something Good
Lay it all out there and bring hope to our world. It’s what you do best.
Here’s What Autostraddle Is Doing For the Women’s Strike: A Roundtable and Stuff
“We support a strike that calls for recognition of women’s value and the necessity of the many forms of their labor; we also support all those who are already struggling economically and otherwise, who are deeply impacted by the administration and the systems we’re protesting, and who because of that can’t afford to risk financial instability or job loss for themselves and their families.”
Drawn to Comics: Talking Comics With A-Camp 2015 Special Guest Jasika Nicole
“Reading ‘Fun Home’ was like someone turning on the lights for me. I immediately bought a book called ‘How To Make Comics’, went to (the now defunct) Pearl Paints and got all the tools I needed, and I just started drawing.”
The Starting Place: How an Unlikely Hiker Can Get Outdoorsy
A personal take on showing up, hiking through it, and knots and how to tie them.
Liquor On The Mountain: Whiskey Women
This year at A-Camp, we’re tasting whiskeys that are or have been historically piloted by women. No boys’ club spirits this year!
22 Beers To Brew At Home (Because Why Go Outside Again, Ever)
I’m ready to take back the heritage that is so rightfully ours, and one way I’m going to do that is by homebrewing my own goddamn beer. With my girlfriend. And her cat. Please join us.
Why the Distinction of Online vs. IRL Makes No Sense (Or, Our Reality Is Already Virtual)
On the term and concept of “IRL” and why it’s totally incorrect and we should stop using it.
Team Pick: “Coming Out With Care,” the E-Care Package For Your Parents!
Here’s a resource to help you and your parents navigate your coming out together!!
FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: What Were You Up To While We Were At Camp?
I left the real world to hang out on the mountain but I’m not looking to leave the Autostraddle universe anytime soon, so let’s just hold each other or whatever. GET IN HERE!
Playlist: The Musicians Of Mt. Feelings
This one’s for all whose hearts are still on the mountain.
This Thanksgiving, Be The Raging Feminist Killjoy Your Family Fears with FASHION
Why not bring the fight to them? Wear your heart and your guts and your politics on your sleeve. And across your chest, and on your head.
Baby-Sitters Club Creator Ann M. Martin is Queer, How Did I Not Know This
She also identifies as “a Mary Ann.”
Drawn to Comics: Announcing the 3rd Annual Autostraddle Comic and Sequential Art Award Winners
Your votes are in and you’ve chosen your favorite comics in seventeen different categories celebrating not just the best in comics, but also the best in positive representation for queer women and non-binary people and feminist themes, for the Autostraddle Comic and Sequential Art Awards.
Trans Asylee Sues Mike Pence Because Noncitizens Can’t Legally Change Their Names
A trans man from Mexico filed a lawsuit against an Indiana law that prevents noncitizens from legally changing their name, an El Paso man was arrested for the murder of trans woman Erykah Tijerina, a 13-year-old boy was shot and killed by Ohio police, Sandra Bland’s mother receives a million dollar settlement and more news.
Donald Trump Isn’t President Yet — And There’s Still Time To Stop Him
On Monday, the Electoral College members in every state will convene to cast their votes for the next president. Take action today to ensure they don’t vote for Donald Trump.