Results for: a camp
NSFW Sunday Is Syncing Periods
Whether or not period syncing is allegedly a lie, the secret lives of hot people, aftercare for everyone, how to have casual sex, how to win at relationship fight club and more.
Ani DiFranco Has a Song From 20 Years Ago That Works For This Moment
With her 20th studio album out and a tour with Andrea Gibson on the horizon, the li’l folksinger talks politics, activism, and why she’s still getting happier as she gets older. She also called me babe.
Also.Also.Also: Beer Astrology, Legos, Death and Other Stories for Your Beautiful Mind
Beer horoscopes you can drink, DREAMer Daniela Vargas, Daria, being trans in a conservative school, Texas take a fucking seat, you too NPR, Lego making dreams come true, and so much more!
Finding Hope on Trans Day of Visibility
“Trans Day of Visibility gives me hope. When I see trans people proudly being themselves in public I have hope. When I see allies retweeting links on how to support trans women I have hope. When I see brilliant selfies of trans people I have hope. When I see trans people celebrating a day that’s about us, I have hope.”
“Orphan Black” Episode 507 Recap: Eye of the Storm
Rachel is fucking metal and don’t you ever forget it again.
Top 10 Best Ghosts of 2016
7. The Ghost of Hope for the Future of America
Roundtable: Our Spookiest Real Ghost Stories
Turn on all the lights in the house and come read about the Winchester Mystery House, haunted cabins, songs playing from beyond the veil, and our deeply unsurprising number of experiences with ghost cats.
I Accidentally Went Looking For God In Portland
On Easter Sunday, I didn’t go to a church, but I quietly praised God at brunch in community with friends and strangers and so many carbs and those tiny Cadbury chocolate eggs.
“Power Rangers” Gives Young Queer Latinas Hope For A Superheroic Future
Trini, the Mexican-American Yellow Ranger, tells her friends that she’s figuring out her sexuality and that she likes girls, and in the process she finds a family.
2016 By The Numbers: An A+ Member Exclusive
Just some numbers and charts and graphs about this year we all experienced together!
PHOTO GALLERY: Queer on a Friday Night
It’s another community gallery! What were we all up to on those March Friday nights? I’ll tell you, it did involve some cute cocktails.
Read A F*cking Book: “In Full Velvet,” by Jenny Johnson
Immerse yourself in these poems and prepare to come out raw and clean.
Katy Perry Wins Yet Another Gay Allyship Award, Admits She More-Than-Kissed A Girl, Only Kinda Liked It
This weekend, Katy Perry received the HRC’s “highest honor,” the National Equality Award, and everybody’s talking about her inspirational speech — but does Katy Perry really deserve an award for LGBT advocacy in the first place? And does it even matter, really, when you consider the impending heat death of the universe, etc.
No Filter: What’s With The Ring, Kate Moennig?
Brittani Nichols fights the forces of evil, Annie Clark needs more mushrooms and El Sanchez lives even mas.
47 Breakfast Cereals, Ranked By Lesbianism
They’re not girlfriends, they’re just a toasted trio of flakes, twigs and granola cereal!
Pretty Little Liars Episode 713 Recap: I Needed a Win on an Existential Level
Emily and Aria strongarm Sydney Driscoll while Hanna operates on a life-size doll wearing her face.
View From The Top: Where I’ve Been
Before any of my other sexuality identities, I was kinky.
Lost In (Work) Space
Where do Autostraddle writers write? Check out where we work and what we surround ourselves with when we create this world for you.
22 Easy Steps to Rethinking Your Whole Relationship Through Late-Night Nudes
Is that insecurity in my pocket or have you just not sexted me back yet?
Drawn to Comics: Maggie Thrash’s Debut “Honor Girl” Captures Teenage Camp Queerness
“So much of being a girl in this society is about people trying to CONTAIN you. When I think about camp, I get this gut feeling, remembering the sky above my head. No walls, no parents. During the school year, you’re just trying to survive. Camp is a chance to be someone freer- an actual person.”