Results for: a camp
It’s Pride month; have you heard? Have you danced in the streets, wearing a rainbow flag, surrounded by topless women, shouting your queerness and here-ness, maybe honking a horn or ringing a bell? Here’s hoping!
20 Lesbian and Bisexual Comedy Movies, Ranked
Our team weighs in on some of the funniest and least funny love and friendship stories in lesbian cinematic history, from Saving Face to Life Partners and so many more!
Queer Eye’s “Black Girl Magic” Is the Blackest, Gayest, Most Moving TV Episode of 2019
Jess’ Blackness is tended to, built back up as the positive it is. I don’t think we have ever seen anything like this — but I certainly hope we see it again.
Queer Tarotscopes: Cancer Season Brings Deep Feelings for Long, Hot Days
All of those ideas and beginnings that were flowing through electric Gemini season will gain powerful traction in these days of Cancer, as we pour our hearts into those projects that speak to us on a deep, internal level, and build safe spaces that give us room for passion, creativity, and comfort.
Some Things: Take Me Back
I never want to be anywhere but Camp.
12 Holiday Beers, Ranked by How Much They Taste Like Christmas
“Ho ho ho, no! This beer tastes like a literal snickerdoodle.”
A-Camp Spring 2017: Win A Campership AND Fancy Shoes from Tomboy Toes!
If you’re a fashionable queer on a budget with a penchant for classy masculine dress shoes who’s still hoping to attend A-Camp this May, today’s Campership Contest announcement is going to make you feel like dancing and prancing!
Riese and Cameron Esposito Warm Your Ears on This Week’s Queery
Find out who Riese ships with Baby-Sitter’s Club founder Kristy Thomas on this week’s Queery podcast!
Take Autostraddle’s Very Exciting LGBTQ+ Travel Survey!
If you’ve got 15-20 minutes to tell me how and why you travel and where you go and what you do there and how you feel about it on a few different levels, it would be so great. Note: this is not the same travel survey we told you about last week!
“To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 508: “Lay Down The Law” with Ari Monts!
“My one note is, “God, I wish Tasha was a firefighter, so I didn’t have to feel conflicted about her.”
A-Camp Spring 2017: It’s Time To Donate and/or Apply For Camperships!
Read these essays and feel inspired to apply for and/or donate to the campership fund for our May 2017 camp in Wisconsin!
21 Queer Jews on Why We Love Being Jewish
“The way you can bring together Jews from all walks of life to share a holiday together over a meal made with love and a table filled with candles, wine and challah, and we can join together in song and laughter and interruption and feel quickly like family because, well, we are.”
30 New Books of Queer and Feminist Interest to Get Excited About This Fall
Whether your thing is queer girl YA inspired by Greek mythology, groundbreaking poetry collections, challenging and mind-expanding critical nonfiction on art, power, illness or design, or weird and dynamic short fiction, this fall brings you some new titles you won’t be able to stop thinking about.Â
San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area, CA 11/25: Queer Friendsgiving
Can’t make it home for Thanksgiving? Made it home for Thanksgiving but just want to hang out? We’ll be hanging out in the South Bay for a few hours to eat good food and have fun.
The Comment Awards Are Making the Yuletide Gay
“That duck for sure has an Alternative Lifestyle Feathercut.”
In 2018, Lesbian and Bisexual TV Characters Did Even Better
Here’s your in-depth look at all the numbers on lesbian, bisexual and queer television representation in 2018. Spoiler alert: it got better?
“Orange Is the New Black” Season Seven: Everything Is Different Our Final Time Around
“There are few shows that I have loved with the ferocity that I loved Orange is the New Black, and there are exactly zero shows that have broken my heart the way this show did. So when it came to the final season, I was trying to prepare myself for anything.”
8 Fiction Books with Non-Binary Characters
Can you believe we haven’t talked about books with non-binary characters yet? Here are eight great ones, mostly written by non-binary authors.
25 NSFW Sex Collages Inspired By Your Queer Erotic Imaginations and/or Lesbian Sexual Fantasies
You came to “Sexing the Collage Cherry” and boi are your arms tired.
Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #26
The one with the Anne of Green Gables fanfic in it.