Results for: a camp
Oh Hey! It’s Alyssa #22: A-Camp!
Hard times or not, there’s no cuter thing to be than queer.
Julia Nunes Is Relentlessly Personal: On New Music, Big Changes, and Community Being Crucial
Julia Nunes has been self-producing her music for almost ten years, and her newest album “Ughwow” is a drastic change from her old sound in the best way possible. We talk about the work of being a human and how that’s showing up in her creative work lately.
Insta Crush: Potato the Corgi Has Mixed Feelings About Fame
“Potato is always looking for dog sitters and play dates, feel free to slide into her DMs ;)”
Heaven is a Place at A-Camp: Femme Looks For The A-Camp May 2017 Dance
The A-Camp dance theme this May is Heaven is Place On Earth, so I want to see everyone in their best Billy Idol, Rhythm Nation, Whitney Houston, Jennifer Beals, Ronald Reagan, Paula Abdul, Jem & The Holograms drag.
Sanctuary of the Pines
The mountains and forests of Northwest Montana were where I felt the freest as a lesbian, but I didn’t know that feeling had queer roots going back 100 years, to when my doppelgänger was wandering these woods.
Boobs on Your Tube: Coop Continues to Steal the Show on “All American,” “Star” Stumbles Into Trope City
Plus updates on Legacies, Coronation Street, Sally4Ever, and (for some reason) Camping.
Behind the Scenes With REI’s Force of Nature Initiative
REI is doing so much to change the reality of being a human outside! Including sponsoring this very issue! Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about their Force Of Nature initiative and so much more!
Sunday Funday And King Princess Are Cheap Queens
New music, new art, LESBIANS, Pride coverage and more! Happy Sunday!
The Comment Awards Are Into Outdoor Sports
“Turns out there’s nothing better than f*cking under cover of deep, tall grass in the sunshine. Currently protecting my field spot like a dragon.”
Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #25
Can we please get a “sustainability dyke” pin? I would love that so much.
Also.Also.Also: Rainbow Wonder Woman Welcomes You to Pride Month
That Wonder Woman 84 image, eh? Plus: Talk of abortions and gay rights on the campaign trail, Straight Pride, Asia Kate Dillon on finding the way to “they,” celebrity LGBTQ trailblazers, all the Women’s World Cup news you need, and more!
Sunday Funday Dreams of Being an Old Fat Pot-Smoking Dyke
Get hashtag inspired by pot-smoking lesbians, LGBT conferences changing lives, Robyn concerts and more!
FRIDAY OPEN THREAD: Spring Has Sprung And I Cut All My Jeans Into Jorts, What About You?
Spring is the best time for fashion in my opinion! A time for light jackets, layering, body hair, cut offs, sunburnt tattoos, backpacks full of beer, all the good stuff! What are you wearing these days?
Heaven is a Place at A-Camp: Masculine-of-Center Looks For The A-Camp May 2017 Dance
When you wanna be “on theme” but not in “full costume,” here are some retro-inspired looks that’ll really impress the ladies in San Junipero.
“The L Word” Reboot Will Be Called “Generation Q,” Which Probably Stands For “Quasimodo”
“The L Word” reboot has a title and a cute lil poster and you can put THAT on your f*cking clipboard.
What the Border Wall Destroys
A border wall further fragments and disrupts nature, the land, and the people who are intricately woven into the Rio Grande Valley’s natural ecosystem. With increased militarization on the border, who has access to the land? Who is allowed to enjoy the land?
We Need Help: Autostraddle Is Raising Money!
We’ve spent years — our whole lives, sometimes, it seems like — talking about what our community could look like if we weren’t spending all our time and energy on just staying alive, a feeling that queer and trans people know all too well. With your help, we’re excited to find out what thriving looks like.Â
Mal Blum Invites You To Karaoke With Their New Single “Things Still Left To Say”
Sometimes the hardest part of being a person with a body is admitting how hard it is in the first place. So it goes in the newest single from Mal Blum, rock musician, friend of Autostraddle/A-Camp, and all around cool human.
Queer Your Ears October 2019: New Music From Queer & Trans Musicians
It’s fall, so #feelingsfall continues — Claud has some baby gay angst anthems, Heather Mae has all the feelings if you want to cry, and Big Thief gets raw and vulnerable.
“I ate lemon-filled doughnuts with a woman who made my head spin. I decided that it was her commitment to eating good food, like me, that drew me to her. Every bite was sour-sweet.”