Results for: a camp
Real L Word #105 Recap: Free Pass (To Do What I Want)
Episode 105 of “The Real L Word” was all about blinds and sex and wedding dresses and space. Also, the salsa and Nat Garcia and lucky dogs and Celesbianism, which is like lesbianism for the stars. IN OUTER SPACE.
It’s OK to Hate Gays: Exodus International Counters GLSEN’s Tolerance Campaign
Exodus International counters GLSEN’s message of tolerance with the “day of truth.” Health care is changing in NY and marriage recognition is changing in MD; Miss Beverly Hills is just as bitchy but not as pretty as Carrie Prejean, and the NAACP’s feelings about gay marriage could be maybe on the way to changing. Stuff might be happening again with the Prop 8 trial, people in the Netherlands are protesting the Catholic Church’s exclusion of gays, because obvs Jesus would love to go to your gay wedding.
Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial Closing Arguments Recap: This Time It’s Personal
Are you ready to get this Prop 8 thing taken care of once and for all? SO ARE WE. We recap today’s closing arguments on the Prop 8 trial on gay marriage in California, with characteristic Autostraddle style and class.
Lesbian Sexy in 27 Parts: An NSFW Sunday Spectacular
We asked; you answered. What do YOU think is sexy? Ass, lip-biting, bois, Bette Porter, southern accents and so much more. Plus; more vadge behavior, ipad porn, American Apparel’s Best Ass Contest and more!
We Like to Watch: Television 2010 – What’s Happened So Far
Why talk about TV all the time when we can just get legendary internet recluse scribegrrrl to come summarize the last three months of television for you? 30 Rock, LOST, Spartacus, American Idol, Dollhouse, Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, Damages, Modern Family, Nip/Tuck, and so much moar!
Superbowl Sunday with Lindsay Lohan, Jon Stewart, RuPaul, kd Lang, SNL’s Gay Show, Etc
It’s Sunday Funday! Are you ready for the second installment of Lindsay Lohan and Niecy Nash Being Best Friends? How about Ru Paul, Diva magazine, SNL’s gayest show ever (also funny!), kd Lang talks about being a vegan and chillaxing, Anne Hathaway, a new project from the people who gave you the 2009 Sweet Caribbean Cruise, and statements from both Tila Tequila and President Obama? Also, Bill O’Reilly is dumb and the tapes with John Stewart are great!
Kate Cooper From ‘An Horse’: The Autostraddle Interview
Kate Cooper, one half of Aussie band ‘An Horse’ chats with Audiostraddle about a new year, a new record and another tour with Tegan and Sara.
When Christmas Attacks! Gays Crash NY Senator’s Party, Pope Rushed at Mass
Why can a wifebeater get married and we can’t? Let’s go to his X-mas Party and find out! Also; pot psychology, health care, cover lies, vegetarian’s guide to surviving Christmas dinner, protesters at Ralph Lauren, facebook makes divorce happen, and LGBT summer camp!
Atlanta is the Gayest City in the USA, Sorry WeHo!
Atlanta tops the list of the gayest cities in the USA — and you’ll be surprised who didn’t even rank. Also; Caster Semenya update, Haiti relief efforts, transgender high school quarterback turned lesbian filmmaker, dog people vs. cat people and would Martin Luther King have been an LGBT advocate?
Top 5 Video Games of 2010: Zelda, World of Warcraft, Bioshock 2 and More!
What is Technostraddle looking forward to in 2010? We’ve got gaming picks from new installations to well-loved favorites. Get your controllers and your Mountain Dew cocktails (ew!) ready, it’s time to geek out as we preview what’s to come for Zelda, World of Warcraft and more!
J.D. Salinger, 91, Dies: All Eyes On the Literary Recluse Who Despised Our Eyes
J.D. Salinger, author of “Catcher in the Rye” and legendary recluse, dies of natural causes at the age of 91. Will death kill his well-cultivated privacy? How do we honor our literary idols using the same media machine employed to vaporize/idolize our dead celebrities & rock stars? Will we get to read all his unpublished books now? Why do some people feel entitled to that, or anything, from anyone who has passed away, ever?
How Lady Gaga (and the Monster Ball) Changed My Life: The Concert Review
Dr. Gaga – or – How I learned to stop worrying and love Lady Gaga, other people, and dancing.
New Motorola Droid Poised to Kick iPhone Ass, Take Names
The new Verizon Droid is one of the first solid iPhone challengers that doesn’t suck. It packs some sweet new smartphone features, and gives you a viable alternative to an iPhone or a Blackberry. That is, if the intensely dude-targeted ad campaign doesn’t weird you out too much. Also, can we talk about how the glowing red Droid thing is the eye of Sauron? No? Well, Okay…
Are Columbia’s New Co-Ed Dorm Rooms Good for The Gays?
Happy Sunday! Gay & Lesbian groups support Columbia’s new co-ed rooming policy, what do you think? There is a lot going on in the world! Straight atheists are infiltrating gay Christians in order to find out more about “conversion therapy,” Glenn Beck loves Christmas and is sweaty, and everyone’s talking about Disney’s The Princess and the Frog. If that’s not enough, maybe you’d like to hear about Rihanna’s sexy bullet Mickey Mouse wardrobe malfunction?
Kristen Stewart Will Lesbian Kiss Dakota Fanning in The Runaways, is Still Not Gay in Real Life
Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning will make out in The Runaways, Adam Lambert responds to the Out 100 controversy, we look at the women of the Out 100, we wish fourfour could recap “ANTM: Where Are They Now?” and Tila Tequila says she’s a lesbian because she was born naked. Seriously.
I’m In Love With Australian Musician Sia: Top Ten Reasons Why
When quirky Australian-born, NY-based singer/songwriter Sia recently returned to her homeland to tour, it was everything Audiostraddle music editor Crystal had hoped for and then so much more. And now, from dating JD Samson to nonsensical tweeting to making sweet music with X-tina: Crystal explains exactly what it is about this goofy singer that she loves so hard.
Day 9 of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Who Needs Marriage When You Have Bisexuality, You Slippery Slopes?
They should replace that show “Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader” with “Are You Smarter Than A Proposition 8 Attorney, Yes You Are.”
Maine’s Gay Marriage Advocates Need More Face Time, More Phillip, Less Wanton Fearmongering Distractions
With only ten days to go, the marriage equality fight in Maine heats up — we bring you the latest arguments from all sides on how to win this thing. Also, an interesting perspective on hate crimes and the war-spending budget attached to the Matthew Shepard Act.
Day 10 of Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: Kenneth Miller Time is Less Filling, Tries to h8
“Maybe this man is not really a witness at all, but just here to annoy us. ” Because he sure ain’t doing much for the other team…
Day 8 of the Prop 8 Gay Marriage Trial: We Musn’t Dwell. Not on Dr.Tam Day!
I DO NOT THINK THIS COULD GET ANY CRAZIER. Seriously, I thought I knew how crazy the other side was, BUT I DID NOT KNOW HOW CRAZY THE OTHER SIDE WAS.