Results for: a camp
Jane Lynch Marries Partner Lara Embry, Loves Seafood
Jane Lynch gets hitched to her girlfriend Lara Embry in Massachusetts, Jodie Foster has advice for Kristen Stewart, Kelly Clarkson covers Tracy Chapman, The Real L Word cast does the NOH8 Campaign, Pink performs “Whataya Want From Me”, why you need a Ph.D in Gaga, and more!
Medicating Away the “Gay” in Your Fetus: There’s an Actual Doctor For That.
You knew that conservative right-wing homophobes hated gay people, but did you know how much? No. You didn’t. Trust us.
The Very Special Heatwave Edition of Hey! Have You Seen That Comment? Friday
Yeah, I know every week is special, but come on!
Top 11 Hottest, Gun-Totingest Women of Sci-Fi
Inspired by Sigourney Weaver’s bald head, we’ve managed to narrow down our picks for the Top 11 Sci-Fi Babes to the best of the best. These are the smartest, toughest, gun-totingest sexbombs around.
Remember the Alamo. Time for Hey! Did You See That Comment?
Does anyone even know why we are remembering the Alamo? I don’t. You know what we should remember, though? That time Autostraddle went down. We should also remember all your comments.
Intern Camp: HAIR Revival, Greener Pastures & “Schoolboy to Showgirl”
Greener Pastures, The Alexandra Billings Story, and the HAIR revival on Broadway!
Fifth-Grader with Two Moms Falls, Gets Injured, and Nobody Makes a Sound
Jenna Bissell is being discriminated against in the fifth grade because she has two moms. Happy Mother’s Day! Also, Iowa hates gay campers, David Dean Bottrell hates Setoodeh’s Newsweek article, and important historical milestones for gays in Lithuania and the Philippines.
Easy, Girls: L Word Fans Hurl Selves at Feet of Hailey, Moennig
Autostraddle’s fearless guest correspondent Hayley braved hordes of screaming L word fans to bring you all the details of L7, the seventh convention for L Word fans, held in Birmingham, UK. Questions! Answers! Pet turtles! Ever wonder what Kate Moennig thought about Shenny or what Leisha Hailey has to say about Kate’s skills in the BOUDOIR? Read on, queers, so that you can sleep better at night knowing the answers.
Leave Lindsay Lohan Alone
How the totally false Lindsay Lohan HIV rumor got started and why everyone needs to give that girl a f*cking break. Also; a writer goes undercover at Christian Gay Conversion camp, The Boondocks premieres, THE MARBLE FAUN from Grey Gardens gets his own documentary (and he’s gay!), and the redheaded soldier from the GaGa in Afghanistan video has two mommies!
Catholic School Rejects Son of Lesbian Moms, Clearly We’re Too Cool For School Y’all
A Massachusetts Catholic School has withdrawn it’s acceptance of a third grade boy because he has lesbian moms, and now the secretary for education and superintendent of Catholic schools is offering to help the parents find a different school – but do we want to be in clubs that won’t have us as members? Even more reactions to Seetodeh including one from Dustin Lance Black and video of Newsweek article author Ramin Setoodeh, Dan Savage and Amanda Bearse on The Joy Behar Show. Also; female warrior tribes & gays in video games.
Trailer Debuts Modern Warfare 2’s New DLC Maps
Call of Duty junkies rejoice- the trailer for March 30’s upcoming Modern Warfare 2 DLC has arrived! Now we’ll have to stake out our fave camping spots all over again.
28 Docs Later You’ll Be A Better Person, Just Watch
Autostraddle has a serious soft spot for documentaries, and we want to give you the same. Here’s the official Autostraddle list of the documentary films everyone should see before they die.
Real L Word Episode 108 Recap: Runway Bridezilla Attacks Zombies, Eats Crybabies, is a Lesbian
What do you want from me. The Real L Word. 108. It happened. Deal with it OMGFASHIONWEEEK FASHIONWEEK.
Google Apologizes for the Buzz Privacy Fail But Wants to be Your ISP
Google continues to invade every aspect of your life, but at least they’re sorry, right? Also, sausage styluses, Spiderman & Superman movie news, and a training camp for peeping toms!
Audiostraddle’s 2010 Music Festival Survival Guide
With South by Southwest kicking off next weekend, the 2010 music festival season is just around the corner. Our contributing music writer and festival expert Corey has compiled a guide that will help you navigate your way around some of this year’s biggest music festivals, including SXSW, Bonnaroo, Coachella, Lilith Fair, Lollapalooza, and Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival.
Real L Word Recap: Episode 101 – The Power of the Clam is Overrated
Christ almighty.
Recap: Real L Word Extended Behind-the-Scenes Preview
The new trailer for The Real L Word is out and Riese recaps it for ya. You know what else is out? Anyone But Me episode 7 and YOUR MOM. Plus, Molly Ringwald talks about gay stuff, Chris Colfer talks about Glee, and Lilo is seeking a restraining order against her dad.
Marisa Meltzer’s Actual Girl Power: The Autostraddle Interview
Feminist author and nineties enthusiast Marisa Meltzer talks to Laneia about her new book, Girl Power. Also: zines, music, movies and even Lilith Fair, for crying out loud!
Lily’s College Lesbianage #7: Smart Girls, Spice Girls & Girl-Dates to School Dances
This week in lesbianage, Lily celebrates a dead composer’s birthday while wondering why she can’t major in “being Whitney Houston”…
Adam Lambert Headlines GLAAD Awards: Big Gay Events Booking Big Queer Stars
Adam Lambert, previously criticized for allegedly not being down with gay media, is totally doing the gay media awards, y’all! Lady Gaga at the HRC, DJ Samantha Ronson & Ke$ha at Dinah Shore — something’s changing! Also; Tila Tequila, Nicki Minaj, glaad likes Ricky Martin & pro wrestling’s new bisexual.