Results for: a camp
Glee 316 Recap: Saturday Night Glee-itosis
This week on Glee, Brittany and Santana made a sex tape and we didn’t even get to see it!
Don’t Mess With a Lesbian Mom in Distress
The Mayor of Troy is brilliantly called out for her homophobia and the IRS is making life harder for some lesbian couples. Also some lesbian mom stuff is happening in Australia.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, A Boundless Fantasy World to Devour You Whole
“Skyrim is an example of a game that pushes the bounds of gaming as we know it, peeling back the surface layer to reveal just what video games can do as a medium for something more.”
We Won a Thing: Mississippi Votes Against Classifying All Embryos As People
Mississippi voted against changing the legal definition of “person” to include “every human being from the moment of fertilization.”
Queer Girl City Guide: Montreal, Canada
“I envision Montréal as some sexy androgyne character with a sweet moustache and a pair of lacy panties.”
Texas Is Not the Only State: Confessions of a Lesbian Exile in New York
“I kept MapQuest directions to Albuquerque in the glove compartment of my car, just in case I needed to run away. When I graduated, I moved to upstate New York for college.”
-’s “Five Stories” Does “Same-Sex Experimentation”
“After they leave, she’s quiet. She plays me Ani DiFranco songs on her guitar.”
Crudely Yours, A John Waters Holiday Gift Guide
…holidays don’t need to be filled with sappy crap. Sometimes, it’s ok to get your mistletoe freak fest on.
Playlist: Lez the Fuck Out (The B-Sides)
All of the musicians on this list have kissed a girl and liked it.
Glee 313 Recap: Heart Kiss Kiss Kill Kiss Heart Love Sugar
This week on Glee, Brittany and Santana did some mouth-to-mouth.
Keeping It Real: Authentic Diversification in Occupy Wall Street
“What exactly does ‘success’ mean for OWS? It could mean giving power to conversations and movements that activists, organizers and thinkers have been having for years.”
Marcel the Shell Has Shoes On, Also New Children’s Book
“Well, you know what they say: Lint is a shell’s best friend.”
Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Took to the Streets and I Was There
“Now that the movement is gaining some mainstream members beyond the ragtag band of activists who began the occupation three weeks ago, will the Occupy Wall Street movement galvanize real change impacting the economic disparities in the country they are protesting?”
Glee 303 Recap: You’re Knockin’ Off That Piece
Who Run The World? (Brittany!)
Persephone Takes On “We Are The 53%”
“In other words, that part of the photo is especially ridiculous, too ridiculous to refute. The rest, however, I’m happy to refute – with facts and stuff.”
Tegan & Sara Boxed a Set: 3 Films + 1 Live Record x Our Hearts = “Get Along”
This trailer will make your day and I like that because I want you to have all of the feelings about Tegan and Sara. Even the cheesy ones.
Nightline Probes Gay Conversion Camp, Provides Balanced Commentary on Deranged Concept
“Can sexual orientation be changed through conscious decision-making or therapy?”, ABC’s Nightline asks in its piece on Journey into Manhood retreats. Really? Is that still a real question?
Also. Also. Also: Gay Allies Get a Week, Thirteen Gets a Girlfriend, Etc.
Is same-sex education bad for students? Did you know about Ally Week and/or International Fisting Day? How does Lemony Snicket feel about OWS?
Zachary Quinto is Gay, Comes Out on His Blog
“It became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it – is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.”
Glee 305 Recap: The First Time Sex Episode
Who has sex with their socks on? Watch this episode of Glee to find out!