Results for: a camp
April Showers Bring Whiskey Sours (For All The Comment Award Winners)
Runner-ups for rhymes include: graham flours, kilometers per hours, artificial flowers, ivory towers and nuclear powers.
Argentina Is Trans* Rights All-Star, Chile and Cuba On The Gay Rights Upswing
Argentina, Chile and Cuba all made strides in LGBT rights last week! What a wonderful world we live in!
Glee 403 Recap: Makeover Takeover Apple Turnover
This week on Glee, everybody sang especially loud and Carrie Bradshaw did Lea Michele’s hair!
The Real L Word Season 3: Brace Yourself For Terror, Nudity, Eyeliner, Recaps
This is where I’d tell you exciting things about the teaser and cast for Season 3 of The Real L Word, if there were any. I had frozen pizza for lunch!
BREAKING: President Obama Announces He Supports Same-Sex Marriage (With Video!)
Obama has just announced he personally supports gay marriage.
Playlist: Women Write Musical Theater Songs Sometimes
Musical theater songs with lyrics and/or music by women for all of your moods, especially if your mood is “obscure.”
Glee Mini Recap Episode 317: Dance With Somebody
This week on Glee: Brittany and Santana communicated through silent, lesbian brainwaves and Kurt and Blaine yelled at each other in Whitney Houston lyrics.
Ladies Who Rap: The Playlist and Guided Herstory Tour
Let’s take a video-guided tour of the movement called ‘female rap’ with appearances by Salt-n-Pepa, Aaliyah, Lil’ Kim and more! Also, there’s a playlist.
I Saw The Sign: LGBT Symbols Then And Now
Roses are red, violets are gay, if you want a queer symbol, we’ve got an array.
Sunday Funday Opposes Amendment 1, Likes A Sexy Mechanic
Can we pause and enjoy our reunion right now?
Five Videos That Will Make You Fall In Love With Megan Rapinoe
Megan Rapinoe plays soccer and has excellent hair. It is likely that you will appreciate her for these and other reasons.
Things I Read That I Love #22: A Nice Day For a Daydream
Topics include Carl Sagan explaining why he smokes weed, The Great Zucchini, an innocent man on death row, The Huffington Post, the cost of being a lady writer in NYC and The War Against Youth.
Queer Girl City Guide: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“You should come by so we can show you how good and gay this gemütlichkeit thing can truly be.”
Pretty Little Liars 224 Fashioncap: If These Dolls Could Talk And Pick Their Own Clothing
In which Spencer makes some confusing sock choices, creepy dolls are revealed to be creepy and I give my final predictions for the season finale.
California Sexual Orientation Conversion Bill Could Inform Patients, Protect Minors
The California state Senate has a bill advancing that would require ex-gay therapists to get signed consent forms that acknowledge that ex-gay therapy is harmful and useless.
The Comment Awards Are Feeling The Love
Remember that time the electricity went out and Laura couldn’t do the comment awards? Happy Friday!
Queer Girl City Guide: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albuquerque: hard to pronounce, impossible to spell, easy to love.
Pretty Little Liars Recap 305: That Girl is Poison in Your Drink
Emily wears a tie and Paige gets wipeout wasted. It’s all just spectacular.
Also. Also. Also: Coming Out Associated With Better Health And Other Things We Missed
Boston University released a study suggesting that supportive parents improve long-term health for LGBT individuals. Also, what’s a Krisbian?
Don’t Forget to Vote for Autostraddle in the 2012 Bloggies
Voting is still open for the 2012 Weblog Awards. Please vote for Autostraddle. I’m using my manners.