Results for: a camp
Freelance Graphic Designer: The Kit
Stick it to the man and be your own boss! These are the resources and inspiration I use most often for designing and freelance.
The Real L Word’s Nikki & Jill Are Having a Baby: The Autostraddle Interview
Jess chats with the couple about camp, the reality TV experience, the upcoming election, finding an anonymous sperm donor, Smash, Oprah, their Real L Word comrades and — in an Autostraddle exclusive — the sex of their baby, due in October!
Faraway Friends With Pens: A Look At Letters And Notes
What do you do when you love people who live far away? You break out your best stationery and write a friendship into existence, obviously.
Read a F*cking Canadian Book, Eh: Shani Mootoo’s “Cereus Blooms at Night”
“We sat reading on the rooftop for hours, only stopping when the sound of a train drowned out our voices.”
It’s Not Me, It’s Them: On Wanting To Break Up With Facebook
Facebook has locked me out of my account for being a part of a peaceful, compliant, and legal protest in Washington, DC.
Romney Receives Low Ratio of Applause to Boos at the NAACP Convention
In which the audience applauded upholding traditional family and booed the elimination of Obamacare, and Mitt Romney remained an idiot.
B&B Stands for Bigoted & Bitchy When the Owner Hates Gay People
Innkeepers are using their title of Boss to freely discriminate against patrons and spew hate on religious grounds. Luckily brave individuals are calling them out and you can too.
The Comment Awards Can’t Help But Smile
Have I told you lately that I love you? All of you? Because I do.
VIDEO: Our New Webseries “Words With Girls” Is Here, Now Co-Starring Hannah Hart!
Remember that webseries Brittani created and Sarah Croce directed? It’s back. Words With Girls Episode 2 now available for your face with some surprise Hannah Hart action.
Watch Out For Radfem Scorpions
Not into all the transphobia that radfems have to offer? Enter the Radfem Scorpion!
“A Girl And Her Room” In Four Parts
“This project is about teenage girls and young women at a transitional time of their lives, alone in the privacy of their own personal space and surroundings: their bedroom, a womb within the outside world.”
The Comment Awards Are Ready To Heat Things Up
It’s been a rainy, windy week, but the promise of the Hot 100 looming on the horizon is enough to warm things up.
Sunday Funday Loves Brunch, Hip-Hop, Gay People, Koalas, Life
This week, rappers came out against homophobia, laws were passed that made us better off around the world, and a baby koala lived. I said “baby koala.”
Glee 402 Recap: Britney 2.NO
This week on Glee, Brittany had a mental breakdown and ate a lot of Cheese Puffs. Sponsored by Crayola.
Even Exodus International Doesn’t Want to Talk About “Curing” Gays Anymore
Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International and married to Leslie Chambers with two adopted children, now says his group will no longer operate around claims of being able to “cure” anyone.
How The South Made Me A Queer Feminist
In the rural South, the word “tomboy” is basically a euphemism for “She’s genderqueer, and she may or may not grow out of it. Hell if we know.”
The Comment Awards Are Having All The Feelings
Everyone loves everybody. Seriously.
Playlist: Have You Seen My Whiskey Canteen, Let’s Go Camping
Marshmallows, campfires, single-ply biodegradable toilet paper and songs.
Top 10 Childhood “Sports” I Still Wanna Play
Remember that giant rainbow parachute? Me too!
Banned Cub Scout Troop Leader Jennifer Tyrrell Isn’t Giving Up: The Autostraddle Interview
The Boy Scouts of America decided to keep their anti-gay ban, while Jennifer Tyrrell keeps fighting. “How dare someone tell a mother they can’t be a part of their child’s life?”