Results for: a camp
The Comment Awards Are Getting Married
Will you marry us?
Playlist: Crystal and Somer’s Music Hangout
A DJ battle on a mountain top.
Autostraddle Calendar Girls 2014: Drea is Miss July
July is smokin’ hot with Drea and her musical poetry and haikus! You won’t know if you want to be her or be with her, you know? Luckily there’s an questionnaire at the end.
Defining For My Own “Right” Way To Be A Mom
“As a lesbian mom, it was especially hard to fight the urge to do the “right” thing, however slippery a concept that was, because I was representing a community, not just myself, I thought.”
How “Real” Is “Orange Is The New Black”? Comparing The Show To The Memoir To The Numbers
A look at the stories behind the stories and the humans behind the characters and the numbers behind those stories in everybody’s favorite lezalicious prison dramedy.
Straddler On The Street: Grace from Best Day Project
“…I questioned whether or not Autostraddle is a lesbian cult and if it isn’t, how I’m going to deal with my like peaking.” Want to know the context of this sentiment? You need to read this interview and meet Grace.
Glee 503 Recap: Quarterback (Emotional Upheaval 100%)
In which Kate takes over the Gleecap for a week and is unsure how to recap a tribute episode
The Comment Awards Are Ready For Summer
Recamps, a queerific Miley Cyrus video and an apology from Exodus International. It’s been a good week!
Team Pick: 100 Most Stylish dapperQs Features Autostraddle’s Gabby, Katrina & Kate!
Mondays are really hard so let’s all take a break and enjoy the glorious gift that is The 100 Most Stylish dapperQs.
Your Weekend iOS 7 Guide and Feelings Atrium
Verdict: iOS 7 is sexy.
10 iOS Games for Your Long-Distance Relationship
And other similar two/multi-player type situations, because being on different continents shouldn’t get in the way of Boggle. (Bonus! Featuring the worst drawing of Brooklyn ever, courtesy of yours truly.)
37 Books By, For, or About Bisexual or Otherwise Non-Monosexual People
Here you’ll find academic books and nonfiction books documenting the experiences of bisexual people, fiction or memoir that depicts bisexual people and a few online resources!
“The Fosters” Episode 106 Recap: Houses of Horrors
In which there is a party, halibut, and a knock at the door.
American Horror Story Episode 308 Recap: The Sacred Faking
“Apparently the witches’ journey to New Orleans was just like the Oregon Trail, only with less fiber and more smelly vaginas! This fucking show, you guys. This. Fucking. Show.”
Team Pick: DeAnne Smith Debuts Her Brand New Podcast, It’s Smart And Perfect
“I hope nobody’s listening.” – DeAnne Smith
Our Top 10 Favourite Introverts
Introverts! We’ve everywhere. Here are some of our most loved, fictional and real.
Ode to My Pack Sack: Coffee
If you make a better cup of coffee, you can stay conscious enough to learn how to make a better cup of coffee.
Let’s Talk About Fictional Kickass Heroines: Katniss, Xena, Buffy and More
Here at Autostraddle, we love kickass women. We’re presenting a list of 20 of our favorite kickass fictional heroines as a way to jumpstart this feelingsfest and leaving the rest up to you!
The Poet and the Scientist: The Concrete Jungle and the Garden State
Sure enough, New York City wasn’t short on lovely homoqueers, breakfast pastries, and our new favorite brunch food, bagels!
“Orange Is The New Black” Episode 112 Recap: Typical Lesbian Processing
This episode’s theme is “people are mad at Piper and we don’t really blame them that much” and I know y’all agree.