Hello, woman warriors! Happy #TellAFeministThankYou day! Is there one specific feminist on Twitter who changed your life? Thus far the empowered women of the world have seemingly joined together in a unanimous lovefest. I even got a few messages of thanks myself, which is weird because I always feel bad for my followers who expect feminism and queer liberation in their feeds and receive Frank Ocean lyrics instead. Meanwhile, I spent the morning like oh my god who do I even thank where do I even begin.
So many badass chicks write important and smart words on the Internet!
I’ve been a feminist since birth, but I began to self-identify with the word around the age of 13 or 14. I’ve been a troublemaker ever since, and over the years I’ve worshipped at the altars of Hillary Clinton, Angela Davis and Nancy Schwartzman. My feminism is intersectional and encompasses all the other movements I love: my feminism is about fat acceptance, single moms, queer liberation, the end of racism, and the close of the class war. My feminism is about the interconnectedness of oppression, and the important role women in every community play in transforming feminism and contributing to feminist thought. My feminism is about womanism, about every religion, about bringing back in every woman who’s ever been isolated or estranged from the movement, about transforming the world into a place where gender equity doesn’t feel far away or impossible and human beings can live authentically every day – and doing it together, with everyone’s input.
Autostraddle is one of my favorite feminist spaces and schools of feminist thought, but I’m biased. From day one we’ve described ourselves as a feminist blog AND a queer-lady blog, but The Makers of The Lists of Feminist Blogs seem unable to see past our queerness into our feministyness, and today we want to be extra loud and proud about our feminist goals!
But today I also want the world to give thanks to all of the feminist thinkers tweeting in the name of progressive women’s equality, a broader and more diverse feminism, and a more healed universe. It’s the 21st century, and feminism is big now – so don’t miss out on these standout contributors to the revolution!
Bevin Branlandingham / @queerfatfemme: A “rad warrier for self-acceptance.” In other words, a complete and total badass babe.
Bitch Magazine / @bitchmedia – We could talk about how much we love these bitches all day, and at times – we have!
Crunk Feminist Collective / @crunkfeminists: This feminist theory is not for your grandma’s sorority girls, unless they, too, were also “hip hop generation feminists of color.”
Gradient Lair / @GradientLair: A little bit of everything from a black woman’s perspective – including womanism.
Glennisha Morgan / @GlennishaMorgan: The woman and writer who covers exclusively women emcees. Now that is a bad bitch move if I ever saw one. She’s even written for us, here!
Greta Christina / @GretaChristina: Greta Christina is a badass sex-positive atheist feminist, bi-dyke, self described “rabble-rouser” and “firebrand” and an outspoken advocate for sex workers and LGBT folks. Her blog at Freethought promises “atheism, sex, politics, dreams and whatever.”
Jamia Wilson / @jamiaw: A faithful and spirited voice for the feminist movement, Jamia uses the word “sister” a lot and is the kindest soldier I’ve met thus far.
Jamie J. Hagen / @Jamiejhagen: Jamie’s is the most legitimately feminist-focused Twitter feed I follow. I have become smarter just by being her friend on the Internet.
Julia Serano / @JuliaSerano: Author of “Whipping Girl,” pioneer of the term “trans misogyny” and undoubtedly one of the biggest forces expanding the big brain of Collective Feminist Thought.
Kate Bornstein / @katebornstein: Gender outlaw and unabashedly human educator on the issues of gender, sex, and how we live through both of them.
Kaye Toal / @ohkayewhatever: Progressive gatekeeper at UpWorthy and writer of Big Fat Feminist. Hilarious and occasionally misandrist in all of the best ways.
Margaret Cho / @margaretcho: A funny queer woman with an agenda. An agenda you love. I don’t see what’s wrong here.
Melissa Campbell / @pluralisms: Occasional tweets about bro culture from the wrangler of teens for the SPARK Summit.
Melissa Gira Grant / @melissagira: Outspoken advocate for sex workers, professional writer of feelings, and the only person more nostalgic about the Internet than you.
Miriam Zoila Pérez / @miriamzperez: A former editor of feministing and the founder of RadicalDoula.com, which addresses the intersections of birth activism and social justice from a doula’s perspective.
Mona Eltahawy / @monaeltahawy: Egyptian activist who often tweets from prison – because she’s often at the front lines of the revolution.
Nancy Schwartzman / @fancynancynyc: My mentor, and a fabulous feminist filmmaker.
Pam Spaulding / @pamspaulding: One of, if not the, most important lesbian blogger of all time.
Shakesville / @NQDTR: Because who doesn’t love the fuck out of Shakesville?! We want to paste this on the front of our website as required reading for all commenters and every day we bless them for writing it.
Shelby Knox / @ShelbyKnox: Star of a documentary by the time she graduated high school and perhaps the only human on Earth capable enough to bring sex education and gay rights dialogue to Texas (as a teen, nonetheless), Shelby remains just as prominent, important, and impressive today as she did back then.
Spectra Speaks / @spectraspeak: “Queer Nigerian Afrofeminist” and “Idealist Warrior Woman” are two of the best phrases on Earth, and both apply here, so.
womanistmusings / @womanistmusings: The web’s best spot for all things Womanist, a term first used by author Alice Walker to describe “flack feminists or feminists of color,” coming out of the failure of mainstream feminism to address issues faced by women of color.
Who are you thanking today? Did you know my two favorite people on Twitter are Eileen Myles and Drake? What feminist twitters and blogs should we all be reading? Tell me in the comments!
Oh man I don’t have twitter but if I did I would say a big gracias to all of these ladies and also to my sister, who is in the middle of designing costumes for a play she wrote herself based on feminist versions of fairy tales. feminist theater for the win!
This is some shameless self-promotion, but I contribute to the Oklahomans for Reproductive Justice blog at http://www.ok4rj.org, @ok4rj. If are you into Southern, queer, red state, or feminist activism, it might be your thing.
My mom’s not on the Twitters, but I took the opportunity to thank her anyways.
you’re welcome!
today i thanked sally kohn and she replied and thanked me for thanking her and it was wonderful.
I love that this was trending on twitter! I have a list of badass humans on my wall that I draw from. It’s so important to recognize and remember important feminists.
I do get a little squirmy about celebrating misandry though, even though it is not really for serious, misandry is explicitly not what feminism is about and it makes me kinda :/ when people use it as a self-identifier or see it as positive.
You might mention that it was melissa mcewan at shakesville who started this trend! :)
Only a few months late… that’s ok. I want to thank the unfuckwithable Clementine Ford. Her articles are hard hitting, inspirational and hilarious. I hope she never stops writing. @clementine_ford
Feminist are women supremacyst undercovered.