Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Praz and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Anna!

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This whole comic is gold, but the last panel is damn near perfect. I died laughing.
So good!
So gay so good.
Hopefully next time I cry I will remember to refer to it as RALLYING! It’s so tru! :^D
I would love for this to catch on!
So great!
Holy shit I relate. I was literally sick and tired for the last 40-some days of 2015, but I was always like, I NEED TO DO ALL THE THINGS. THE GAL PALS ARE WAITING FOR ME!!
I was also really sick and was like: Must drag this gross zombie body to the bar.
It me
Scout was really good at looking after Andy. If anyone has a free Scout going I might need that sort of comfort tomorrow after work, cheers.
I want a shirt that says ‘not urs’ too!
Can relate to the vibrator part though. Not the other panels. Just the vibrator part. #lesbiandeathbed
This was perfect and exactly what I needed to read today.
omg i feel this on such a deep level, i have the hardest time admitting when i need to stay in and chill
I love this one and can so relate
“The challenge for you is to let your inner introvert out!”
Ha ha! That was fun. :)