Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Praz and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Anna!

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im such a taylor i almost feel like this was a call out post!
love this group of pal
alaina i was seriously thinking the exact same thing when i read taylors bio. i was like “inspired by alaina monts?” hahahaha
Loved it!
But I read ‘pa’ instead of ‘pal’ and was quite amazed to see Gwens young-looking father being in grad school asking people about identity. Must read a bit closer next time!
I did this too!
Ha ha HA This is because I have terrible handwriting! Sorry!
This was hilarious!
I am a Gwen SO HARD
I actually do drink cosmos unironically
I already commented on @whiskeyghost ‘s FB link, but im Scout, minus the bike grease
Love the tag yourself section :p I’m half Taylor but mostly Scout. Side note, someone bring me a burrito.
I’d eat a burrito right now.
I am definitely an Ari. Not sure what to do with this information.
I am definitely an Ari and I am just going to continue as I was, quietly enjoying my introversion.
What else is there to do but THRIVE AND CELEBRATE YOURSELF in an introverted way.
I’m a Taylor/Ari mashup:
-Stands awkwardly in the back at parties, analyzing everyone
-More into bookshelves than beer pong
-Quietly sassy – so quietly nobody hears me
Ohmigod – that’s me. I thought I was an Ari, but I’m a Taylor/Ari mix.
Taylor/Ari mixes Unite!
Tayri solidarity. Let’s all stand around leafing through books to avoid eye contact, and making in-jokes with ourselves that nobody else would find funny.
omg I love this! haha
Oh, yes, so familiar
omg yes so glad you included the tag urself bit! i’m defo an andy/scout combo i think <3
that is a good combo to be!
I am bike grease
I’m such an Ari my soul hurts. Keep making awesome comics!
Aw this is like the buzzfeed quiz I’m always hoping for
For a moment I thought about making a buzzed-like quiz, something clickable, but then was like WHY am I making life more difficult for myself?? Maybe someday!
I am one hundred percent Taylor, like I’ve had this exact conversation albeit at a finals-are-over party
ohhhh noo hahaha!
So Ari it hurts. Are they my true soul mate? Is my soul mate a 2d illustration? who knows
As someone who spends most of their time with these 2-D illustrations and spends a lot of time thinking and daydreaming about them and basically has some sort of relationship with all of them, THIS IS A TOTALLY NORMAL THING DON’T WORRY.
So Ari it hurts. Are they my true soul mate? Is my soul mate a 2d illustration? who knows
Sigh I’m such a Scout
Also kinda an Ari except that I despise brunch with all of my heart and soul
why do you hate brunch? :^D
Do you hate brunch because you think it’s 10am fancy clothes and fancy day old food?
Because it doesn’t have to be.
Brunch can be at 2 in the afternoon scrambled eggs, pancakes and steak tips at IHOP.
Brunch can be pizza at 10:30am.
So many things brunch can be.
I hate brunch because I need to eat IMMEDIATELY UPON WAKING (which I do in the morning, at Normal Breakfast Time) and can’t day drink in any capacity without getting a monster headache
If I don’t eat immediately upon waking, my Adderall hits, and by brunch time there is nothing I want to do less than sit around and watch a bunch of meat eaters freak out over eggs and bacon / pay someone to make them literally the easiest to make foods
Okay but how do you feel about pancakes, waffles or pain perdu for lunch?
That is actually all I want to know and care about.
How is it that I studied French for 18 years and have a degree in French and used to teach French immersion and live in a country where French is one of the official languages and I didn’t know until just now that “pain perdu” is the French word for French toast?
I also hate brunch because I eat fast and dislike eye contact (sitting across from someone at a restaurant = what do with eyes??) and I also hate loud places and also ALSO hate over-eating
Everything about brunch is the awful worst, The End
I feel like this is a great recipe for having a lovely Anti-Brunch: only hard-to-make complicated food (Hollandaise sauce?), nice and quiet and possibly in lovely solitude, no booze required, just the right amount and timing of food.
I want all of these hahah.
@chandra yeah because its bread you would toss! Lost (To Stale-ness) Bread
I like breakfast foods in morning and I like breakfast foods at night but I don’t like them around noon
I’m vegan so over half of brunch is just stuff I can’t eat
Lunch is peak Adderall time, so I usually eat a piece of toast with jam or peanut butter; eating in the middle of the day just isn’t my thing
“I identify as a cis queer femme who will make out with basically anyone” … I FEEL SO UNDERSTOOD
Andy always and forever. black, genderqueer, and great with moms. sleeves are the only thing that can bring me down. and my tender tender heart.
Your comment makes my (also very tender) heart so happy. Also. FUCK SLEEVES, RIGHT!?!
Hmm. I’m a Taylor/Ari. One partner is a Scout, the other a Taylor (and finishing grad school).
In fact, my Scout was just covered in bicycle grease two days ago. Shorts, tank top, and had no idea how sexy she was.
So lucky to have a Taylor and Scout in your life!!
I am! They’re exhausting sometimes, but they’re everything to me! :D
I am the weirdest combination of Scout and Gwen. I also drinks Cosmos unironically, have contagious enthusiasm, and know how to accessorize, but am also FEELINGS 24/7, a total lightweight, and a burrito addict.
honestly, you sound like a lot of fun to hang out with!
I’m definitely a Scout, minus the can’t hold their liquor part as I can hold my liquor quiet well thank you. I do also drinks cosmos un-ironically from time to time.
Adorbs. :D
I would love to watch Scout sincerely drinking cosmos
Scout. Honestly, what a compliment. I wish I had a badge.
I wish I had a badge to give you!!
I’ve been laughing at that panel where Andy says “also I think we should hang out some more” for like 10 minutes omg all of their faces
YESSSSSssssss I feel like there are so many train wreck situations that are going to come from this friendship!
I am a Scout-Ari-Taylor: all the feelings, some of the bike grease; bookshelf-ogling, awkwardly geeky, quietly sassy proud introvert. I just wish I shared Scout’s ability to look awesome in tacky snap backs
Hi we are twins
honestly the snap back skill is something I don’t have either! I only have one hat that I look even sort of good in. I suffer.
I love everything going on here <3 I already said on Twitter, but I am so so so Ari!!! with a bit (a lot) of Scout's insecurity and general nervousness about dating/flirting. They are my two favorite characters so I'm happy with that!
I totally see you as a combo of the two!
I’m a Taylor with a bit of Andy
What is this even like?!? I’m so curious!
Soooo Gwen, so so Gwen.
I want to be an Andy.. But I’m such a Taylor it’s not even funny
hahaha Andy isn’t that great… You’re not missing out! ;P
@carules yer Scout ???
yuuuuup, tho also i want to look at all the bookshelves and be quietly sassy. just need a good gwen to date hahaha
but also i need to be friends with taylors because it is very important to me that people admire my bookshelves i do not have such great taste in books for no one to notice you know!
YES RIGHT?! What’s the point of owning so many wonderful books if NO ONE NOTICES!
I am a mix between Gwen and Taylor- it IS possible. This was a really good one- kudos!
thank you!!
I am the most judgemental Ari, for sure.
tbh I love Ari BECAUSE she is so judgmental!
I’m pretty much solidly Scout but swapping out bike grease with river grime. But also definitely a bit of Taylor mixed in as well.
Covered in river grime and not realizing how sexy it is!
I think I mostly identify as “none of your (fucking) business” with a side of “crying in public bathrooms” “100% monogamous” and “awkward at parties – so Ari / Scout / Taylor
Gah, I love this. TAYLOR right here.
I moved in January and judge myself for the paucity of books I now own…
Keep doing the awesome work you do, makes my month!
Lol @ the person who got so upset at a friendly inquiry about their dislike of brunch ahahaha! I love us queer folk but damn do we ever catch extreme feelings about things quickly.
So Scout it hurts lol. Minus the bike grease but you could replace that with paint.
I have escaped Gradschool but I am still taylor
Love this comic strip. I’m a Scout-Taylor combo, replacing bike grease with flour. Not sure it’s sexy though…
Basically entirely a Taylor without the excuse of grad school. Always wished I were an ari, always have crushes on ari-types, and in fact my wife is so definitely an ari.
I’m definitely a Taylor, grad school and all, that could be an Ari if I could get out of my head. I have an entire shelf of queer and feminist theory, but zero theories on my own actual identity.
I am such a Gwen personality…with a bit of Taylor’s theory-soaked brain.
I feel like a combo between Ari and Taylor. Quiet, in grad school, awkward at parties, loves brunch. My name is literally Ariel Taylor, so it fits.
I’m somewhere between Scout and Taylor. Total awkward bookworm, but love getting my hands dirty. Along with all the feels, “slight” burrito addiction, and not holding my booze.
Great comic! :-D
I have Scout’s constant feelings-fest and Taylor’s constant analysis, paired with Andy impulses that come out when I let my guard down and relax.
Yep, I’m Ari, no doubt about it.
I’m pretty much a hybrid Andy-taylor. It’s really not a good look