Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Praz and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Anna!

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Ugh I so relate! Like when my straight friends brag about how many lesbians hit on them?
I AM a lesbian and lesbians don’t hit on me, how does that work universe?!? Huh? Tell me!
There is something about being unavailable that seems to still be so attractive to so many people. No men ever noticed me when I thought I was bi, but since I realized I was gay THERE’S NO END TO THE MALE ATTENTION. It’s really fucked up. And the women I know who have the most lesbian sex are invariably the ones who ID as straight.
Haha I needed this so much right now. Confidence slowly building. Thank god I just moved to New York so statistically any girl I approach is more likely to be into girls or at least flattered
yesss! <3 <3
Loved this!
I am so Scout! Too accurate…
Me too. I think the trajectory is: you start off as Gwen, but you become Scout. :)))
hahah so true!
The what was the first thing you did when you came out, “throwing up on myself” had me LOLOLOLOL for a bit.
That’s totes what happened to one of my friends when she finally came out to herself. The throwing up part, not the LOLing. ;)
I am Gwen! Except that I’ve never dated anyone of either sex. I’ve been on first dates and one second date but that’s it!!! I really wish there was some kind of universal code signal for “I’m a queer lady come over and let’s talk” :(
If someone wore this tshirt, I would 100% come say hey :D
This is so me that now I’m worried that someone is spying on me
At least I threw up in the toilet when I came out. :D
I’m sorry, but Gwen is me. You don’t know how magical it is to realize for the first time that if you just go to queer parties, you can just go ahead and hit on EVERY WOMAN THERE. I’m sure it will wear off but in the meantime I’m gonna get as many phone numbers as possible
I hope we see more of Gwen in future comics!
you will!
Yeah I’m a Gwen
I so related to Gwen in the first panels, but not later Gwen.
me too.
I just had a flirty conversation about espresso martinis with the cute girl at my local supermarket, then I sent my mate back in with a folded up note, containing an awkward cartoon of me and my phone number…NOW I’M WAITING. AGGGGGH!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does stuff like this…
The first week I came out, I gave my number to a waitress.
Surprisingly, she never called. :)
I hope yours goes better!!
Go you!
Hitting on service workers is really high in difficulty – I’ve waited tables, worked at bars and been a barista, so I know how hard it is for people to distinguish between my “friendly girl at the counter” persona and flirting! Don’t worry if you don’t get a call or text. Just know that it was good practice in putting yourself out there! ? ? ?
Oh and I like the way you handled this, too. The note is low-key, it sounds cute to draw a cartoon of you on it, and you didn’t put her on the spot at her job. Perfect!
Efffffff I am totally this empowered person’s ex right now–and I am John.
Yay! Thank you so much for this, it’s totally awesome in its awesomeness!
The first part of this comic is all me and then the second part is all how I wish things would happen. Once again, I’m convinced you live in my head.
Fantastic comic, as always! <3
Hahaha too scared to meet people. That’s me. :( In my head I’m totally Gwen though.
Ahahaha, I was 100% Gwen about a month ago! Except I was talking to a straight male friend, which was obviously not as great as this.
oh my goodness that was delightful.
This comic was like a sigh of relief. My favourite 2D characters made me feel SEEN. Cept it has been two years since I came out and I’m still scared. Any Gwens in Paris that want to teach me that kinda confidence?!
But thank-you Anna. Always look forward to your comics.
I loved your blog’m sharing
Congratulations, you are an excellent cartoonist!
Perfect! Congratulations!