Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Praz and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Megan!

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Megan Prazenica is an animator/artist from Pittsburgh, PA. She now lives LA and life has been interesting ever since. When Megan isn't making art comics, or video games, she can be found wrecking havoc on the ultimate frisbee field as her alter-ego, "Bacon." Catch up with her on her website, her tumblr or tweet @MeganPraz.
Megan has written 42 articles for us.
Yep, this is me.
I just like playing devils advocate when reading and discussing political arguments on facebook. Other than that, I try to stay away from them because I start to binge read them.
This was me yesterday. Every article was too stressful to read, even if I agreed with the author’s argument. So I’ve been digging through the Autostraddle archives instead, including re-reading Audrey White and Anna Archie’s “Naughty Lesbian Scenes” from a few weeks ago. Which is maybe NSFW? http://www.autostraddle.com/naughty-lesbian-scenes-354544/
Yeah, I’m so ready for this to be over. I’d at least like to know what the fallout from all this is going to be, so I can deal with that. Regardless of who wins, we’ve exposed deep, ugly divisions in the polity that are not going away any time soon. Hatred has been emboldened.
I already know who I’m voting for at the top of the ticket, as I refuse to indulge the choice of bad and worse any further, but as for the rest of the ballot, I did my research a bit the other day, because there are a lot more things to vote for than just the presidency. I saw that I will have the great honor to vote against both the terrible Richard Shelby and the even worse Mo Brooks, even though they will both surely be re-elected. In all other local offices, I’ll probably vote for the Democrat, simply because this state pretty much has one-party GOP rule and that’s quite bad. But what took the most effort was pawing through the eight kabillion ballot measures, mostly constitutional amendments, to figure out what they were saying and which way I felt like going on it.
I urge everyone voting to read their state’s ballot initiatives very carefully and try to get a handle on their context as well (i.e. why this is even being proposed). Oftentimes the language is arcane and absurd and you aren’t even sure which option, yes or no, represents your choice! I’m saying this as someone with an advanced degree and no shortage of exposure to legalese. Get you a plain-language explanation of all the ballot initiatives and constitutional amendments you may be voting for. Your vote for those may end up mattering more than any vote you cast for an office.
Hee, reminds me of why I try avoid political stuff as much as possible. And then I only have to deal with alcohol-related hangovers, with more fun the night before (well, for me at least :p).
Try making GOTV calls or knocking on doors instead! Hillary’s campaign makes it very easy for you — you don’t have to interact with Trump supporters, just reminding other Democrats where and when they can vote. Or if you’d rather think local, there are tons of amazing progressives running for local and state office that could definitely use your help!
Taking actual steps towards a better outcome for the election is the best way to stop from drowning in a sea of hypothetical election result thinkpieces and polling margin-of-error arguments.
As a non-American, all I can do is read – this exact hangover is what I woke up with today, having consumed most of the links in yesterday’s round up!
I don’t need to read any articles or piece, I know history and human nature.
With the win or loss of either side things might get very very ugly and I want y’all to be aware of your surroundings as much as you can.
Certain types will be coming out the woodworks and they won’t just be tossing slurs.
Check your local laws before buying any items for self defense.
THIS IS MY LIIIIIIIIIFE. Thank god roller derby championships are this weekend so I can have a disctration for a few days.
And you guys, trust me, it’s FIFTY THOUSAND TIMES WORSE when you are Canadian and CAN’T vote! I want to help prevent a Trump presidency too, but literally the most helpful thing I can do is share articles on Facebook!
I’m so stressd bout the election and I don’t even live in the u.s. lol. I gambled muny (free bets for joining online gambling sites) so if trump wins I get £230 but I don’t want him 2 win. N if he don’t win all dem white supremacist terrorists will still b dangerous af.. N all the racism N fascism in my country (u.k.) from brexit is gettin crazy as f*ck. Politicians N newspapers, like Hitler, r calling judges “enemies of da ppl” N ish. I’ve actually been in bed sleepin str8 fo 60 hours (until now) cuz of mi depression anxiety psychosis n paranoid personality disorder.. exacerbated by u.s. & u.k. politix! smh lol. which is surely nuts no? As usual I ain’t gna b able 2 read if there was any replies, 2 dis comment, cuz of my illnesses. I’m on hella seroquel mirtazipine N citalopram but they don’t help much. Thank God dat in couple days it’s all ova lol :0) N thank yu fo nsfw Sunday fo lite relief :0)
This is the truest of true things for me right now.
I loathe the coworker who told me about 538.
Also, I don’t because he is really nice. But I am bitter about it.
Is Hillary worse?
I had a lady friend getaway weekend in Greenport a few months ago and am still kicking myself for not buying one.